
  • 网络true altitude;absolute altitude;if scaled with the CSSwidthandheightproperties
  1. 三坐标雷达目标真实高度估计算法研究

    Study on True Altitude Estimation of 3-D Radar

  2. 在目标跟踪领域,通过三坐标雷达的测量值(斜距、仰角及方位角)来估算目标的真实高度一直是个难点。

    In target tracking domain estimating the true altitude of a target from 3-D radar is always been a challenge .

  3. 一般人心中的这座“断臂山”,看得见却不知道它的真实高度。

    This " Brokeback Mountain " in our mind could be seen but could not be reached .

  4. 本方法使所测得的气压高度尽可能地接近真实高度,所设计的高度测量通道分辨率达到12米,满足了无人机遥测和飞行控制对高度测量的要求。

    The method introduced here makes the barometric height as close to real height as possible with resolution high to 12m and satisfies the requirements of UAV height measurement for remote sensing and flight control .

  5. 最后,有了这种纯净和对个人真实的高度洞察力,我们掌握了痊愈的力量。

    And finally , with this clarity and heightened insight into our individual truth , we harness the power to heal .

  6. 这是一个已经验证的事实:一个拥有真实的高度自尊心和自我认同意识的人有一种很自然地与绝大多数人和睦相处的能力。

    It 's a proven fact that persons with a genuine high level of self-esteem and self-acceptance have a natural ability to get along with the greatest number of people .

  7. 数值模拟表明,该法重构的曲线同真实曲线能高度的吻合。

    Numerical simulation indicates that the reconstructed curve and the true curve can keep high identical .

  8. 通过比较可知仿真结果与真实树突具有高度的一致性。

    These results conform to real dendrites to a great degree , as can be known by comparison .

  9. 本课题涉及到大量数据管理、图形显示、又要求良好的实时性,并与真实的雷达高度表对接,所以采用半实物仿真结构。

    This project requires data management , graphic display , real-time ability , and needs to connect real radar altimeter .

  10. 民事证明标准的改革方向应为法律真实下的高度盖然性,但在实际操作中仍要遵循相关的适用规则。

    The author also makes an analysis on the standards of objective authenticity , legal authenticity and substantial authenticity under value orientations in litigant practice .

  11. 获得了压强降填料因子、泛点填料因子,以及液相真实传质单元高度的关联式。

    The correlations of the packing factor of pressure drop , packing factor of flooding point , and HTU of the true liquid phase mass transfer were obtained .

  12. 由此看来,数字技术的表现方式不但对传统的设计表现有了创新改变,还可以使传统的环境艺术设计模型表现通过数字虚拟技术达到更真实自由、高度互动的艺术效果。

    In view of this , the digital technology performance not only to the traditional design with innovation and change , but also can make traditional environment art design model performed by digital virtual technology to achieve more real freedom , highly interactive art effect .

  13. 他目前的本能是真实的,还是高度紧张的结果?

    Was his present instinct genuine or the product of a heightened nervousness ?

  14. 我们在研究过程中,特别强调以人类棋手为本的原则,力求棋手思维模型与人类棋手真实思维过程的高度契合,力求其学习算法的完善。

    In the study , we emphasize the principle of taking human players as model especially , and the identity with human players ' thinking , and the perfection of its learning algorithm .

  15. 在表现手法上,作家将历史的真实与自我人生的经验与顿悟结合,塑造出一批生动可感的人物形象,达到艺术真实与历史真实的高度统一。

    In the approach of expression , the author vividly portrays a group of moving characters , combining the historical truth with his own life experience and epiphany and achieving the high unity between historical truth and artistic truth .