
  • 网络Real horse;Equus
  1. 中国的真马化石及其生活环境

    Chinese Fossil Horses of Equus and Their Environment True Heroes

  2. 2.5MaB.P.真马快速扩散事件在中国的表现

    Expression of the rapid dispersal event of the horse Equus at 2 . 5 Ma B. P. in China

  3. 邓涛,薛祥煦,1999。中国的真马化石及其生活环境。北京:海洋出版社。1-158。

    Deng T , Xue X X , 1999.Chinese Fossil Horses of Equus and Their Environment . Beijing : China Ocean Press.1-158 .

  4. 真希望马大帅还是穿着裤子跑!

    We 'd prefer he kept his pants on .

  5. 你讲的话真无聊,马西米兰

    " What excessive nonsense you talk , Maximilian !"

  6. 他们真的连马都搞吗

    Is it true they lie with their horses ?

  7. 它的眼睛真大,马的眼睛要小得多,但在黑暗里看得见东西。

    His eye is huge and a horse , with much less eye , can see in the dark .

  8. 你爷爷讲话真酸,马瑞里安对凯特琳说,我本来是想歌颂你的美貌哪。

    Your grandfather has a sour nature , Marillion said to Catelyn . I meant to do you honor . An homage to your beauty .

  9. 这次面试真是一场马拉松。

    The interview was a real marathon .

  10. 看看他皮毛闪出的亮光,真是匹好马啊!

    Look at the sheen on this horse ! What a great steed .

  11. “真的!”马西米兰答道,“那么你父亲怎么说,瓦朗蒂娜?”

    " Oh , such a dreadful thing , that I don 't dare to tell you . "