
fān bù dài
  • canvas bag
  1. 管子工把他所有的工具都装进一只帆布袋里。

    The plumber stowed all his gear in a canvas bag .

  2. 帆布袋开了,因为我没有想到把它加固一下。

    The canvas bag had ripped because I have not thought of reinforcing it .

  3. 帆布袋很耐用。

    Canvas bags are durable .

  4. 另一个日本品牌IronHeart是店里所售最重的丹宁牛仔,没穿上身的时候,好像帆布袋一样。

    Another Japanese brand , Iron Heart , makes the heaviest denim the shop carries , jeans that wear like a stiff canvas sack until broken in .

  5. 比如,Avid的程序跟大部分软件一样都使用文件夹,不过它们不叫“文件夹”,而叫“文件箱”,图标是帆布袋——过去的剪辑人员就是把短小的胶片扔进帆布袋里。

    For example , Avid 's programs , like most software , use folders . But they 're called ' bins , ' after the canvas bags into which editors used to toss small lengths of film .

  6. 各种各样的工具都装入他们的帆布袋里。

    All kinds of gear have been stuffed into their kitbags .

  7. 看看那堆东西的底下有没有一只像高尔夫球袋的帆布袋。

    See if there is a canvas case like a golf bag under that pile there .

  8. 由于我没有想到采取加固措施,已有两个帆布袋裂开了。

    Two of the canvas bags had ripped because I had not thought of reinforcing them .

  9. 每个空间都用钢丝网围起来,所有的服装都装在朴素的帆布袋里,两者都体现了实用主义审美观。

    Each space was enclosed by steel mesh whose utilitarian aesthetic was shared by plain canvas garment bags containing the clothes .

  10. 该项目题为“打包”,将展览的全部物品包装在一个设计精美的帆布袋内。

    The project is entitled Packing and neatly brings together all of the themes of the exhibition in a cleverly designed cotton bag .

  11. 环保的即是时尚的。当您愉快地购物、上课、旅行和生活的时候,是该考虑为自己添置一个环保帆布袋了。

    It 's about time that everyone should have a canvas bag for shopping , for books , for travel , for whatever you need .

  12. 尽管投影机在我的演讲中当机,但我帆布袋中的小巧花园装饰品,成功帮助我引起观众的兴趣。

    Though my projector failed at the Women 's Club presentation , the small garden ornaments I 'd carried in my canvas bag helped intrigue the audience .

  13. 他起身走出卧厢,沿着过道小心翼翼地跨过箱子,帆布袋,躲过横七竖八的人体,朝厕所走去。

    He got up , left the compartment , and went along the corridor , picking his way over suitcases and kitbags and bodies , to the lavatory .

  14. 他在登机口向孩子们发放飞行胸章的时候,在行李箱里还会随身携带一些帆布袋,专门提供给那些携带大量礼物的父母们&他们的纸质购物袋很容易破碎。

    Along with passing out pilot wings to kids in the gate area , he carries canvas bags in his suitcase to give to parents whose gift-loaded paper shopping bags have ripped .

  15. 在装满信封和盒子的巨大帆布袋面前,他显得格外矮小,在工作的大楼里,他以最快的速度从一层移动到另一层。

    Dwarfed by a huge canvas sack filled with envelopes and boxes , he moves as quickly as he possibly can from one floor to another in the office buildings where he works .

  16. 在马杰拉精品店,顾客最后拿走的不是光亮的手提袋,而是白色帆布袋;设计工作室的员工穿着类似实验室工作服的白大褂。

    In Margiela boutiques , instead of a glossy carrier bag , purchases are taken away in white canvas sacks , and the staff in the design studios wear white coats that resemble lab coats .

  17. 我要的是一个帆布旅行袋。

    I have left my travelling bag behind .

  18. 简介丙纶邮政袋的生产工艺及技术关键,叙述丙纶邮政袋替代纯棉帆布邮政袋的优势。

    The producing process and technical key of polyethylene postal bag are introduced and the advantage of polyethylene postal bag in place of pure cotton canvas postal bag is described .

  19. 描述:本机适用于缝制厚重包袋、行李箱、帆布、可袋、座垫等,特别适用于箱包的周边作业。缝上衣服口袋的盖儿。

    The machine is available to sew heavy duty luggage suitcase , seat cushion , especially for dege seaming on luggage bags .

  20. 深圳工友皮具是一个高品质皮革,尼龙,帆布工具包,工具袋,围裙及配件制造的全球领先者。

    WORK GEAR INDUSTRIES is a global leader in the manufacture of high quality leather , nylon and canvas tool bags , tool pouches , aprons and accessories .