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chē fū
  • Coachman;carter;cart driver
车夫 [chē fū]
  • [cart-driver; carter] 指以驱车或拉车为职业的人

  • 三轮车夫

车夫[chē fū]
  1. 有个车夫在另外一张桌上吃东西。

    A Carter was eating at another table ;

  2. 车夫没有理会这只愚蠢的螳螂,径直往前行驶。

    The carter thought how ridiculous this inscet was , then moved on forwards .

  3. 车夫装了一大车干草。

    The driver heaped a cart with hay .

  4. 从那里,称为“musher”的狗拉雪橇车夫将接力把它送到诺姆。

    From there , dogeled drivers — known as " mushers " — would carry it to Nome in a relay .

  5. 当他把药递给下一个车夫时,香农的脸都被这极度严寒给冻黑了。

    When he handed the medicine to the next musher , Shannon 's face was black from the extreme cold .

  6. 车夫把妻子对自己的批评一五一十地告诉了晏子。

    The coachman told Yan Zi his wife 's criticism in detail .

  7. 车夫一进家门,妻子就提出要和他离婚。

    As soon as the coachman returned home . His wife asked for a divorce .

  8. 一天,晏子坐着马车外出。一位车夫为他赶车。

    One day , Yan Zi went out in a carriage driven by his coachman .

  9. 听了车夫的回答,庄公暗自发笑,默默无语。

    Hearing the driver 's reply , Zhuang Gong smiled to himself and remained silent3 .

  10. 车夫听了妻子的话,觉得很惭愧。

    Upon hearing his wife 's wife 's words , the coachman felt much ashamed .

  11. 车夫的妻子从来没有见过晏子,很想看看。

    The coachman 's wife had never seen Yan Zi before and wished to have a look at him .

  12. 齐庄公很好奇,就问车夫:“这是什么虫子?”

    Zhuang Gong of Qi was curious and asked the driver : " What kind of insect is it ? "

  13. 车夫很高兴地发现又有东西可以拿去卖钱了,但是狼太重了,他提不动。

    The cart man was delighted to find another animal to sell , but he found the wolf was too heavy to lift .

  14. 晏子看到车夫变化很大,不知为什么,就询问车夫。

    Yan Zi noticed the big change in the coachman 's behavior and couldn 't understand why . So he asked the coachman .

  15. 车夫一时莫名其妙,摸不着头脑,便生气地问:“离婚,为什么?”

    The coachman was baffled , unable to make head or tail of this , and asked angrily : " A divorce ? What is your reason ? "

  16. 车夫想到狐狸的皮可以赚钱,于是拎起它的尾巴,将它扔进了马车后面一大堆鱼中间。

    The cart man , tempted1 by the idea of making some extra money by selling the fox 's fur , picked up the animal by its tail and threw it into the back of the cart among the fish .

  17. 代表中央公园马车夫的当地车夫工会(TheTeamstersunionlocal)以激烈的言辞提出了反对。

    The Teamsters union local representing the Central Park carriage drivers objected in strenuous terms .

  18. 但是全孟加拉人力车联盟(AllBengalRickshawUnion)抗议该禁令,称人力车夫没有其他工作,会因此失去经济来源。

    But the All Bengal Rickshaw Union protested the ban , claiming that without alternative employment , the drivers would lose their livelihood .

  19. 以临时人力车夫哈米德(hamid)和他的妻子哈德娅(khadeja)为例。

    Take the case of Hamid , an occasional rickshaw driver , and his wife Khadeja .

  20. 印度喀拉拉邦(Kerala)的三轮车车夫,反对的是一条要求他们安装里程表以防宰客的新规。

    The Indian rickshaw drivers , based in Kerala , were objecting to a rule requiring them to install meters to prevent them overcharging .

  21. 俄勒冈州立大学的讲师希琳·海拉皮特(ShireenHyrapiet)广泛地采访了这些人力车夫。她说,很多年轻移民仍然把拉人力车看作“一种提高社会地位的途径”。

    Still , says Shireen Hyrapiet , an instructor at Oregon State University who has interviewed drivers extensively , many young immigrants see pulling a rickshaw " as a means of upward social mobility . " Marnie Hanel

  22. 摄影师道基·华莱士(DougieWallace)即将出版一本关于孟买出租车的摄影集,名叫《路上的仆人》(RoadWallah),里面是这些人力车夫的照片,其中很多人告诉他他们工作了20多年,每天的收入不到500卢比(8美元)。

    The photographer Dougie Wallace , who has a book coming out on taxis in Mumbai , " Road Wallah , " shot the drivers on these pages , many of whom told him they 've been working for more than 20 years for less than 500 rupees ( $ 8 ) a day .

  23. 他回忆,在1942年刚刚加入俱乐部的时候,他的工资是19卢比,约20美分。这点钱仅够从家到俱乐部的路费。长长的豪拉(Howrah)桥上,小贩、公共汽车和人力车夫交织得密密麻麻,他要创出一条路去踢球。

    He reckoned his total earnings at 19 rupees , or about 20 cents , for travel expenses for forcing his way through the tangled mass of hawkers and buses and rickshaw wallahs on the Howrah bridge when he first joined the club , in 1942 .

  24. 于是车夫决计一心吹口哨,要不就骂他的牲口。

    The coachman took to whistling and swearing at his horses .

  25. 车夫已醉得不能领会他们的话了。

    The driver was too drunk to understand what they said .

  26. “你是一个好人。”所有的车夫都赞美道。

    " You 're a good man ," chorused the drivers .

  27. 赫斯渥看看表,催车夫再快点。

    Hurstwood examined his watch and urged the man to hurry .

  28. 车夫大概会知道卡利女神庙在哪里。

    Perhaps the rickshaw runner would know where the temple was .

  29. 摩梯末医生向车夫询问了那个士兵在那里的缘由。

    Dr Mortimer asked our driver why the soldier was there .

  30. 齐庄公很好奇,就问车夫:

    Zhuang Gong of Qi was curious and asked the driver :