
  • 网络Xingang;newport;new port;Newport Beach;Nyhavn
  1. 他补充称,考虑到美中高级海军军官计划于下月出席在罗得岛新港美国海军战争学院(usnavalwarcollege)召开的一次会议,探讨海事透明度及合作问题,(中方)此举颇具讽刺意味。

    He added that the move was ironic given that senior US and Chinese naval officers were next month planning to attend a conference at the US Naval War College in Newport , Rhode Island , on maritime transparency and co-operation .

  2. 这25个居住地多在加利福尼亚,排在榜首的便是加州的新港滩(NewportBeach)。

    Money Magazine is out with a list of'Best Places to Live in if You 're Rich and Single . 'The top25 is dominated by California , with No.1 being Newport Beach , Calif.

  3. K(30)试验法在大连新港油罐工程中的应用

    Application of K_ ( 30 ) Experiment Method in Oil Tanks Project of Dalian New Port

  4. 基于Profibus-DP总线技术的PLC控制系统在新港原油罐区工程中的应用

    The Application of PLC Control System Based on Profibus-DP Technology in the Crude Oil Tank Area of the New Port Engineering

  5. 结合连云港市新港大道XL-5标段,采用全站仪导线测量确定各加密点的坐标和高程的具体测设。

    Based on XL-5 lot of Newport Avenue in Lianyungang city , this paper adopts the whole station traverse to determine the encrypted coordinates of points and the measurement of elevation .

  6. 海安新港透空式防波堤的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Permeable Breakwater of Hai ′ an New Port

  7. 海安新港建设透空式防波堤的必要性

    Necessity of Building Permeable Breakwater in Hai ′ an New Port

  8. 汕尾市新港大桥桥型方案比选

    The Comparison and Choice of Xingang Bridge Type in Shanwei City

  9. 正在建设的高速公路将直通新港码头。

    The freeway being built now will lead to Xingang seaport .

  10. 岳阳新港集装箱堆场沉降观测试验及预测分析

    Settlement observation tests and analysis prediction of Yue Yang container yards

  11. 我以为她只是个无聊、怀恨的新港人。

    I thought she was just a bored , bitter newpsie .

  12. 我得独自回新港联盟去。

    I got to go back to Newport union by myself .

  13. 如今去新港度假的人可以参观这些富丽堂皇的别墅,

    Visitors today to Newport can tour many of these elegant mansions

  14. 渤海湾盆地新港探区东部岩性预测

    Lithological Prospecting at the East of Xingang District in Bohai Gulf Basin

  15. 蓬莱新港实施工程投资控制的经验

    The Experience on Controlling Project Investment of Penglai New Port

  16. 新港港务公司港务企业船舶的智能调度

    Xin Gang Stevedoring Company Intelligent Shipping Schedule for Port Office

  17. 新港船厂生产流程再造研究

    Study of Reconstruction of Production Flow of Tianjin Xingang Shipyard

  18. 浅谈蓬莱新港工程建设管理

    Introduction to the construction management of the Penglai new port

  19. 渤海湾盆地新港探区西部地层压力特征

    The Characteristics of Pressure in West Xingang Area of Bohai Bay Basin

  20. 前往新港和加的夫的旅客请在布里斯托大道换车。

    Passengers for Newport and Cardiff change at Bristol Parkway .

  21. 现在,来自新港地区的少年组啦啦队。

    And now , the junior cheer squad from the Newport district .

  22. 大连新港输油臂遥控系统几个问题的分析

    The Remote Control System of Oil Loading Arms in Talien New Port

  23. 新港火山岩屏蔽区地震勘探攻关效果分析

    An analysis of the research on seismic exploration in Xingang volcanics shielded zone

  24. 从一个侧面为天津新港防波堤延伸长度的确定提供了依据。

    It provides the basis for defining the extended length of the breakwaters .

  25. 上海新港河道耗氧特性研究及其综合整治措施

    Study on Oxygen Demand Characteristics and Restore Countermeasures of Xingang River in Shanghai

  26. 跨新港四号路立交桥设计

    Design of Grade Separation Bridge Overcrossing Xingang Road No.4

  27. 新港火山岩屏蔽区位于极为有利的区域构造位置。

    The Xingang Volcanics Shielded zone locates at a favorable regional structual position .

  28. 他刚加入新港警局。

    He 'd just joined the Newport police department .

  29. 大连新港原油码头栈桥改造前后静、动力特性和地震反应对比研究

    Static & Dynamic Properties and Seismic Contrastive Research of Dalian New Port Trestle

  30. 天津新港泥沙淤积变化分析和深水泊位合理布置

    Analysis of Siltation Variation and Rational Arrangement of Deepwater Berth of Tianjin Port