
jiǎn chá wěi yuán huì
  • procuratorial committee;prosecutorial committee
  1. 当前检察委员会工作改革的现状及其取向

    On the Actuality and Orientation of Current Reform of Procuratorial Committee

  2. 三是优化检察委员会组织结构。

    Three is to optimize the Procuratorial Committee Organization structure .

  3. 我国的检察委员会制度对防止错案,预防腐败起到较大的作用。

    Committee system plays a larger role in preventing miscarriage and corruption .

  4. 论检察委员会制度的改革

    On the Reform of the System of the Procuratorial committee

  5. 对基层检察委员会制度有关问题的探讨

    Inquiring into some Problems on the Primary Procuratorial Committee

  6. 检察委员会构成和运作行政化;

    Committee forms procuratorial work and operation administration ;

  7. 与此相关的是要加强检察委员会办事机构建设。

    Related to this is to strengthen the construction of the procuratorial committee offices .

  8. 各级人民检察院设立检察委员会。

    People 's procuratorates at all levels shall each set up a procuratorial committee .

  9. 二是优化检察委员会权力运行中的各种关系。

    Two is to optimize the procuratorial committee in the operation of power relations .

  10. 重大案件应当提交检察委员会讨论决定。

    Major cases shall be submitted to the procuratorial committee for discussion and decision .

  11. 检察委员会改革要围绕如何使检察法律监督发挥更大作用这一目的,革除原有检察委员会管理和运作模式中与检察法律监督内容不相适应的各种消极被动的因素。

    The focus of the reform is to enable the Procuratorial Committee play a greater role .

  12. 检察委员会制度是具有我国特色的社会主义司法制度之一。

    The procuratorial work committee system is one of the socialist judicial system with our country characteristic .

  13. 检察委员会职能发挥是检验检察委员会制度成效的一个重要的载体和途径。

    Procuratorial committee functions is to test the procuratorial committee system effect is an important carrier and way .

  14. 我国检察委员会制度随着司法形势的演变,其所具有的一些弊端和问题已经出现。

    Attorney committee system with the judicial situation evolves , it also has some drawbacks issues have emerged .

  15. 但目前基层检察委员会制度在运行中存在许多问题,直接影响到检察委员会职能的正常发挥。

    But there are so many questions in operating the committee 's system that influence the procuratorial work directly .

  16. 通过我国检察委员会制度的不断完善,能够有效的的促进司法公正和高效发展。

    Through our monitoring committee system of continuous improvement , can effectively promote the fair and efficient judicial development .

  17. 检察委员会的建设,最终是为了提高检察机关的决策水平。

    The destination of developing the procuratorial committee is to im - prove the ability of decision-making of procuratorial organs .

  18. 检察委员会审议决定某些提交的案件和事项是法律规定的必须经过的程序;四是基层检察委员会是基层检察院中具有管理职能的机构。

    Committee decided certain cases and matters submitted by the legal procedures ; Fourth committee is the body of management functions .

  19. 确保检察委员会职权运行和职能发挥的检察委员会组成人员上,基本上是适合目前情况的。

    Procuratorial committee to ensure the operation and function of procuratorial committee members , basically is suitable for the current situation .

  20. 检察委员会制度在我国是作为司法体制改革以及和谐政法建设中重要要素存在的,我国检察委员会制度的不断完善对推动我国司法体制改革与和谐政法建设都有着重要的意义。

    Attorney committee system in our judicial system as well as the construction of important political and legal elements of a harmonious existence .

  21. 人们翘首期盼进一步提高基层检察院委员会的审议案件、决断案件的能力,增加基层检察委员会的威信和可信度。

    People expect that committee enhance the ability of determination of cases and increase the prosecutorial committee authority and credibility of the Commission .

  22. 它是由独立检察委员会编写,独立检察委员会是政府设立的独立的审查北爱尔兰辅助正规军的和安全形势的小组。

    It was written by the Independent Monitoring Commission , a government-created independent panel that looked at the paramilitary and security situation in Northern Ireland .

  23. 检察委员会制度是五十年代确立的,在当时时代背景下,检察委会在司法实践中扮演了重要的角色。

    Prosecutorial committee was established in the fifties . In the background of the times , Prosecutorial committee played an important role in the judicial practice .

  24. 同时,检察委员会办事机构,也为检察委员会正常运作和职能发挥,发挥了重要作用。

    At the same time , the procuratorial committee offices , but also for the Procuratorial Committee for normal operation and function , plays an important role in .

  25. 这个四个发展阶段贯穿的核心问题是决策方式的变化和议事范围的变化,同时检察委员会的议事程序也不断走向完善。

    The four stages of development through the core problem is decision-making way change and the range of variation , while the procuratorial committee procedure has continued to improve .

  26. 基于对检委会性质和地位的认识,检察委员会的职能应当是领导、指导、监督、评价等职能的复合体。

    Based on the nature and position of the procuratorial committee , procuratorial committee functions should be leadership , guidance , supervision , evaluation and other functions of the complex .

  27. 但是,检察委员会在司法实践中也存在着诸多问题,影响了检察委员会作用的发挥,需要对其进行改革。

    Since its establishment , the Procuratorial Committee system has played an important role in prosecution work , however , constraints remains in judicial practice , which needs to be improved through reforms .

  28. 除了具体工作的程序化和组织制度的规范化之外,提高检察委员会决策水平,在今后一个时期要逐步转向突出抓好业务建设。

    Besides the formalization of working process and the standardization of organizational system , the orientation of improving the ability of decision-making of procuratorial committee should be voca - tional development in future .

  29. 具体路径是:一是明确检察委员会的职能定位,检察委员会作为业务议事决策机构,这一重要地位就决定了其职能具有权威性、专业性和多重性。

    The path is clear : one is the function positioning of the procuratorial committee , the Committee as a business the decision-making mechanism , this important position decides its function is authoritative , professional and multiplicity .

  30. 明确检察委员会的职能定位,其重点就是要厘清检察委员会到底具有那些权能,这是检察委员会权力配置、作用发挥的前提和基础。

    Clear the procuratorial committee functions , its focus is to clarify whether the procuratorial committee has the power , it is the procuratorial committee power configuration , to play the role of the premise and foundation of .