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xīn láng
  • groom;bridegroom
新郎 [xīn láng]
  • [bridegroom] 新婚的男子

新郎[xīn láng]
  1. 她的新郎官很帅气。

    Her bridegroom is handsome .

  2. 大伙向新娘新郎敬酒。

    All of us drank a toast to the bride and bridegroom .

  3. 我提议为新郎新娘的幸福干杯!

    I 'd like to propose a toast to the bride and groom .

  4. 我提议为新娘新郎干杯。

    I 'd like to propose a toast to the bride and groom .

  5. 新郎和新娘走出教堂时,人们朝他们抛撒大米。

    The bride and groom were showered with rice as they left the church .

  6. 各位来宾,请大家起立,我们一起为新娘新郎干一杯。

    Ladies and gentlemen , please be upstanding and join me in a toast to the bride and groom .

  7. 通常新娘的父亲会提议为新郎新娘的健康干杯。

    Usually the bride 's father proposes a toast to the health of the bride and groom .

  8. 她戴了一顶漂亮的冕状头饰,而新郎也毫不逊色,身着一件非常讲究的刺绣西服马甲。

    She wore a lovely tiara but the groom , not to be outdone , had on a very smart embroidered waistcoat .

  9. 新郎抱着新娘转了起来。

    The groom whirled the bride round in his arms .

  10. 他带头为新郎新娘的健康祝酒。

    He led the way in drinking the health of the newlyweds .

  11. 新郎新娘喝交杯酒。

    The bride and groom drink “ cross-cupped wine ” from one another 's glasses .

  12. 婚礼上,新娘和新郎表示要互敬互爱,白头偕老。

    At the wedding party , the bride and the bridegroom expressed that they would live in harmony and mutual respect and grow old together .

  13. 请大家举杯为新娘新郎干杯。

    Raise your glasses and drink to the bride and bridegroom .

  14. 他把自己装扮成新郎。

    He played that he was a groom .

  15. “怎么啦&这是出了什么鬼事儿?”新郎大声问道。

    " how & what the devil 's this about ?" exclaimed the bridegroom .

  16. 在这不可避免的间隙中,新郎必须单独出现在众目睽睽之下,以表明他对新娘情真意切的渴望。

    During this unavoidable lapse of time the bridegroom , in proof of his eagerness , was expected to expose himself alone to the gaze of the assembled company .

  17. Evy的准新郎名字也叫Todd

    that Evy was going to marry a man named Todd .

  18. 因此,新郎搜查了一圈,从桌子底下和挂画后面的墙壁。

    So the groom3 searched under the tables and behind the pictures .

  19. 新郎向主人敬酒结束了他的讲话

    The bridegroom ended his speech by proposing a toast to the hosts .

  20. 一位印度新娘因为新郎背错乘法表,当场决定取消婚礼。

    An Indian bride canceled her wedding after her groom table of two incorrectly .

  21. 第二天,雌蟹发现她的新郎走起路来和普通螃蟹一样。她便疑惑重重。

    The next day she noticed her new husband walking sideways like all the other crabs2 , and got upset .

  22. 在某些方面,离婚派对跟结婚派对差不多,来宾也大吃大喝。不同的是,在婚礼上,父亲拉着女儿的手,将女儿交给新郎。在离婚派对上,父亲从女婿手中,把女儿接回去。

    Divorce party is similar to wedding party in some way , with guests indulging in extravagant , but on a divorce party the father take his daughter back from the son-in-law .

  23. 新娘的表妹称,男方家庭没有告知新郎教育程度低的事实,并补充道,新娘离开婚礼现场的做法“很勇敢”。

    The bride 's cousin stated that the groom 's family did not inform them of his lack of education , adding that the bride was " brave " for leaving the wedding venue .

  24. C新郎给你买了一栋别墅。

    C The bridegroom buys a villa for you .

  25. 在一张黑白照中,新郎站在一个P得很怪的欢迎标识旁边。

    Her groom is also seen standing in a black and white shot next to an oddly edited welcome sign .

  26. 玩家每次击中新郎,新郎的身价就会缩水,而这笔虚拟货币就会转入玩家的反嫁妆基金,并显示在他们的Facebook主页上。

    Every time the player hits a groom , his value decreases and money is added to the player 's Anti-Dowry Fund , which is saved posted on their Facebook page .

  27. Graham是一个亲切并且有绅士风度的人,与新郎新娘见面握手后,协助他们在红地毯上车。

    A gracious gentleman , Graham meets the couple with a hand shake and helps them to enter the car , with a red carpet entry .

  28. 爱丁堡(Edinburgh)的希尔顿逸林酒店推出了“新郎学院”的概念,教倒霉的未婚夫们学习熨衣、铺床、烹饪,甚至是调鸡尾酒的技巧。

    Edinburgh 's Double Tree by Hilton hotel has dubbed its concept The Groom Academy , and teaches hapless fianc é s how to hone their skills at ironing , bed-making , cooking and even cocktail making .

  29. 这个村子位于南苏门答腊岛,村长CikAni在接受法新社采访时表示:“由于新郎未成年,我们决定私下举办婚礼。”

    Cik Ani , chief of their village in South Sumatra , told the AFP news agency that " since the boy is underage , we have decided to carry out the marriage privately . "

  30. 众所周知,霉霉对待粉丝们一直都很慷慨,因此当新郎BrittanyLewis代表他的未婚妻AlexasGonzalez联系泰勒时,他就知道霉霉不会让他失望的。

    We 're pretty sure most are well aware that Tay Tay is pretty darn generous when it comes to spoiling her fans , so when Brittany Lewis contacted the singer on behalf of his major Swiftie fiance Alexas Gonzalez , he knew there was a chance he might hear something back .