
  1. 但是,当普鲁士军队抵达滑铁卢给予英国军队支援的时候,形势急转。

    But the situation changed when the Prussian army reached Waterloo to help the British .

  2. 这款游戏发明于1812年,当时的普鲁士军队用这款游戏来给接受训练的军官教授军事战术。

    Invented in 1812 , it was used by the Prussian Army to teach military tactics to officers-in-training .

  3. 法国人在1792年战胜奥地利人和普鲁士军队(用一来自法国炮兵的著名的炮击)。

    The French defeated the Austrian and Prussian troops in 1792 ( with a famous cannonade from the French artillery ) .

  4. 七年战争中的一次战斗;普鲁士军队在弗雷德里克领导下战胜法国和奥地利的军队。

    A battle in the Seven Years ' War ( 1757 ); Prussian forces under Frederick the Great defeated the armies of France and Austria .

  5. 但当时除了教会和军队以外,也找不到其他管理模型以供参考。所以1841年纽约那场火车失事的调查者把目光投向了普鲁士军队,从那里寻找模型。

    But there were no models outside the church and the military , so investigators into the train-wreck disaster [ of1841 , in New York state ] looked to the Prussian army for a model .