
  • 网络Auxiliary energy
  1. 工业辅助能投入增加,生物辅助能投入下降,系统能效呈现增加-停滞-降低趋势;

    The investment of industrial auxiliary energy is increased , but that of biological auxiliary energy is decreased , and the energy effect of the planting system is in an " increase-stagnancy-decrease " trend ;

  2. 对系统能流分析结果表明,进入90年代后,随着人工辅助能特别是工业辅助能投入的增加,系统能效逐渐降低。

    Result of analyzing energy flow indicates that , after 1990 's , as the input of artificial auxiliary energy , especially the industry auxiliary energy , was increased , energy result in system has been decreased .

  3. 系统内总辅助能、有机能、工业能和油料电力能的输入量分别与初级产品能的输出量呈极显著相关关系(P≤0.01);

    There is a significance correlation ( P < 0.01 ) between the outputs of the primary production energy and the inputs of the total supplementary , organic , industrial , oil-electric power energy respectively .

  4. 在人工辅助能投入结构中,生物辅助能是工业辅助能的2.3倍。

    2 , Biological supplemental energy is 2.3 times industry supplemental energy .

  5. 结论:一项决策辅助能促进关于抑制素药物运用的决策,并可能对药物摄入具有积极影响。

    Conclusions A decision aid enhanced decision making about statin drugs and may have favorably affected drug adherence .

  6. 留民营生态农业系统中人工辅助能产投比的计算、分析与研究

    Analysis , calculation and Study on the output and input ratio of the artificial supplementary energy for Liu Min Ying agroecosystem

  7. 因此,发展多熟种植,增加农田人工辅助能的投入,特别是有机肥和化肥的投入,能够显著提高能量利用效率和能量产出。

    Increasing supplementary energy input especially increasing input of manure and fertilizer could greatly increase energy transformation efficiency and energy output .

  8. 第一性生产的人工辅助能主要依赖于系统外输入;

    Secondly , in the first production , the great quantity of artifical supplementary energy depends on external industrial energy input .

  9. 无机辅助能在提高农田生产力方面发挥着主要作用,而有机辅助能的影响不断增强。

    With output-input ratio analysis , the organic supplement energy has placed more and more important effect on the productivity of cropland .

  10. 文章以河南新县10户农民为案例,具体介绍了人工辅助能产投比的计算研究方法,并报告了连续3年的研究结果。

    The output-input ratio for artificial supplementary energy of Henan Xinxian 's 10 peasant families has been calculated successively for three years .

  11. 从社会文化理论的视角探讨适当使用汉语辅助能促进英语课堂教学,缓解学生焦虑心理。

    From the perspective of social and cultural theory , the proper use of Chinese-assisted teaching can promote English classroom teaching and ease students'anxiety .

  12. 由于结构不合理,辅助能投入效率仅1.15~1.52。

    The re-sults show that the efficiency of the supplementary energy input is only 1.15-1.52 be-cause of the irrational structure of the energy input .

  13. 免耕可提高棉田系统的光能利用率和总生产力,减少辅助能的投入,具有低耗、高效的特点。

    No tillage could enhance the light utilization efficiency and gross production , with an additional benefit of reduced energy expense in cotton agroecosystem .

  14. 其中种植亚系统的人工辅助能产投比为1.91,全系统的人工辅助能产投比为1.2。

    The output-input ratio for artificial supplementary energy of the planting sub-system is 1.91 ; and that ratio of the entire system is 1.2 .

  15. 结果表明:(1)种植业亚系统的人工辅助能投入和能量的产出都在逐年迅速增加,但能量的投入和产出均处于较低水平,能量利用效率低。

    The results showed that ( 1 ) supplementary energy input , energy transformation efficiency and output energy of farming sub-system were still in low level .

  16. 农业生态系统总能值投入量增长缓慢,人工辅助能值投入比重大,而环境可更新资源投入能值比重较小。

    More detailed conclusions are as follows : ( 1 ) Total emergy input of agro-ecosystem grow slowly , in which the proportion of artificial auxiliary emergy input is larger than that of renewable environmental resources .

