
fǔ zhù dònɡ lì zhuānɡ zhì
  • Auxiliary power unit;APU
  1. 辅助动力装置负载压气机叶轮叶片的共振频率是维修叶轮过程中需要控制的一项指标。

    The resonant frequency of the impeller blades of APU load compressor is a target index necessary to be controlled in the process of the maintenance of impeller .

  2. 基于FADEC的辅助动力装置半实物仿真系统

    HILS System of Auxiliary Power Unit Based on FADEC

  3. 他们在进港处布置水雷。辅助动力装置进气入口

    They were mining the entrance to a harbour . auxiliary power unit door

  4. 辅助动力装置电子控制器

    Auxiliary power unit electronic control unit

  5. 电站辅机转动设备轴向振动原因分析与处理辅助动力装置辅助电源设备

    Cause Analysis and Treatments of Axial Vibration of Rotating Equipment of Auxiliary Equipment in Power Plant

  6. 辅助动力装置负载压缩器

    Auxiliary power unit load compressor

  7. 辅助动力装置控制开关

    Auxiliary power unit control switch

  8. 辅助动力装置放气活门

    Auxiliary power unit bleed valve

  9. 辅助动力装置进气入口

    Auxiliary power unit door

  10. 介绍了民用飞机辅助动力装置安装系统静强度设计的适航标准要求和设计载荷。

    Certification requirements and static design loads of Auxiliary Power Unit ( APU ) mounting system in commercial aircrafts are introduced .

  11. 引气活门,气源系统内,使来自发动机或辅助动力装置的空气进人气源支管的活门。

    BLEED VALVE , A valve in the pneumatic system for air supply from the engine or auxiliary power unit to the pneumatic manifold .

  12. 辅助动力装置,是飞机内的小涡轮发动机,在地面或空中给各系统提供电源和气源。

    AUXILIARY POWER UNIT , A small turbine engine in the airplane for supplying electrical and pneumatic power for systems operation on the ground or in flight .

  13. 燃油系统是飞机平台关键的功能系统之一,其主要功能是:在飞机飞行包线范围内,按发动机的各种要求和限制,安全、可靠地向发动机及辅助动力装置供油。

    Fuel system , one of the functional systems on the aircraft platform , is to supply reliable fuel to the engine and accessory power plant during the aircraft flight envelop as per the requirements and limitations of the engine .

  14. 建立了机场除飞机外所有潜在排放源的全部计算模型,包括辅助动力装置、地面保障设备、地面交通工具和固定源;同时给出了扩散模型计算的点源基本公式。

    All the potential emission sources in airport except the aircraft are modeled , including auxiliary power units , ground support equipment , ground access vehicles and stationary sources . The Gaussian formulation based on point source form is put forward .

  15. 辅助核动力装置系统

    Nuclear auxiliary power unit system

  16. 火电厂主、辅机及辅助设备顺序控制系统的发展辅助动力装置辅助电源设备

    Development of Sequence Control System of Main Auxiliary Equipment and Accessories in Thermal Power Plant