
rán yóu fù jiā fèi
  • fuel surcharge;bunker surcharge
  1. 机场税,机场保安税,燃油附加费。

    Airport taxes , security charge & fuel surcharge .

  2. 面对此次燃油附加费的小幅调整,旅客的态度不一。

    Passengers'opinions are divided on the fuel surcharge reduction .

  3. 汉莎航空(lufthansa)也在合谋操纵货运班机燃油附加费一案中得到了宽大处理。

    Lufthansa also received leniency for its role in exposing a conspiracy to fix fuel surcharges on cargo flights .

  4. 价格不包括所有机场税,燃油附加费和保险费。

    Exclude airport tax , fuel surcharge and insurance .

  5. 由于油价上涨,燃油附加费随之上涨只是一种权宜之计。

    As oil prices rise , raising the fuel surcharge is a quick fix .

  6. 专家预言,类似的燃油附加费上涨将影响到其他交通工具。

    Experts predict that similar fuel surcharge hikes will affect other forms of transport .

  7. 价格不含机票税金,燃油附加费,签证费及个人消费。

    Air taxes , Thailand visa fees , personal travel insurance fees are not included .

  8. 到欧洲的海上运输面临着相似的燃油附加费的增长。

    Shipments to Europe face similar increases .

  9. 机票价格均不包括所有税项、保安费及燃油附加费。

    All fares are excluding taxes , security service charge , fuel charge and airport taxes .

  10. 韩亚航空由香港至韩国、日本航段的燃油附加费也将下调。

    Asiana Airlines will cut fuel surcharges on routes connecting Hong Kong to South Korea and Japan .

  11. 韩国政府已准许韩国各航空公司从今年1月份起将国际航线的燃油附加费提高一倍。

    Seoul has allowed Korean Airlines to double their fuel surcharges for international flights starting in January .

  12. 不包括机场税,燃油附加费,保安费,购物车费用,所有转让费。

    Exclude airport tax , fuel surcharge , security charge , Cart fee , All transfer fee .

  13. 对于残疾军人和购买半票的小孩,燃油附加费暂不调整。

    Fuel surcharges for disabled soldiers and children who pay half the adult fare will be unchanged .

  14. 中国主要航空公司已经在今年第三次对国内航线增加燃油附加费了。

    Major Chinese airliners have increased their fuel surcharges for domestic routes for the third time this year .

  15. 港龙航空公司也将下调香港往返印度、孟加拉共和国以及尼泊尔航段的燃油附加费。

    Dragonair will also reduce fuel surcharges on routes linking Hong Kong with India , Bangladesh and Nepal .

  16. 航空公司已经降低了过去几年由于油价狂升而提高的燃油附加费。

    Airlines are cutting the surcharges they have imposed over the past few years as oil prices soared .

  17. 全球石油价格趋于稳定,允许一些航空公司下调某些国际航线的燃油附加费。

    Global oil prices are moderating , allowing some airlines to reduce fuel surcharges included in some international routes .

  18. 说明:机票价格均不含机场建设费、航空保险以及燃油附加费。

    Note : he ticket prices do not include airport construction fee , insurance and the fuel additional fee .

  19. 几乎不约而同,四大快递巨头再次调高了燃油附加费。

    Almost and by sheer coincidence , the four greatest express deliveries important leader keyed up the fuel surcharge again .

  20. 汉莎现在处在必须增加乘客的燃油附加费来平衡不断攀升的油价的境地。

    Lufthansa is in a position where can levy the fuel surcharge on its customers to counter the jet-fuel price .

  21. 分析师预计,由于收取燃油附加费和旅行需求不断上升,上述两家航空公司今年的业绩将有所好转。

    Analysts expect the two airlines to report better earnings this year because of fuel surcharges and growing travel demand .

  22. 北京已取消燃油附加费,并禁止新公司在2012年之前进入航空业,但其应急方案已所剩无几。

    Beijing has scrapped fuel surcharges and banned new entrants until 2012 , but is running out of emergency options .

  23. 所有快件需征收基于油价指数的燃油附加费。铁路客货运输作业成本计算方法研究

    Index linked fuel surcharge is imposed to all shipments . Study on cost calculation method of passenger and freight operation

  24. 据《上海日报》报道,国内航线燃油附加费小幅下调之后,乘坐飞机出行将比之前略微便宜。

    Flying will become slightly cheaper for passengers as Chinese airlines trimmed fuel surcharges for domestic flights , Shanghai Daily reported .

  25. 两周前,北京将长距离车程的燃油附加费上调一倍,以平息出租车司机的怨言。

    Two weeks ago Beijing doubled the fuel surcharge for long trips in a bid to appease taxi drivers ' complaints .

  26. 各大航空公司将增加的燃料成本以燃油附加费的形式转嫁到乘客身上。

    Airlines pinch passengers Major air carriers are passing increased fuel costs on to passengers in the form of surcharges and fees

  27. 其他航空公司,均瑶航空,厦门航空和北京首度航空公司也对燃油附加费作出了相同幅度的调整。

    Other carriers , including Juneyao Airlines , Xiamen Airlines , Beijing Capital Airlines Co also raised fuel surcharges by the same margin .

  28. 增收燃油附加费,使得那些刚开始把飞行视为火车和长途汽车替代交通工具的人却步。

    Fuel surcharges have priced out travellers who had just started to embrace air travel as a viable alternative to road or rail .

  29. 汽车租赁公司同样如此,它们的主要利润来自于燃油附加费和碰撞损害免赔等项目。

    Car rental companies do the same , making the bulk of their profits from items such as fuel surcharges and collision damage waivers .

  30. 为了抵消油价不断上涨的影响,这家亚洲第三大航空公司增加了对冲操作,并向乘客征收燃油附加费。

    Asia 's third-largest carrier increased hedging activities and passed fuel surcharges on to passengers in an effort to help offset rising oil prices .