
  • 网络Hyundai Elantra
  1. 试想一下,开一辆二手的现代伊兰特与开一辆崭新的美洲豹XJ之间的差别,肯定没有开车与徒步跋涉烂泥滩之间的差别明显。

    And the distance between driving a used Hyundai Elantra and a new Jaguar XJ is well nigh undetectable compared with the difference between motoring and hiking through the muck .

  2. 整个10月,通用售出了20万台克鲁兹,比本田思域(Civic)、福特Fusion和现代伊兰特(Elantra)这三款长期畅销的小型车都多。

    Through October , GM ( GM , Fortune 500 ) sold over 200,000 units , more than the Honda ( HMC ) civic , Ford Fusion and Hyundai Elantra & three popular small cars with long track records .

  3. 本田思域,现代伊兰特的基本型做不到,丰田科罗拉和雪佛兰克鲁兹可以。

    Base versions of the Honda Civic and Hyundai Elantra do not , although the Toyota Corolla and Chevrolet Cruze do .