
  • 网络Flood disaster;flood damage
  1. 然而,二维GIS系统在处理洪涝灾害等自然现象时,往往不能精确反映、分析和显示相关信息。

    However , the two-dimensional GIS system often do not accurately reflect , analyze , and display relevant information in dealing with floods and other natural phenomena .

  2. 城市居民建筑洪涝灾害脆弱性研究初探

    A Review on Vulnerability Assessment of Residential Buildings in Urban Floods

  3. 今年的洪涝灾害,造成粮食颗粒无收。

    This year 's waterlog disaster made the crop unharvestable .

  4. 我们还抵御了严重洪涝灾害,广大军民不畏艰险,同心协力抗洪救灾,努力把损失降到了最低。

    We also defeated severe flooding . With the military and civilians20 heedless of danger and difficulty , and standing21 in unity6 , we managed to minimize the damage of the floods .

  5. 联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会发布的这份报告表示,气候变化将加速水循环,在带来更多强降雨、洪涝灾害的同时也会导致许多地区更加严重的干旱。

    According to the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC ) report , climate change is also intensifying the water cycle , bringing more intense rainfall and associated flooding , as well as more intense drought in many regions .

  6. 基于GIS的松花江干流暴雨洪涝灾害风险评估

    GIS-based Risk Assessment on Rain and Flood Disasters of Songhua River

  7. 基于遥感和GIS的华东区域洪涝灾害动态监测系统的研究和建立

    Development of flood-monitoring system in East China with application of RS and GIS

  8. 基于GIS技术的广东省洪涝灾害风险区划

    GIS-based risk zoning of flood hazard in Guangdong Province

  9. 遥感与GIS支持下的基于网络的洪涝灾害监测评估系统关键技术研究

    Study on the Key Technique for Network-based Flood Disaster 's Monitoring and Evaluating System Using RS and GIS

  10. 洪涝灾害对灾民腹泻影响因素的Logistic回归分析

    Logistic Regression Analysis on the Risk Factors of Diarrhea Among Flood Victims in Disaster Areas

  11. 北京防治洪涝灾害de历史与展望

    History and prospect of prevention and control of flood and water loggings in Beijing region

  12. 基于GIS的汕头市洪涝灾害分析、评估和决策综合系统

    The Integrated Analysis , Assessment and Decision-making System of the Flood and Waterlog Disaster in Shantou City Based on GIS

  13. 基于GIS技术的洪涝灾害风险评估与区划研究&以辽河中下游地区为例

    GIS-based assessment and zoning of flood / waterlogging disaster risk : a case study on middle and lower reaches of Liaohe River

  14. 基于RS与GIS的洪涝灾害损失评估技术方法研究

    A Study on the Technology and Method of Flood and Waterlogging Disaster Loss Assessment Based on RS and GIS

  15. 结果表明,以GIS技术为支持,采用平面模拟方法进行洪水淹没范围和水深分布的模拟是可行的,使遥感监测与一般洪涝灾害损失评估模型比较好地结合,得出更准确的灾情损失评估结果。

    This method combines the remote sensing technology with the model for assessing the flood loss and gives the more precise assessment of the flood loss .

  16. 应用NOAA图像进行大范围洪涝灾害遥感监测的研究

    Study on Macroscopical Flood Hazard Monitoring by Remote Sensing Using NOAA Image

  17. 应用NOAA/AVHRR资料动态监测洪涝灾害的研究

    The Study of Flood ′ s Dynamic Surveying Using NOAA / AVHRR Data

  18. 论文从洪涝灾害的成灾机理和属性特征分析出发,阐述基于RS与GIS的洪涝灾害损失评估的基本原理。

    Through analysising the mechanism and attribute character of flood disaster , The postulate of flood disaster loss assessment is expressed based on the RS and GIS technics .

  19. 文章分析了洞庭湖区洪涝灾害的成因背景,并结合地理信息系统的特点和灾害动态评估的要求,运用GIS技术建立了湖区洪涝灾害损失评估系统。

    This paper analyzes the cause of flood and waterlogged form in Dongting Lake region , designs a flood and waterlogged disaster evaluation system based the geography information system for Dongting Lake region .

