
  • 【冶】vacuum metallurgy
  1. RH-KTB大型真空冶金系统智能故障诊断

    Intelligent Fault Diagnosis of Large Vacuum Metallurgical System

  2. 以RH-KTB真空冶金系统的智能故障诊断为例,给出了真空冶金系统模糊故障诊断的实际过程。

    Describing the theory of fuzzy clustering algorithm , the paper presents the procedure of fuzzy fault diagnosis , with an actual diagnosis process given as an example to show the intelligent fault diagnosis for RH-KTB vacuum metallurgical system .

  3. 大型真空冶金系统(DVMS)的故障点多、故障现象与故障原因间对应关系复杂,很难从抽气机理上来精确地进行故障诊断。

    In large vacuum metallurgy system ( DVMS ), there are many possible fault types , and relationship between fault symptoms and causes is complicated . It is difficult to exactly find out fault according to air pumping mechanism .

  4. 真空冶金用新型温度传感器及测温系统的校准

    High-temperature sensor for vacuum metallurgy and calibration of temperature measuring system

  5. 真空冶金现状及发展前景

    The present situation and the prospect of vaccum metallurgy

  6. 真空冶金过程自动控制技术的进展

    Advances in vacuum metallurgy process automatic control

  7. 有色金属真空冶金进展

    Advances on Vacuum Metallurgy of Nonferrous Metals

  8. 有色金属的真空冶金

    Vacuum Metallurgy of Non ferrous Metals

  9. 有色金属真空冶金的现状和展望

    The Situation and Outlook of Nvm

  10. 真空冶金装置。

    The vacuum metallurgy equipment .

  11. 真空冶金新进展

    New Advance in Vacuum Metallurgy

  12. 真空冶金材料研究的部分新进展

    New progress in material research

  13. 真空冶金具有能耗低、清洁、环境友好等特点而得到了较多的关注。

    Vacuum metallurgy with low energy consumption , clean , friendly environment characteristics and get more attention .

  14. 随着真空冶金技术的不断发展,真空冶炼设备需要不断的完善,提高自动化程度。

    With the development of the vacuum metallurgy , vacuum smelting facilities are needed to modify and to improve on its auto-control system .

  15. 本文介绍了真空冶金技术在热镀锌渣、硬锌以及其他锌基二次资源再生中的应用情况。

    The applications of vacuum metallurgical technology in the recovery of secondary zinc-based resources are presented , including hot galvanizing scrap and hard zinc .

  16. 研究表明,真空冶金技术能够有效的回收二次资源,具有良好的前景,符合建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的要求。

    It is revealed that this technology has high-efficiency and good prospects in the recovery of secondary resources , and is available to meet the environment friendly and resource-saving requirements .

  17. 基于真空冶金与常规冶金的比较优势,我们有必要探索一种新的热法还原熔炼氧化镁的工艺,而物料制备正是开发新工艺的重要组成部分。

    On the base of the advantages of vacuum reduction and the weaknesses of traditional Process , it is necessary to study on a new thermic smelting technology on reduction smelting of MgO .

  18. 调压铸造技术作为一种在差压铸造技术基础上发展而来的先进的铸造技术,具有充型能力强,补缩能力高,兼具真空冶金效果的优点。

    As one kind of advanced casting technology developed on the basis of counter pressure casting , adjustable pressure casting has higher filling capacity , better feeding capacity , and has vacuum metallurgy effect merit concurrently .

  19. 根据现有的工业条件,制定了较为经济的钛基复合材料的工艺路线,采用球磨混料、机械压模成型以及真空粉末冶金法制备了钛基复合材料。

    According to the existing industry condition , has formulated the economical TMCs craft route , TMCs prepared by attrition ball milling , cold isostatic pressing and vacuum-sintered power metallurgy techniques in the industrial conditions .

  20. RH真空精炼技术冶金功能综述

    Review of Metallurgical Multifunction of RH Vacuum Refining Technology

  21. 目的研究真空烧结粉末冶金法制作钛合金试件的力学性能。

    Objective To investigate mechanical properties of titanium alloy samples with vacuum sintered powder metallurgy .

  22. RH真空脱气处理的冶金效果

    Metallurgical effect obtained by RH vaccum degassing process

  23. 真空吸水工艺在冶金铁路整体道床施工中的应用

    Application of process of vacuum water absorption on integral concrete rail bed construction of metallurgic Railway

  24. 真空熔炼氩气保护单晶连铸设备的研制及单晶铜制备真空冶金装置(三)一真空电弧熔炼

    The Research on Continuous Casting of Single-crystal Metals Apparatus under Conditions of Vacuum Melting and Argon Shield and Preparation of Single-crystal Copper ; VACUUM METALLURGY FACILITY (ⅲ) - VACUUM ARC FURNANCE

  25. 介绍了多室连续式真空炉的性能、结构、特点以及在真空钎焊、粉末冶金材料真空烧结、金属材料真空热处理、电子器件与不锈钢保温容器的真空排气与封接等领域的应用及现状。

    Introduces the performance , construction and features of the newly developed multi-oven continuous vacuum furnace and its applications , including vacuum sintering of materials for powder metallurgy , vacuum heat-treatment of metals , vacuum sealing / outgassing , etc.