
  • 网络Environmental Sustainability;Environment Sustainability
  1. 美国的承诺呼应了本届世博会的基本主题,“城市,让生活更美好”(BetterCity,BetterLife)。该主题高度强调了世博会倡导环境可持续性的信息。

    The U.S.commitment is in alignment with the key theme of the Expo ," Better City , Better Life ", which gives great prominence to the environmental sustainability message of the Expo .

  2. AdrianEly和KevinUrama呼吁建立以多样性、减贫和环境可持续性为核心的创新政治。

    Adrian Ely and Kevin Urama call for a new politics of innovation built around diversity , poverty reduction and environmental sustainability .

  3. 基于LCA框架的城市水系统环境可持续性评价方法

    Evaluation of environmental sustainability for urban water systems based on LCA framework

  4. 在卖场方面我们在进行PSP计划,即个人可持续发展计划,这个计划鼓励沃尔玛的员工在环境可持续性发展和个人健康等方面有所建树。

    At the store level , we have what are called PSPs , which are Personal Sustainability Programs which encourage Wal-Mart employees to embrace a cause in areas such as environmental sustainability or personal health .

  5. 湿地水环境可持续性度量指标体系的构建研究

    Establishment of Index System of Sustainability Measurement on Wetland Water Environment

  6. 哥斯达黎加在教育、医疗和环境可持续性上处于领先水平,

    Costa Rica has prioritized education , health and environmental sustainability ,

  7. 水污染防治政策对台湾水环境可持续性的影响

    Effects of Water Pollution Control Policy on Sustainability of Taiwan Water Environment

  8. 引入环境可持续性以及节约资源的理念。

    Idea of environmental sustainability and resources saving are imported into architectural education .

  9. 反贫困与生态环境可持续性若干问题研究

    Study on Some Problems of Anti-Poverty and Eco-environment Sustainability

  10. 珠江三角洲城市水系统的环境可持续性评价

    Assessment of Environmental Sustainability of Urban Water System in The Pearl River Delta

  11. 如何获得利益与保持环境可持续性成为企业面临的一个新的难题。

    How to gain benefits and keep sustainable development becomes a new problem .

  12. 主成分分析法在太湖流域水环境可持续性评价中的应用

    Application of Principal Component Analysis in Water Environment Sustainability Evaluation of Tai Lake Basin

  13. 最后,清洁家用能源,可有助于确保实现环境可持续性(千年发展目标7)。

    Finally , clean household energy can help ensure environmental sustainability ( MDG7 ) .

  14. 基于环境可持续性的企业战略绩效管理体系

    Strategic performance management system based on environmental sustainability

  15. 环境可持续性指数:尝试评价国家或地区环境可持续能力的指标

    Environmental Sustainability Index : Evaluate the Index of Environmental Sustainable Ability of Countries or Areas

  16. 环境可持续性继续受到严重威胁,但同时也存在全球行动的成功范例

    Major trends that threaten environmental sustainability continue , but examples of successful global action exist

  17. 接下来还有如何以环境可持续性方式发展的问题。

    Then there is the question of how to grow in an environmentally sustainable fashion .

  18. 在促进环境可持续性的同时减少全球贫穷是我们时代的道德要求。

    Reducing global poverty while promoting environmental sustainability is the moral imperative of our age .

  19. 一套好的指标包含了经济和环境可持续性的理念。

    A good set of metrics captures the notion of economic as well as environmental sustainability .

  20. 加拿大政府大力支持那些合法、人道和具备环境可持续性的海豹捕猎行为。

    The Canadian Government fully supports the legal , humane and environmentally sustainable harvesting of seals .

  21. 浙江省滩涂围垦生态环境可持续性发展的评价指标及策略初探

    Index system of ecological impact assessment and strategies for sustainable development of tidal flat reclamation in Zhejiang Province

  22. 美国馆计划在世博会所有的重要阶段履行对环境可持续性的承诺,其中包括

    The USA Pavilion plans to achieve this environmental sustainability commitment during all key phases of the Expo , including

  23. 在快速城市化的今日中国,他的作品因极具美感和环境可持续性而饱受赞誉。

    His work was commended for being aesthetically striking and environmentally sustainable at a time of fast-paced urbanization in China .

  24. 环境可持续性:我们支持建设可持续环境的努力,我们的项目侧重于帮助建设具有可持续性并能适应气候变化的城市。

    Environmental Sustainability : We are supporting environmental sustainability through programs that focus on creating sustainable and climate resilient cities .

  25. 更具环境可持续性、更加公平的局面,将缓解社会忧虑,而更高的消费将缓解全球贸易紧张。

    More environmentally sustainable and equitable outcomes would ease popular concerns and higher consumption would ease tensions over global trade .

  26. 政府投资项目的评估还需要慎重考虑可持续性的问题,主要包括财务可持续性与环境可持续性的评价。

    In estimate of government investment , people should consider the continuability problem . It includes financial continuable and circumstance continuable .

  27. 认为宜居城市具有整体宜居性、经济高效性、文化多元性、社会和谐性、资源环境可持续性等特征。

    The livable cities should be wholly habitable , economically efficient , culturally diversified , socially harmonious and environmentally feasible and sustainable .

  28. 统筹者将帮助我们解决复杂的社会挑战,比如优质教育、公共健康和环境可持续性发展等。

    It is these individuals who will help us address complex societal challenges like quality education , public health , and environmental sustainability .

  29. 其他目标包括普及小学教育,降低婴幼儿和孕产妇死亡率,确保环境可持续性。

    Some of the other goals include achieving universal primary school education , reducing infant and maternal mortality , and ensuring environmental sustainability .

  30. 只有这样,人类的创造力才可能真正满足减贫、社会正义以及环境可持续性的要求。

    It is only in such ways that human ingenuity may truly meet the imperatives of poverty alleviation , social justice and environmental sustainability .