  20. 利用GIS和遥感技术相结合的方式进行洪涝灾害灾情调查和损失评估,可以采用一种新的方法&洪涝灾害承灾极限估算法。

    For the investigation of disaster condition and loss estimation of flood and waterlogging damages using GIS and remote sensing , a new method can be used , that is , the estimation method of disaster-bearing limitation ( the EMDL ) .

  21. 用NOAA卫星资料对1998年吉林省西部地区洪涝灾害进行了动态监测,并以农田损失为主对灾情进行了评估。

    Flood disaster in the western Jilin Province in 1998 had been monitored by NOAA / AVHRR , its damages , mainly in field losses evaluated .

  22. 其中预测模型介绍了分形方法,运用分式布朗运动模型中的R/S分析对洪涝灾害发生的时间序列进行模拟,计算了H指数值,建立R(τ)/S(τ)的幕函数关系式;

    Forecast model here is division method . It used R / S analysis of Brown Motion Model to simulate the time series of disaster occurrence , computed the H index , and developed the function of R (τ) / S (τ) ;

  23. 本文把灰色系统GM(1,1)预测模型与马尔柯夫链预测方法结合起来对洪涝灾害发生年份的预测模型进行了研究.并获得了令人满意的结果。

    Based on the meteorological data of 853 farm . a new flood year forecast model which combines Grey System Gm ( 1,1 ) Forecast Model with Markov Chaim Forecast Thought has been put forward in this research .

  24. 结合上海市洪涝灾害损失评估模型的研制工作,从GIS的应用开发角度,系统阐述了设计和开发上海市洪涝灾害损失评估系统的步骤和技术特征。

    Based on the study on Shanghai flood damage assessment model , this paper , from the angle of GIS ( Geography Information System ) application , systematically expatiates on the procedure of design and development of the flood damage assessment system and its technical features .

  25. 2003年9月,渭河流域发生了严重的洪涝灾害,洪水泥沙含量高达486kg/m3。准确地对泥沙含量极高的洪水及其淹没区进行快速识别是利用MODIS遥感资料成功进行渭河洪涝灾害监测的关键。

    The Weihe river flood with high bedload content at 486kg / m3 occurred in September 2003.It is the key to identify the flood area with high bedload content in monitoring using MODIS data .

  26. 同期全市HFRS的发病率分别为0.81/10万、0.76/10万。结论洪涝灾害会引起灾区局部鼠密度增加,易引起出血热流行。

    The average incidence in Fuyang prefecture at the same period was 0.81/100000 and 0.76/100000.Conclusion Flood could increase mice density in parts of the flooded area and might lead to prevalence of HFRS .

  27. 论述了ARCSDE的空间数据库解决方案和面向对象的空间数据库模型,分析了基于域和基于对象的数据模型集成原理并将其应用到洪涝灾害背景空间数据库。

    This section discusses the ARC SDE 's method in Spatial Database , analyzes the principles of data model with integrated architecture of field-based model and object-based model . In the end , the model is applied in Flood Disaster Background Spatial Database .

  28. 在研究厄尔尼诺(拉尼娜)事件对黑龙江省低温洪涝灾害影响的基础上,提出一种表征厄尔尼诺的指数(ENI)。

    Through studying the effect of El Nino ( La Nin ) on low-temperature disaster and flood in Heilongjiang province , we defined an ENI to express EI Nino events .

  29. 本研究利用MODIS遥感数据对洪涝灾害进行监测,可作为水利水电工程规划建设及防洪减灾的决策依据,因而具有较大的应用价值。

    This study is provided with great application value , for the flood disaster monitoring based on MODIS data is the basis of layout and construction of hydraulic engineering and hydropower engineering and the basis of decision-making of flood prevention and disasters decrease .

  30. 通过这些措施的实施,可基本消除漓江洪涝灾害而达百年一遇,漓江枯季水量也可望达40~50m3/s,从而基本解决枯季缺水问题。

    The implementation of the mentioned above measures may basically eliminate the flood disasters along Li River , and the flow of Li River in dry seasons may be up to 40 ~ 50 m 3 / s .