
  • 网络Puning;pnin
  1. 普宁:新世界里的孤岛君王

    Pnin : A Lonely King in the New World

  2. 其次,分析《普宁》的俄侨书写与民族身份认同的关系。

    Second , the thesis discusses Russian expatriate writing and national cultural identity in Pnin .

  3. 普宁市纺织服装产业发展的政府作用研究

    The Effect of Government in Textile and Garment Industry Development of PUNING

  4. 第二章第三节对《普宁》进行叙事话语及故事内容分析。

    The third section in Chapter ⅱ examines narrative discourse and the plot .

  5. 普宁市凉果资源利用状况分析

    Analysis on utilization of preserved fruit resources in Puning city , guangdong Province

  6. 2005年普宁市废旧电子产品回收行业现场卫生学调查

    Survey on the Spot Hygienics of the Waste Electronic Products Recycle Industry in Puning

  7. 俄裔美国作家纳博科夫在《普宁》中描述了俄国知识分子流亡美国的尴尬生活。

    American Russian Nabokov describes the embarrassing exile life of Russian intellectuals in America .

  8. 奥瑞电器厂,位于广东省著名侨乡&普宁市。

    Aorui Electronic Factory Located in Puning , a famous city in Guangdong Province .

  9. 普宁市法定传染病疫情网络直报现状及对策

    Status of online report of legal infectious diseases in Puning City and proposed measures

  10. 目的:探讨海普宁不同部位皮下注射出血情况的比较及护理措施。

    Objective To discuss low molecular weight heparin sodium injection different part endermic bleeding conditions .

  11. 先前的研究指出左旋普宁卡因具有较低之中枢神经系统及心血管系统之毒性。

    Previous reports indicated that enantiomeric levobupivacaine has reduced systemic toxicity in central nervous and cardiovascular systems .

  12. 2001~2005年普宁市2家大型纺织制衣厂工人血压检测分析

    Anaylsis of Blood Pressure on 2 Large-scale Textile and Dress Factory Workers from 2001 to 2005 in Puning

  13. 主人公普宁形象,不仅仅有纳博科夫的影子,更是俄罗斯传统文化和现代美国文明冲撞混生的产物。

    The hero Pnin is not only the author himself but a product of conflict between Russian traditional culture and American modem civilization .

  14. 这些结果证实P-醣蛋白对于消旋普宁卡因与左旋普宁卡因在大白鼠体内的脑分布与胆汁排除上可能扮演了重要的角色。

    These results demonstrated that P-glycoprotein might play a crucial role in the brain distribution and hepatobiliary excretion of the racemic bupivacaine and enantiomeric levobupivacaine in rats .

  15. 目的:了解和分析普宁市人体土源性线虫感染现状,评价多年来的防治效果,为制定防治策略提供科学依据。

    Objective : To learn and analyze human geohelminthes infection in Puning and evaluate effect of years'prevention and control to develop control strategies and provide a scientific basis .

  16. 纺织服装产业是普宁市的最重要支柱产业,在普宁有着悠久的发展历史和深厚的民间基础。

    Textile and garment industry is the most important industry in Puning , the national business city . It has a long history and deep private foundation in Puning .

  17. [方法]2005月6~11月,在普宁市废旧电子产品拆解回收作业场所集中的2个村进行现场调查。

    [ Methods ] To investigate on the spot that the waste electronic products take apart and recycle industry centres at 2 Villages from 6 / 2005 to 11 / 2005 in Puning .

  18. 结合揭阳至普宁高速公路的工程实践,从模板选择与施工、混凝土配合比、浇灌方法、拆模养护等方面,较详细地介绍了桥梁工程下部结构混凝土外观质量的控制方法。

    According to the practice of Jieyang-Puning Expressway , this paper introduces the quality control method for sub-structure concrete appearance of bridge engineering aiming at selection of form , construction , concrete mix design data , concreting method , form stripping and maintenance etc. .