  17. 同时,稻田轮作系统的总初级生产力、光能利用率、辅助能利用率分别比连作系统高17.47%、9.87%和5.0%。

    And increased the overall initiative productivity , light energy use rate and auxiliary energy use rate by 17.47 % , 9.87 % and 5.0 % , respectively , N , P and K use rate as well .

  18. 在山东省五莲县的县域循环农业模式案例中,种植亚系统的人工辅助能产投比为1.81,系统总人工辅助能的产投比为0.51。

    In the case of Wulian County in Shandong Province , The output-input ratio for artificial supplementary energy of the planting sub-system is 1.81 , and that ratio for artificial supplementary energy of the entire system is 0.51 .

  19. 初级生产光能利用率为0.49%,辅助能、氮和磷的产投比分别为3.11,0.79和0.49。

    The efficiency of conversion from solar energy to primary product energy was 0.49 % ; the ratio of output to input of subsidy energy , nitrogen and phosphorus of the crop system was 3.11 , 0.79 and 0.49 , respectively ;

  20. 辅助能值投入中有机能值略高于无机能值,应按适当比例增加辅助能值投入以提高系统生态经济效益;

    In the supplemental energy input , the value of organic energy is a little larger than that of in organic energy , and it 's necessary to add supplemental energy proportionately in order to enhance the eco-economic effect of the system ;

  21. 工业辅助能值分别占总能值的57.33%、44.51%和56.06%,舒兰大豆生产对工业辅助能的依赖性低于汪清和公主岭。

    Industrial assistant emergy proportion are 57.33 % , 44.51 % and 56.06 % of total emergy , and they are lower than maize and rice , and it also showed that industrial assistant emergy proportion in Shulan is lower than the other areas ;

  22. 在GPS失效阶段,任务设备对惯导的辅助仍能使导航系统维持较高的精度;

    During GPS dropout , the system will still keep a good precision with the payloads aiding INS ;

  23. 结论:1.新辅助化疗能有效降低ki-67指数表达,显著抑制肿瘤细胞的增殖活性。

    Neoadjuvant chemotherapy can significantly inhibit tumor cell proliferation by reducing the expression of ki-67.2 .

  24. 离子辅助轰击能有效改善非晶碳(a-C)膜的质量。

    Ion-assisted bombardment is an effective method to improve a-C film .

  25. 计算机辅助技术能有效提高企业的技术能力,CAPP(计算机辅助设计)是提高工艺设计效率的有效手段。

    Computer technology can effectively enhance their technical capacity , CAPP ( Computer Aided Process Planning ) technology designed to improve the efficient and effective means .

  26. 新辅助化疗能有效抑制EGFR蛋白表达,并阻碍其活化途径,最终抑制癌细胞增殖。

    Neoadjuvant chemotherapy can inhibit the expression of EGFR and prevent its activation pathway , ultimately inhibiting cancer cell proliferation . 3 .

  27. 结论对NERD患者进行心理干预和应用抗抑郁药物辅助治疗能显著改善反流症状,明显提高患者的生活质量。

    Conclusion Anti-depression and psychological intervention indeed improve the patients quality of life and release the symptoms of patients .

  28. 结合其他辅助方法能快速诊断出异位妊娠,明显优于尿βHCG定性。

    When combining with other adjunctive diagnostic methods , this method was markedly superior to urine β - HCG qualitative test for rapid diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy .

  29. 结论含紫杉醇类药物进行术后辅助化疗能增加HER-2阳性乳腺癌患者无病生存获益,尤其是对ER、PR均阴性且HER-2阳性者。

    Conclusions Adjuvant chemotherapy containing paclitaxel can improve the disease-free survival of breast cancer with HER-2 positive , especially for the patients with ER and PR negative .

  30. 在HCCI临界温度工况下引入火花辅助点燃能提高燃烧稳定性,减少失火循环的产生;

    At the critical temperature operation conditions , introduction of the SI improves the HCCI combustion stability and reduces the misfire rate .