
jǐnɡ chá fēn jú
  • Police station;police substation;police post;police precinct headquarters
  1. 谋杀案就发生在和警察分局相隔一条街的地方。

    The murder occurred just a block from the precinct .

  2. 他被拖到警察分局,一路上流了大量的血。

    He was dragged off to the police station bleeding profusely .

  3. 警察分局人犯逮捕登记薄

    Us book in which arrest be record at a police station

  4. 6个旅行者被捕并被带到警察分局。

    Six demonstrators were arrested and taken to the police station .

  5. 位于高街街角处的警察分局。

    The police station at the corner of the high street .

  6. 亨利被列入警察分局的黑名单。

    Henry is on the black list at the police station .

  7. 索撒尔警察分局连一个亚洲人也没有招聘到。

    Southall Police Division has failed to sign up one asian .

  8. 我得要求你陪我去一趟警察分局。

    I must ask you to accompany me to the police station .

  9. 一群人聚集在警察分局的前面。

    The crowd assembled in front of the police station .

  10. 犯罪团伙中的6人被关押在警察分局。

    Six of the gangs are in the police station under arrest .

  11. 他在警察分局小牢房度过了一夜。

    He spent the night in the station cell .

  12. 窃贼已带到警察分局。

    The burglar was taken to the local nick .

  13. 在想象中,他已经感觉到警察分局的舒适和温暖了。

    Already he imagined he could feel the cosy warmth of the station-house .

  14. 打给优胜美地警察分局的一通电话破灭了波特和亨特被拘捕的希望。

    A call to the Yosemite dispatcher quickly deflated hope that Potter and Hunt were in custody .

  15. 帕蒂,你在哪儿?仍然没有人接电话,加里只好挂上。于是他拨了警察分局的电话。

    Where are you patty ? With still no answer , Gary hangs up and dials the police department .

  16. 新政府释放了在押犯。人群袭击了警察分局并释放了三名囚犯。

    The prisoners were liberated by the new Government . The crowd attacked the police station and set the three prisoners free .

  17. 她去好莱坞警察分局报过好几次案,但是从来都没被划分为跟踪类犯罪,所以也没有转到我们这里来。

    She went to the police several times , Hollywood station , But it was never classified as stalking , so never made its way to us .

  18. 一个叙利亚警察分局就在爆炸地点旁边,有可能是爆炸目标,但是据报道,大部分遇难者是平民。

    Syrian police precinct borders the site of the explosion , and may have been a possible target , but most of the victims were reportedly civilians .

  19. 雅加达警察局刑事案件分局局长、高级警督克里施纳·穆尔提在接受《雅加达邮报》采访时表示:“我们联系了澳大利亚联邦警察局,因为我们需要一些信息。”

    We have contacted the Australian Federal Police because we need some information , ' the head of Jakarta Police general crime division , Senior Commander Khrisna Murti , told the Jakarta Post .

  20. 两名警察逮捕了他并把他带到了肯辛顿警察分局。

    Two police officers arrested him and took him to Kensington police station .