
  • 网络flood regulation
  1. 通过对册田水库的洪水调节计算,发现存在的问题,提出了解决问题的方法。

    Through the calculation of flood regulation in Cetian Reservoir , this paper finds some existing problems , and advances some methods for solving these problems .

  2. 洪水调节模型及求解方法

    A Flood Control Model and Its Solving Method

  3. 梯级水库调度在2004年9·8洪水调节中的作用

    Regulating Effect of Three Gorges Cascade Reservoirs in Fighting " 9 · 8 " Flood

  4. 溢洪道闸堰结合的布置与洪水调节方法第五章防汛抗洪

    Layout and storage-routing method of the weir-gateway combination of the spillway Chapter V Flood Control and Flood Fighting

  5. 水库工程在防御洪水调节径流合理利用水资源等方面发挥了巨大的效益,水库库容和淤积量的变化是水利电力部门十分关心的问题。

    Reservoir flood regulating runoff in the rational use of water resources has played an enormous benefit , the storage capacity of the reservoir and siltation volume changes are very concerned about the problem of water conservancy and electric power department .

  6. 岷江流域森林植被对洪水的调节功能分析与研究

    Analysis and Study of Forestry Vegetation Regulating Action on Flood in Minjiang River

  7. 鄱阳湖湿地是国际重要湿地之一,具有生态、水文控制、环境控制三大功能,对调蓄长江洪水、调节气候和保护生物多样性具有重要意义。

    Poyang Lake marsh area is one of the most important international wetlands .

  8. 洞庭湖区湿地的生态环境对调蓄洪水,调节气候,涵养水源,净化水质,维护生物多样性具有重要的作用。

    Ecological environment in Dongting lake marsh area plays an important role in flood storage and regulation , climatic regulation , water conservation and purification , maintenance of biological diversity .

  9. 湿地生态系统是继森林生态系统和陆地生态系统的又一重要的生态系统,在抵御洪水、调节径流、控制污染、调节气候、美化环境、维持全球生态系统的平衡等方面有着举足轻重的作用。

    Wetland ecosystem is an important ecosystem after the forest and land ecosystem , which plays a significant role in defending flood , regulating runoff , controlling contamination , adjusting climate , beautifying environment , sustaining the balance of global ecosystem .

  10. 洞庭湖湿地是我国重要的淡水湖泊湿地之一,其生态环境对调蓄洪水、调节气候、涵养水源、净化水质、维护生物多样性等方面具有重要的作用。

    The wetland in Dongting Lake area is one of the largest fresh water lake wetland in China , its eco-environment plays an important role in flood storage and regulation , climatic regulation , water conservation and purification , maintenance of biological diversity .

  11. 应用ExcelforWin实现水库洪水控制与调节的自动计算

    To apply Excel for win to realize automatic calculate about the flood control of reservoir

  12. 确立了生态资产评估指标体系,主要包括涵养水源、调蓄洪水、气体调节、水质净化、控制侵蚀保护土壤、营养循环等6个方面。

    The main conclusion on this research : ( 1 ) The index system of the wetland ecological assets is established , which include water holding , water regulation , adjusting atmosphere component , water quality decontamination , soil conservation and nutrient cycling .