
chē mǎ fèi
  • travel allowance
车马费 [chē mǎ fèi]
  • [travel allowance;honorarium for transportation and entertainment] 路费

  1. 此次汇丰集团主席葛霖(stephengreen)出席的活动,由中国本土公关公司精音传播机构(voiceonecommunications)组织,精音传播也表示,汇丰在安排支付车马费方面没有扮演任何角色。

    The event , featuring HSBC chairman Stephen Green , was hosted by the foundation and organised by local PR firm , voice one communications , which also said HSBC had no role in organising the payments .

  2. 第二天晚上市民代表们被召集起来商议,并收到了装有钱的信封&他们的报酬,名义上是给他们的车马费。

    At the end of the second day , citizen members were summoned from the deliberations to receive envelopes of cash & compensation , it was said , for their transportation costs .

  3. 公关公司将此类报酬称为“车马费”,这是中国媒体活动上一个普遍存在的特点,但批评人士称,在竞争日益激烈的新闻市场上,这种做法会导致报道失实。

    Such payments called " transport money " by public relations firms are a ubiquitous feature of media events in China but one , critics say , that skews coverage in an increasingly competitive news market .