
  • 网络True Speed
  1. 结合水力优化的实际情况,对软件整体进行了模块划分,优化了软件的真实速度、显示速度和感觉速度;

    Combine the practice instance , carve up the integer software into several modules , optimize the true speed , vision speed and feeling speed ;

  2. 应用Gill-Murray法迭代求解节点真实速度场

    Solving for Nodal True Velocity Field By Gill Murray Method

  3. 本文还给出了由视速求真实速度的方法,在接近太阳活动低年的1985年夏季仅在三亚看到电离层汽泡。

    Since the minimum of solar activity is approaching bubbles appeared only at Sanya in summer .

  4. 该算法可直接从模糊速度估计中恢复目标的真实速度,并结合基于目标均方误差的配对算法,实现了多个运动目标。

    Combined with the target mean square error match algorithm , the proposed method achieves multiple targets distance and velocity estimation .

  5. 此外,对渗流速度的定义进行了改正和完善,并证明了多相流中真实速度与渗流速度的关系。

    In addition , the definition of flowing velocity are modified and perfected , testifying the relationship between real velocity and flowing velocity .

  6. 通过自适应电流观测器估计转子速度,并以其估计值代替磁场定向控制和速度控制中的真实速度。

    The rotor speed is estimated with an adaptive current observer , and is used for field-orientated control and speed control with replacing the real speed .

  7. 当偏移速度比真实速度低于80%时,会出现下方地层不能清晰成像等。

    When the offset is faster than the speed of less than 80 % of the real , there will not be clear imaging below the ground .

  8. 由于飞机滑跑时的真实速度很难测量,为此采用广义卡尔曼滤波器得到飞机刹车系统非线性模型的状态估计,状态估计值作为防滑刹车控制器的输入。

    The aircraft velocity is difficult to be measured , therefore using generalized Kalman filter to estimate the state of nonlinear model , which is the input of anti-skid braking controller .

  9. 采用多重复频率波形,提出一种多普勒频率串算法,从模糊的速度估计中恢复目标的真实速度,采用运动补偿得到高分辨的距离估计。

    A multiple repetition frequency waveform is adopted and a Doppler frequency cluster ( DFC ) algorithm is proposed , which is capable of recovering true velocity from the coupled velocity estimation directly .

  10. 鉴于此,国内外许多学者提出了速度观测器来观测速度。速度观测器具有精度高,可靠性高,实时性强等优点,能满足对真实速度的精确跟踪。

    So many scholars put forward the method which uses speed observer to detect speed , speed observer has a highly reliability and instantaneity , so it can gain a good trace result to the real speed .

  11. 既然中间速度场是对真实速度场的逐步逼近,因此,就无需人工边界条件,或者说人工边界条件即为物理边界条件。

    Since the intermediate velocity in the iterative procedure can be regarded as a variable that gradually converges to the real velocity , no artificial boundary conditions are needed , i.e. the artificial boundary conditions are equal to the physical boundary conditions .

  12. 其关键在于通过井约束反演获得高分辨率的波阻抗体,从中求取真实地层速度Vi;

    The key lies in acquiring high-resolution wave impedance volume by logging-constrained inversion and further computing true formation velocity V_i ;

  13. 超声血流测量系统往往由于无法确定声束-流速夹角(Doppler夹角),因而只能检测真实血流速度的轴向分量。

    Since the Doppler angle is hard to measure correctly , current ultrasound blood flow measurement systems can only provide the axial component of the true blood flow velocity .

  14. 边界条件为真实的速度和压力边界条件;

    The boundary condition is the real velocity and pressure condition .

  15. 结果表明,可由宽频带加速度记录仿真得到真实的速度与位移时程;

    The result shows that we can get actual velocity and displacement time histories by simulating wide band acceleration record .

  16. 实验证明用该方法模拟喷泉效果比较真实,速度快,在普通微机上可以得到令人满意的效果。

    The experiment shows that this method is fast and can realize true simulation of fountain effect in consumer PC platform .

  17. 准确求取流体的真实流动速度是确定油水各相分层流量及产液剖面测井解释的关键。

    Accurately deriving the true liquid flow velocity is the key for determining the stratification flow rate of oil and water and logging interpretation of liquid producing profile .

  18. 采用地震层速度法预测地层压力在正常压力段比较准确,但在超压段,地震层速度与真实地层速度之间的系统误差较大,预测压力明显小于实测压力值。

    Adoption of the seismic horizon velocity method for prediction of formation pressure is comparatively accurate for the normal pressure section . However , as for the overpressure section , the systematic errors between the seismic horizon velocity and the real formation velocity are considerable .

  19. 提高生成真实感图形速度的研究

    The Study on Promoting the Speed of Forming the Picture of Real Sense

  20. 将它们与反回射束作对比而获得真实的地面速度。

    The frequencies of the returned beams are compared with them to obtain the true ground speed .

  21. 间歇性的板块运动可以解释,为什么我们的地球真实的冷却速度比我们现在的地球冷却模型慢。

    By periodically clamping the lid on heat flow , intermittent plate tectonics may explain why the Earth has lost heat slower than current models predict .

  22. 本文采用电探针技术,给出了一个同时测得真实飞片速度和碰撞倾斜状态的探针排布设计。

    A technique of electric pins for measuring the above parameters is designed , aiming at deducing a real velocity of flyer and slant of impact from local records of pins signs through a certain arrangement of the pins .

  23. 结果表明,在相同的操作气速和颗粒循环量下,随着床温的升高,局部颗粒浓度将减小,真实的颗粒速度将增加,而气固两相间的滑移速度将降低;

    It has been found that for the same operating gas velocity and solid flux , the local solid concentration decreases as temperature increases , while the real particle velocity increases and slip velocity between gas and solid phase decreases .

  24. 假如你想了解的话,“真实世界”里速度最快的网络浏览器还是谷歌公司(Google)的Chrome。

    In case you were wondering , the fastest web browser in the " real world " remains Google Chrome .

  25. 通过对效果图的分析表明,该方法所建立的三维图像具有良好的真实感,运行速度快且交互性能强。

    The contrast analysis of the effect images indicates that the 3-D images constructed by the method have some ascendant features , such as favorable 3-D , quick calculation rate and strong interactive performance .

  26. 该方法的提出,一方面解决了真实场景模拟的速度问题;另一方面通过真实场景模拟试验说明利用频域模拟方法实现真实场景模拟的正确性。

    On the one hand , the question of the real scenarios simulation velocity is settled . On the other hand , the validity of the frequency-domain real scenario simulation method is shown by the experiment of the real scenario simulation .

  27. 本文采用的模型真实可靠,采用的边界条件是临床上通过核磁扫描得出的真实的速度、压力条件。

    The model is real , and the velocity and pressure boundary conditions are obtained by magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) .