
  1. 通过对普通轿车、SUV型越野车和跑车这三类汽车进行分析,发现不同类型的车,其价格与实用价值、享乐价值和情感值的相关性不同。

    In addition , through the analysis of three types of automobile , we found that there are different relationships between the prices and the value of distinct types of vehicles .

  2. 狭窄的柏油路,但普通轿车可轻易前进。

    Narrow tarred road , but sedan car can reach carpark easily .

  3. 普通轿车可容易前往。

    Easy access by normal sedan .

  4. 职员:您想要什么样的车?小型轿车还是普通轿车?

    Agent : What kind of car would you like ; a compact or a sedan ?

  5. 在豪华轿车市场上,西欧主要国家都表现出与普通轿车市场不同的一些特性。

    In luxury car market countries in Western Europe have some different features compared with common car market .

  6. 更严格的规则意味着,普通轿车(不一定是展台上的那些汽车)肯定将变得更小,更轻。

    Tougher rules mean that the average car , not necessarily the one on the display stand , must be smaller and lighter .

  7. 载客车厢部分横跨两条车道宽,靠两侧支撑柱远离地面,在固定轨道上行驶,普通轿车可以从它底下穿过。

    Its passenger compartment spans the width of two traffic lanes and sits high above the road surface supported by stilts that allow ordinary cars to pass underneath .

  8. 本论文作为新概念车课题的前期理论研究,主要侧重于新概念车与普通轿车的舒适性与操纵稳定性对比分析,以验证新概念车的可行性。

    This paper mainly aims at feasibility study of a new concept car both theoretically and experimentally . Comparisons are made between the ride comfort and handling characteristics of the new concept car and ordinary layout car .

  9. 总体而言,高档越野车和跑车消费者能够达到精神体验均很高;中低档普通轿车消费者往往处于情感体验范围;高档普通轿车消费者属于成就体验。

    Overall , consumers of high-grade off-road vehicles and sports car could achieve high level of spiritual experience ; consumers of low-grade ordinary car often belong to emotional experience , while consumers of low-grade ordinary car belong to accomplishment experience .

  10. 因为它不具有与普通轿车同样的安全要求。虽然他又有名又有利,却仍然过着一种俭朴的生活,住的是普通公寓,开的是普通轿车。

    The vehicles do not have the same safety requirements as passenger cars . For all ( In spite of ) his wealth and fame , he lives a simple life , living in a plain apartment and driving an ordinary car .

  11. 在装有扰流板的F1赛车上,这股力将赛车往赛道上压,使赛车保持在赛道上。而在普通的轿车上,这股力会将汽车抬起来。

    In a Formula One car equipped withairfoils , this force pushes downward , holding the car against the track . In asedan , they lift it up .

  12. 我有一两普通的轿车,没有什么特别的。

    I have got his phone number and address from a directory .

  13. 家用普通型轿车顾客忠诚驱动机制研究

    Research on Customer Loyalty-driven Mechanism of the Family General-class Car

  14. 普通大轿车改装暖风机

    Refitting Heater in Common Bus

  15. 装上了这种新的发动机,这辆轿车的速度比普通的轿车快两倍。

    Equipped with this new engine , the car runs three times as fast as a normal one .

  16. 轻型的有蓬货车可以根据普通私家轿车设计或者重新设计,这样可以获得最大的货物存储空间。

    Light vehicle vans can be based on common sedan designs of redesigns so that maximum cargo space is available .

  17. 比亚迪的一位管理人士称,比亚迪电动车的价格最低可达人民币12万元,在中国普通中型轿车中属于价格较低的。

    BYD manager said it could be priced as low as120,000 yuan , toward the low end of the price range for a typical midsize sedan in China .

  18. 以普通桑塔纳轿车的晶体管点火控制装置为例,阐述了变码式数码钥匙点火锁的结构、工作原理及工作过程。

    Taking the transistor ignition coned device of the SANTANA CAR as an example , the paper describes the construction , working principle and operational process of the ignition lock matched with transcoder key .

  19. 对使用预成型胎面和使用普通胎面的轿车子午线轮胎进行了对比试验。

    The passenger car radial tire with preformed tread was compared to that with conventional tread .

  20. 以普通手动挡轿车为参考对象,建立了由电子节气门、发动机、传动系统及车辆运动系统组成的车辆纵向动力学模型。

    An ordinary manual car was taken as a reference sample , furthermore , electric throttle , engine , transmission system and movement parts were combined as a vehicle portrait dynamics simulation model .

  21. 首先宝马在这次车展上推出了i3这款电池动力轿车,它使用了铝合金框架和碳纤维车身,重量只相当于一台普通宝马3系轿车的80%。

    For starters , it unveiled the I3 , a battery-powered car with a carbon fiber body affixed to an aluminum frame that weighs just 80 % as much as a typical 3-Series .