
  • 网络true sun
  1. 真太阳时的时辰间距并非相等

    Intervals of Real Solar Time are not Equal

  2. 时差,将真太阳时转换为平时,即平太阳时。

    The equation of time , which transforms the true solar time into a mean uniform time , the so-called mean solar time .

  3. 星期三下午在东北的哈尔滨市上空出现的两个太阳让许多人感到惊奇。其中真太阳比假太阳要明亮。

    To many people 's surprise , two suns shined simultaneously Wednesday afternoon in the sky of northeastern China 's city of Harbin , with the real sun brighter than the mock one .

  4. 保罗?道歉?那真是太阳从西边出来了!

    Paul ? Apologize ? That 'll be the day !

  5. 他居然提出要帮忙?这真是太阳从西边出来了。

    He actually offered to help ? That 's a turn-up for the books !

  6. 他能道歉真是太阳打西边出来了。

    It 's unheard-of for him to apologize !

  7. 要是地球真的离太阳这么近,

    If Earth was actually this close to the sun ,

  8. 如果你真的放大太阳光的光谱,你可以分辨出多达10万条的光谱线,

    If you really magnify the spectrum of the sunlight , you could identify more than 100000 of them .

  9. 真的存在于太阳系中吗?

    Once existed on which planet of the solar system ?

  10. 我不喜欢这样的天气,又冷还下着雨,真希望早点出太阳。

    I don 't like the weather like this . Cold and rainy . Hope it become sunny as soon as possible .

  11. 有边亚兹的油画,他使他的花比真花还鲜艳,太阳比真的太阳还灿烂;

    There were paintings by Diaz , who makes his flowers more beautiful than flowers , his suns more brilliant than the sun ;