
  • 网络Presidents of Honduras
  1. 放任的洪都拉斯总统ManuelZelaya昨日踏进自己的国界。

    Exiled Honduran President Manuel Zelaya back at his country 's border yesterday .

  2. 联合国大会的主席说他认为在接下来的几天里对于被驱逐的洪都拉斯总统ManuelZelaya职位的回复已经很临近了。

    The president of the UN General Assembly says he believes the deal is near to restore the ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya to office in the coming days .

  3. 在与洪都拉斯总统的幕僚长奥克塔维奥桑切斯(OctavioSánchez)的一次会晤中,罗默教授向前者呈交了他们的一些研究结果。

    Some of their findings were presented in a meeting Prof Romer had with Octavio S á nchez , chief of staff to the Honduran president .

  4. 洪都拉斯总统被驱逐时间引起拉丁美洲甚至全世界的广泛批评。

    The ousting of the president has drawn widespread criticism across Latin America and the wider world .

  5. 一些相互矛盾的报道称,被流放的洪都拉斯总统曼纽尔·塞拉亚将要流放至墨西哥。

    There are conflicting reports that ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya is about to leave for exile in Mexico .

  6. 洪都拉斯总统塞拉亚说,军方动用武力在深夜将他从住所带走,把穿着睡衣的他送到哥斯达黎加。

    President Zelaya says Honduran troops forcibly removed him from his home in the dead of night and sent him to Costa Rica in his pajamas .

  7. 昨天洪都拉斯总统在军事政变中被驱逐出境,军队逮捕他的时候,他正穿着睡衣,然后被驱逐到了哥斯达黎加。

    The President of Honduras was ousted in a military coup yesterday when troops arrested him in his pyjamas and sent him into exile in Costa Rica .

  8. 被赶下台的洪都拉斯总统穿越了尼加拉瓜国界,美国称这一行动“鲁莽”。

    The ousted president of Honduras has briefly crossed the country 's border with Nicaragua , in a symbolic move the US has described as a " reckless " .

  9. 卡列哈斯是洪都拉斯前总统。

    Mr. Callejas is the former president of Honduras .

  10. 2010年01月28日洪都拉斯当选总统波菲里奥·洛沃27号正式宣誓就职。

    2010-01-28 The Honduran President-elect Porfirio Lobo was officially inaugurated on Wednesday ( Jan.27 ) .

  11. 洪都拉斯临时总统拒绝接受美洲国家的最后通牒,让刚刚被推翻的塞拉亚总统官复原职。

    The interim Honduran president has rejected an ultimatum from American governments to reinstate ousted leader Manuel Zelaya to the presidency .

  12. 历史上的今天-波菲里奥•洛沃•索萨成为总统2010年的今天,波菲里奥•洛沃•索萨成为洪都拉斯新总统,2009年洪都拉斯宪法危机结束。

    Porfirio Lobo Sosa become President 2010 - The 2009 Honduran constitutional crisis ends when Porfirio Lobo Sosa becomes the new President of Honduras

  13. 就在我们在这里聚会的今天,美国现在支持洪都拉斯民选总统复职,尽管他强烈反对美国的政策。

    Even as we meet here today , America supports now the restoration of the democratically-elected President of Honduras , even though he has strongly opposed American policies .

  14. 洪都拉斯临时总统正面对新的国外压力,要他允许塞拉亚总统复职。上星期天,塞拉亚被迫离开了洪都拉斯。

    Interim President Roberto Micheletti is facing new foreign pressure to allow the return of President Manuel Zelaya , who was forced to leave the country on Sunday .

  15. 洪都拉斯被罢黜总统ManuelZelaya昨日设法回国,被临时政府勒令不准其在首都机场着陆。

    In Honduras , the ousted President Manuel Zelaya is vowing to try to return home after the interim government refused to let his plane land in Tegucigalpa yesterday .

  16. 在军事政变中被驱逐接近三个月之后,洪都拉斯被逐总统塞拉亚回国。

    The ousted president of Honduras , Manuel Zelaya , has returned to his country nearly three months after he was expelled in a coup .

  17. 最佳男配角:实事求是的说,过去一年里有个人的境遇一直关系的却是其他人的利益,这就是洪都拉斯遭驱逐总统塞拉亚。

    Best supporting actor : Let 's be honest : One man whose entire year has been a story about other people 's interests is the ousted president of Honduras , Manuel Zelaya . For all his posturing and pontificating , he was never running the show .

  18. 洪都拉斯被罢黜的总统梅内尔·塞拉亚敦促奥巴马采取更多的行动帮助他复位。

    Manuel Zelaya , Honduras 's ousted president , urged Mr Obama to do more to restore him to power .