
  • 网络Starter;apple watch;BASE MODEL;Normal Version;CD ONLY
  1. Vista家庭普通版可以升级至Windows7家庭高级版。

    And Vista Home Basic can be upgraded to Windows 7 Home Premium .

  2. 这根本就是你的旧手机啊。京晶:是的,这有一张iPhone11pro和普通版的照片。

    That 's your old one ! Yeah , here 's a picture of the pro and the regular iPhone 11 .

  3. 另外一个选择是装有Vista家庭普通版(HomeBasic)的低成本电脑。它的价格更低,需要的硬件也比更常见的Vista家庭高级版(HomePremium)要便宜。

    Another option is a low-cost machine with the Home Basic version of Vista , which also tends to cost less and to require less-expensive hardware than the more-common Vista Home Premium .

  4. 普通版的小米6将配备同样的降频处理器,只是价格更低。小米6的第三个版本同样是普通版,不过处理器则是MediaTekHelioX30。

    The flat Mi 6 is also expected to feature the same underclocked processor , but at a lower price , and the third Mi 6 variant will be flat but will house a MediaTek Helio X30 processor .

  5. 普通版的价格较低,起售价为55000美元;

    The regular edition will cost slightly less , starting at $ 55000 ;

  6. 我买的是普通版,区别就是没有穿校服,但价格要便宜很多。

    I bought a normal edition which doesn 't wear a school uniform , but the price is much cheaper .

  7. 请注意:此为双脑同步版本,若要购买普通版,请按此连结。

    Please note : This is Hemi-Sync Version , if you are looking for Original Version , please Click Here .

  8. 普通版的价格较低,起售价为55000美元;两版车型的目标客户都是已经拥有多辆汽车的富裕阶层。

    The regular edition will cost slightly less , starting at $ 55,000 ; both are aimed at well-heeled customers who probably already own a few vehicles .

  9. Windows7的三种普通用户版都可以在虚拟机中运行,比如用Fusion和Parallels软件在苹果Macintosh平台中运行Windows系统。

    All of the three common consumer versions of Windows 7 can run inside virtual machines , such as the faux Windows computers created on Apple Macintosh hardware using the Fusion and Parallels software .

  10. 免费对象(对谁免费):普通(简版)用户。

    Free to whom : users of the basic version .

  11. 最后得出结论:由于使用普通玻璃光刻版,使该产品的对位一直处于临界状态;

    It is concluded that the use of normal glass mask makes the alignment of the product in critical state ;

  12. 免费品:网络软件和服务,部分内容。免费对象(对谁免费):普通(简版)用户。

    · " Freemium " What 's free : Web software and services , some content . Free to whom : users of the basic version .

  13. 采用拼接技术实现超过普通全息干版尺寸的较大面积全息图的制作,验证拼接技术的可行性。

    Thirdly , achieve hologram which is several times larger than the size of one piece of the ordinary holographic plate by mosaic technique , which verifies the feasibility of mosaic technique .

  14. “这台大象跑步机看上去就是普通跑步机的超大版。”阿拉斯加动物园副园长帕特里克·兰皮说。

    " It looks just like a big people treadmill ," said Patrick Lampi , assistant director of the Alaska Zoo .

  15. 他还说生产笔记本电脑的公司正在探索向普通百姓出售商务版电脑的可能性。

    He said the computer companies that produce the laptops are exploring the possibility of making a commercial version for sale to the general public .