
  • 网络Vehicle terminal;gps;gprs
  1. GPS车载终端结构及数据流研究

    Study on Structure and Data traffic of GPS Move Terminal

  2. 基于ARM的智能公交车载终端的设计与开发

    The Design and Development of Intelligent Bus Management Terminal Based on ARM

  3. GPS车辆监控系统车载终端的设计与实现

    Design & Implementation of GPS Vehicle Monitoring System Terminal

  4. 无线集群系统GPS车载终端的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of GPS Vehicle Terminal Based on Wireless Trunking Communication System

  5. 车载终端硬件平台基于ARM处理器,以嵌入式Linux作为操作系统。

    The hardware of vehicular terminal was based on ARM CPU , and the Operating System was embedded Linux .

  6. 系统是以地理信息系统(GIS)为基础,由指挥监控中心、移动调度监控端、车载终端及其应用系统组成。

    System based on GIS-based , command control centers , dispatching mobile monitoring end of the terminal on-board system and its applications .

  7. 设计实现了数据通信协议,以VB为开发环境实现了车载终端和监控中心的通信模块,使车载终端和监控中心之间按照命令协议规范进行通信。

    So the vehicle terminal can communicate with monitoring center in accordance with the data communication protocol specification .

  8. 车载终端包括GPS接收机,GPRS模块,中央控制器(ETRl86),电源,LCD显示屏。

    And in mobile end , there consists GPS receiver , GPRS module , central controler , power and LCD .

  9. 整个系统由全球定位卫星、车载终端、GPRS网络以及监控中心组成。

    This system is composed of global positioning satellite , On board terminals , GPRS network and a monitor centre .

  10. 采用了2.5G无线通信技术,率先在车载终端中实现了GPRS通信方式;

    Used GPRS wireless communication technology in the program ;

  11. 基于WinCE智能车载终端的研究与应用

    Study and Application of Intelligent Vehicle Terminal Based on WinCE

  12. 基于Android的车载终端是在Android系统的基础上开发新一代车载移动终端产品。

    Android-based in-vehicle terminal is in the development of a new generation of Mobile Terminal product on the basis of the Android system .

  13. 面向非手机移动终端MMS传输技术的研究电动汽车车载终端无线传输网络的研究与设计

    MMS Transport Technology for None-Mobile-Phone Terminal ; The Research and Design of Vehicle Electrical Terminals for Wireless Transmission Network

  14. 面对GPS车载终端检测内容日益复杂,传统的人工检测方式已无法满足生产要求。

    In the face of increased production of GPS vehicle terminal and complexity increased of production testing , traditional manual inspection has been unable to meet the requirements of the production test .

  15. 搭建了模拟测试环境,模拟测试环境主要由基于SOPC的公交车站信息终端、车载终端和公交线路中心服务器等构成。

    The test environment mainly includes the SOPC-based information terminal bus station , car terminal and a central server .

  16. 浅析汽车轮胎压力监视系统TPMS高级场面监视系统车载终端的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of A-SMGCS Vehicle Terminals

  17. 基于uC/OS-II的Telematics车载终端控制器开发

    Development of Telematics in-vehicle terminal controller based on uC / OS-II

  18. 但是目前市面上存在的车载终端大多采用GPS模块与GPRS模块分开的设计理念,使得终端体积较大并且复杂的电路设计也易导致较高的故障率。

    But many current terminals use the design concept that separate the GPS module from the GPRS module . Thus makes terminals look much larger and cause the rise of failure rate .

  19. Telematics系统研究与车载终端设计

    Telematics System Research and Terminal Control Unit Design

  20. 本文分析了汽车电子技术的发展现状,采用ARM技术实现了嵌入式智能车载终端的解决方案,它具有功能丰富、实用性高、价格低的特点。

    This thesis analyzes the development status of automotive electronics , and realizes the solution of intelligent vehicle terminal based on ARM technology . This vehicle terminal has features of multi function , high performance and low cost .

  21. 在系统的物流管理中心,物流运输管理信息系统的GPS功能模块负责与移动通信链路及车载终端的信息进行交互,完成各种信息的分类及定位信息的派发。

    In the Logistics Management Center of the system , the GPS function module of Logistics Transportation Management Information System is in charge of information exchange with mobile communication and On-vehicle Terminal , information classification and transmitting location information .

  22. 然后,结合嵌入式系统的应用以及图形用户软件MiniGUI特点,提出了车载终端图形用户界面的设计与实现方案。

    Then , combined with the applications in embedded system and the characters of graphics user software & Mini GUI , it puts forward the way to design and realize vehicle terminal 's GUI .

  23. 根据实际需求分析了车载终端总体工作流程,采用C语言进行了车载终端软件设计,实现了定位信息进行校验处理、语音提示报站、数据存储、显示等功能。

    According to the real demand analysis , the author has designed the overall work flow of the terminal software , the software design uses the C language programming , and achieved a positioning information verification processing , voice prompts newspaper stations , data storage , display and other functions .

  24. 车载终端使用四参数模型将WGS-84坐标转换成当地坐标,同时结合航位推算技术实现组合定位导航。

    Vehicle terminal using 4-parameters model to transform WGS-84 coordinates to local coordinates and combining with Dead-Reckoning technology can realize integrated navigation of vehicle .

  25. GPS-GPRS定位系统车载终端的应用设计与实现

    Application Design and Implementation of GPS-GPRS Location System Vehicle Terminals

  26. 利用自行设计的TMS指令系统建立了监控中心与车载终端的稳定通讯,实现了系统的整体功能。

    The stable communication between monitoring center and vehicle terminal is set up by means of the self-designed TMS instruction system , and whole function of this system is realized . 5 .

  27. 其次,在研究嵌入式linux内核和文件系统的基础上,根据智能车载终端的特点,配置并设计了智能车载终端的linux内核,构建文件系统。

    Then the main modules circuit of the hardware system was designed . Secondly , According to the characteristics of intelligent vehicle terminal , based on the research of embedded Linux kernel and file system , designed an intelligent Linux kernel of vehicle terminal , and constructed file system .

  28. 系统集iDEN无线集群通信网络、GPS、GIS、电子地图等信息,建立公交电子站牌系统。智能化公交车载终端系统是智能化公交系统的重要组成部分。

    Smart bus stop system ( Intelligent public transportation system ) integrates with iDEN telecommunication network , GPS and GIS technologies and can be remote managed via internet . Intelligent public transportation terminal device , is an important part of Intelligent public transportation system .

  29. 监控中心以车辆当前位置为中心截取地图并传输给车载终端,车载终端利用彩色液晶显示屏LCM(LCDModule)显示地图,并通过GPRS通信模块实时刷新地图。

    Focused on the current position , the control center intercepts the map and transmits it to the vehicle . This system also applies a color LCM ( LCD module ) to display the map and updates it through GPRS communication .

  30. 该系统以GPRS、GPS及CPU(77E58)为核心构成,涉及到控制、协议解析、无线技术的应用等各方面,车载终端具有安装简单、功能强大、极具实用性等特点。

    The system is composed of GPRS , GPS and CPU ( 77E58 ), including such aspects as control , protocol translation and application of wireless technology . The vehicle terminal has the advantages of easy installation , multifunction , great practicability , etc.