
chē zhǎnɡ
  • Vehicle commander;train master
  1. 车长与车高比值最大的五款车型包括宾利(Bentley)、梅塞德斯奔驰(Mercedes)、玛莎拉蒂(Maserati)和两款兰伯基尼(Lamborghini)。

    The five cars at the top of the list with the greatest ratio of length to height include a Bentley , Mercedes , Maserati , and two Lamborghinis .

  2. 高速通过的DR3100型自强特快车上的路牌车长正从路牌授器勾起路牌,海端站。

    DR3100 was passing the Hai-Tuan Station speedy and the conductor was just taking the token from the hanger .

  3. 德制DIEMA柴油机车于旗站(信号站)等待车长。

    German DIEMA ( Diepholzer Maschinenfabrik E.Schottler GmbH , DIEPHOLZ ) diesel locomotive was waiting for the consductor at a signal station .

  4. 大型客车市场中豪华型客车增速将放缓,普通型城市公交客车将成为大型客车主导产品;中型客车市场中车长为7m~9m的中高档中型客车将热销。

    The luxurious buses in large bus market shall slow their growth speed , the popular city public buses shall become a main product in large bus market , the medium buses with 7m-9m length in medium and high grades in medium bus market shall be in better sales .

  5. 数字化坦克车长指控训练模拟器设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Commander 's Command Training Simulator for Digitized Tank

  6. 请到车长那去领。

    Please go to the chief conductor to claim it .

  7. 每一个车长都共享同一个格言,那就是安全第一。

    Every motorman shares the same motto , safety first .

  8. 车长车票一拿便继续往前走。

    The conductor takes it and moves on .

  9. 你知道车长在哪里?城里车水马龙,生气勃勃。

    Do you know where the conductor is ? The city is bustling with life .

  10. 但对于驾驶列车的车长来说,永远没有欢乐之旅。

    Yet for the motorman who drives the trains , it 's no joy ride .

  11. 多功能坦克模拟器由车长、炮长、驾驶员3台计算机组成。

    Multi-function tank simulator consists of three computers used by commander , gunner , driver .

  12. 车组成员包括车长、炮长、装弹手、驾驶员和无线电员。

    The crew was composed of the commander , gunner , loader , driver and radio-operator .

  13. 海斯和坐在身旁的车长戴尔格特看着她,吓坏了。

    Hayes and the conductor seated next to him , Dale getter , watched her , horrified .

  14. 在推出后的第二年,这款车型经过“瘦身”,车长减掉了1英尺,重量也轻了800磅。

    The following year , the Marquis went on a diet and lost one foot and800 pounds .

  15. 常洪霞是在1路公交路线的“车长”。

    Chang Hongxia is the head of the group of bus drivers who work on route number 1 .

  16. 本论文重点论述了车辆电子综合系统中车长周视指挥镜的伺服控制设计。

    This paper emphasizes the servo control design of commander 's panoramic sight in integrated vehicle electronics system .

  17. 装甲战车车长数字化综合显控系统的研究特种战争装甲运输车

    Study on the Digital and Integrated Display and Control System of Armored Car s Commander ; e armoured transporter

  18. 自然灾害袭击其他系统时候没有任何一位车长会不看肩膀后面发生了什么而还一味踩油门。

    Get no motorman can take the throttle without looking over his shoulder as the disasters that struck other systems .

  19. 电子车长悬挂于货运列车最后一节车厢处,与最后一节列车的刹车软管相连,通过无线电与牵引机车通讯。

    Electronic commander hang at the last one compartment of freight train , and connect to the train brake hose .

  20. 我们本可以不买票就进去&根本没人收票.在车上买票,车长在车上收费的。

    We could have got in for nothing nobody was collecting tickets . On the bus . The conductor collects the fares .

  21. 旅长立刻跳下车来。福克也不慌不忙地跟着下了车。他们一起去问列车长。

    The general at once stepped out , while Phileas Fogg calmly followed him , and they proceeded together to the conductor .

  22. 研究的主要内容是试验台的气路和电路设计及程序编制,以达到准确测试电子式车长阀的目的。

    The main content of the pneumatic and electronic design and test software programming in order to achieve accurate testing of electronic drivers valve .

  23. 通过寻找最小平均排队车长,确定最佳绿信比,提出了孤立交叉路口的信号控制策略最优化的算法。

    An optimal traffic signal splits in isolated intersections is presented , the optimal ratio of green are determined by searching the minimal average queuing platoons .

  24. 另一个创新是炮管在车辆机动时可收进车体减小车长。

    One original feature of the gun was the fact that the barrel could be retracted inside the hull to reduce the vehicles length when moving .

  25. 针对车长周视镜惯性稳定回路的特点,采用压电陀螺作为惯性速率敏感器,设计和实现了周视稳定的惯性平台稳定系统。

    Aimed at the characteristics of the Surrounding-sight platform stabilizing system , an inertial platform stabilization system based on the piezoelectric gyro is designed and realized in this paper .

  26. 持票者上车时必须向车长或站长出示即日通用车票的正面,但无优先登车权,亦须排队上车。

    Holder of this Pass should show this Pass to the bus driver or regulator when boarding bus with no priority and should wait in line with other passengers .

  27. 分析了地铁车辆的车长、车宽、车辆定距和轴距等结构参数对横向动力学性能的影响,特别是对通过曲线时的磨耗性能的影响。

    Analyzed is the effect of such structural parameters as the length , width of the car , length between bogie pivot centers on the dynamic performance , especially on the wear performance on negotiating curves .

  28. 结果(1)两栖装甲车车长所需重要能力依次为:团队协作、自信、口语表达、记忆力、快速决策等;

    Results ( 1 ) The key abilities required by the leader of vehicle were listed in the order according to their importance : teamwork , self-confidence , expression of spoken language , memory , and swift decision ;

  29. 主要内容为:1.建立了基于元胞自动机的轨道交通模型,研究列车车长、加速度、最高速度对轨道交通流的影响。

    The main contents and obtained results are as follows : 1 . A cellular automaton model was proposed for urban railway traffic system . With this model the influence of train length , acceleration , and maximum speed on traffic flow was studied .