
  • 网络live show;live broadcasting;Larry King Live;On-site programs
  1. 电视转播车在电子现场节目制作(EFP)中能够发挥很大的作用,但购买标准转播车的高额费用,让很多地(市)县级电视台望而却步。

    The relay vehicle in the electronic scene program playes the very major role , but high expense prevented many cities county level television station .

  2. 毕业后不久,森德勒得到了一个在NBC电视台星期六现场节目表演喜剧短剧的机会,在那工作的五年里他成了该节目最受欢迎的演员之一。

    Not long after graduation , Sandler gained a position with the NBC-TV sketch-comedy show Saturday Night Live , and became one of the show 's most popular actors during his five-year stint .

  3. 之后她参加一期周六晚上举行的现场节目。

    She was then booked for an episode of Saturday Night Live .

  4. 音乐现场节目是我的最爱。

    Live music shows are my very favorite .

  5. 在电视现场节目里,如果有嘉宾即兴演唱这首歌,制作人就赶快消音,这种事屡见不鲜。

    On live television , it is not uncommon for an impromptu performance to be quickly silenced by producers .

  6. 索尼公司在展览中设置了专业图像采集区,小型高清多媒体节目制作系统、专业光盘现场节目制作系统等。

    Sony set an area especially for picture uploading , small hi-fi multi-media program producing and professional DVD making system .

  7. 1990年他开始为星期六夜现场节目写剧本,从那以后亚当很快成为该节目的一名干将,以致最后加盟为剧组的长期成员。

    He became a writer for Saturday Night Live in1990.After that he soon became a featured player on the show , and eventually he became a regular cast member .

  8. 联欢会上将有现场表演节目。

    There will be live entertainment at the party .

  9. 有三个酒吧每周七个晚上都有现场文艺节目。

    There are three bars , with live entertainment seven nights a week .

  10. 原创音乐艺人,他会出现在接下来的拉里·金现场直播节目。

    A music world original , next on LARRY KING LIVE .

  11. 他们增加了一个新节目&街头现场采访节目。

    They offered a new program - collecting vox-pops on the street .

  12. 户外现场直播节目信号的安全传输及安全播出

    Secure Signal Transmission and Broadcast in Outdoor Live Broadcast

  13. 来自好莱坞,这里是吉米•齐莫的现场直播节目。

    From Hollywood , it 's Jimmy Kimmel live .

  14. 连比尔·默里在拍摄《捉鬼敢死队》第一个镜头时都犯了这个错。(比尔·默里:美国著名演员。《周六夜现场》节目创办人)

    Even Bill Murray makes that mistake in the first scene of Ghostbusters .

  15. 对户外现场直播节目信号的安全传输及安全播出提出一些看法。

    This text offers some proposals to secure signal transmission and broadcast in outdoor live broadcast .

  16. 美国时间1月25日,乔纳希尔第三次客串主持《周六夜现场》节目。

    Jonah Hill returned to Saturday Night Live on Jan. 25 to host for the third time .

  17. 雅虎宣布,它已经购买了《周六夜现场》节目所有38季节目的专有权。

    Yahoo has announced it has bought exclusive rights to stream the entire 38-year-old archive of Saturday Night Live .

  18. 这一更名宣布于他参加《周六夜现场》节目之前,预计他将在节目中推出他的新专辑“Yandhi”。

    The change came ahead of his appearance on Saturday Night Live , where he was expected to launch his new album Yandhi .

  19. 想一下,很多去看现场娱乐节目的中国人都不怎么鼓掌,而且这其中的原因比你向想像地还要复杂。

    You see , Chinese people who go to live entertainment rarely applaud , and the reason is much more complicated than you might imagine .

  20. 1980年,艾迪墨菲首次在周六夜现场的节目中亮相。1982年,他触电大荧幕,出演了沃尔特希尔的动作喜剧《48小时》。

    Eddie Murphy debuted in 1980 on Saturday Night Live and acted for the first time on the big screen in Walt Hills 1982 action comedy 48 Hrs .

  21. 现今76岁高龄的拉里-金是个经验的主持人,他的节目拉里-金现场秀节目也有25年的历史了。但就在去年,收视率居然下滑了一半。

    The broadcasting veteran , 76 , has hosted the nightly Larry King Live show for25 years but , within the last year , ratings have slumped by nearly half .

  22. 除了赏花之外,该旅行还会安排游客深入体验当地生活,参与包括单车骑行和观看现场体育节目等各种户外活动,从而丰富游客的体验。

    In addition to flowers , local in-depth experiences , various outdoors activities , including cycling and watching live sports shows , have been arranged to spice up visitor 's experiences .

  23. 他在《周六夜现场》节目开场时表示,是《美国好声音》的其他3位评委安迪萨姆伯格、卡梅隆迪亚兹和杰瑞宋飞告诉了他这个建议。

    That was the advice offered from his ' The Voice ' judges Andy Samberg , Cameron Diaz and Jerry Seinfeld as he ran through his opening monologue on Saturday Night Live .

  24. 现在你们在现场了我们节目还派了阿力给你们带去惊喜

    Now you are here.And we sent Ari to surprises you .

  25. 在我们的网站上可听到现场和录音节目。

    Programmes can be heard live and recorded on our website .

  26. 将从华盛顿现场直播该节目。

    We 'll be broadcasting the programme live from Washington .

  27. 有现场乐队或者节目主持人吗?

    Is there a live band or a dj ?

  28. 祖克曼先生出席过数部电视专刊和全国性的现场访谈性节目(脱口秀)。

    Pinchas Zukerman has been featured in numerous television specials and national talk shows .

  29. 这也是杜莎夫人蜡像馆史上第一次在网上现场直播蜡像节目仪式。

    The unveiling was broadcast live for the first time in the museum 's history on a special website .

  30. 他于1978年加入香港电台,担任电视部编导,开创长寿现场直播电视节目&「城市论坛」。

    He joined RTHK 's TV department as a producer in1978.His track record includes the long-standing live TV programme ," City Forum " .