
  • 网络inspection tool;Inspector
  1. 在我寻找分析RationalApplicationDeveloper的代码和检查工具的内部客户的过程中,我遇到了来自一个令人惊奇的抵抗源:我自己的开发团队。

    In my quest to recruit internal customers for the Rational Application Developer code analysis and inspection tool , I encountered resistance from a surprising source : my own development team .

  2. 使用自动的源代码检查工具(如CheckStyle)可以提供执行可配置规则集的简单途径,规则集可以根据项目的编码标准而定。

    Using an automated source code inspection tool such as CheckStyle provides an easy way to execute a configurable set of rules , which can be based on a project 's coding standards .

  3. 模块化C程序的编码方法及C模块接口的检查工具

    A coding method for modular C programs and tools for checking C module interface

  4. 指示板也可在测试真实Web服务时用作健康检查工具来验证连通性和结果。

    The dashboard can also be used as a health check tool to verify connectivity and results when testing the actual Web services .

  5. 更强大的DNS检查工具是dig。

    A more powerful DNS interrogation tool is dig .

  6. 如果你一定要用Facebook向老板求职,那就说些有趣的话,并用拼写检查工具检查一下拼写。

    If you do Facebook the owner , have something interesting to say and use a spell check .

  7. 正如我前面提到的,尽管我成功地吸引了很多IBM团队使用RationalApplicationDeveloper&我们的静态分析和检查工具,我自己的开发团队却抵制这一工具。

    As I mentioned earlier , although I was successful at enticing many IBM teams to use Rational Application Developer , our static-analysis-and-inspection tool , my own development team resisted .

  8. 执行ost完整性检查工具扫描之前,请退出outlook。

    Please quit outlook before performing a scan with the OST integrity check tool .

  9. 肺结节的检出和诊断一直是肺部疾病检诊的难点之一。对肺癌的筛查,从胸部透视发展到CT,通过胸部影像方法的对比研究发现CT是肺结节最好的检查工具。

    The implement screening for lung cancer has developed from fluoroscopy to CT scanning , by comparing the methods of thorax imaging , CT has been testified the optimal implement .

  10. 这些引人注目的“安全解决方案”包括旨在窥探员工的方案(业内的行话叫“性能监控”),和一个被称为心理健康检查工具(MentalHealthCheckTool)的应用程序。

    The eye-catching " safety solutions " include programs aimed at snooping on workers known as " performance monitoring " in the industry and an application dubbed the mental health check tool .

  11. 无线胶囊内窥镜(WirelessCapsuleEndoscopy,WCE)是一种新型的用于小肠疾病诊断的无创检查工具。

    Wireless capsule endoscopy ( WCE ) is a new type of noninvasive tool for small bowel disease diagnosis .

  12. IBMNAS管理服务器(kadmind)提供了增强密码强度检查工具。

    The IBM NAS administration server ( kadmind ) provides an enhanced password strength-checking facility .

  13. 有关进一步的信息,请参阅mta检查工具文档。

    For further information , see the MTA check tool documentation .

  14. 结论在筛选ED和诊断血管性ED中,NEVA是有效、易被病人接受的一种NPT检查工具。

    Conclusion NEVA is feasible and acceptable in the screening ED and diagnosis of the vasculogenic ED.

  15. WebKing是常用的Web语法检查工具,它可以直接检查HTML代码并帮助您在使用其他辅助技术之前修复可访问性问题。

    WebKing is a popular Web syntax checker tool that scans the HTML code directly to help you fix the accessibility errors before using other assistive technology .

  16. 在测试应用程序时存在稳定的回归测试时,引入类似Purify的运行时错误检查工具就是比较明智的事情。

    When a solid regression suite is present for testing the application , incorporating a runtime error detection tool such as Purify in it is a smart thing to do .

  17. 如果怀疑mta数据库有损坏或看见事件日志中写入了错误,请运行mta检查工具。

    Run MTA check if you suspect corruption in the MTA database or see errors written to the event log .

  18. 本文完成的工作主要有:首先,对国内外C程序安全规则集及检查工具进行了分析比较;分析了GCC编译器的编译流程及其前端词法分析、语法语义分析的主要数据结构和工作过程。

    The main work of the paper can be concluded as follows : Firstly , the C programs safety rules and corresponding checking tools are analyzed and summarized . The structure of GCC compiler is described .

  19. 首先讨论了主流的安全检查工具的优缺点以及本文采用的软件安全检查工具的框架,在此基础上给出了Java前端的整体设计,该设计包括预处理和中间表示生成两部分。

    First of all , this paper discusses the relative merits of some current security checking tools and the framework of the related one . Based on this , the whole design of Java front end which is divided into preprocessor and generation of intermediate representation is given .

  20. NEC开发的这种新型心理健康检查工具现已在好几家没有公开名称的日本蓝筹公司投入使用。这种基于电脑运行的工具不仅可以显示任何潜在的心理问题,还能够监视员工的心理稳定程度。

    Now in use by several undisclosed blue chip companies in Japan , NEC 's new health tool is PC-based and can monitor the mental stability of a workforce while flagging any potential psychological problems .

  21. 经典的Ishihara假同色法试验方法(IPPT)已被假定是色盲的一个简便的筛选检查工具;

    Classic method of Ishihara pseudoisochromatic plate test ( IPPT ) was assumed to be a convenient screening tool for color blindness ;

  22. Mehrotra表示,很多患者去年使用病症检查工具的次数超过了一亿次,这让很多内科医生都大吃一惊。

    Mehrotra says patients used symptom checkers more than 100 million times last year , a fact that may stun some physicians .

  23. 在Linux中,文件系统检查工具被称为fsck,您可以通过传递想要检查的文件系统相关的设备文件名来调用它,正如在fsck/dev/sda1中检查/dev/sda1。

    In Linux , the file system check tool is called fsck , and you call it by passing it the device filename associated with the file system you want to check , as in fsck / dev / sda1 to check / dev / sda1 .

  24. 目前,国内外眼科医生主要使用双目间接检眼镜进行ROP的筛查,它具有立体感、照明强度强、视野宽、成像清晰等特点,被公认为是ROP筛查的金标准和首选检查工具。

    At present , domestic and foreign ophthalmologists mainly use binocular indirect ophthalmoscope for ROP screening , it has a three-dimensional feeling , lighting intensity , wide field of vision , clear imaging and so on , ROP screening is recognized as the " gold standard " and preferred checker .

  25. 现在检查工具中的控制台视图。

    Now check the Console View in your tool .

  26. 且记住,邮件自动检查工具不会语法错误。

    And remember , your email software 's spellchecker won 't catch grammar mistakes .

  27. 软件技术状态检查工具的研究

    Study of Checking Tool for Software Technical State

  28. 示例:静态分析和检查工具

    Example : Static analysis and inspection tool

  29. 工作进行前,应检查工具/机器的性能。

    Always check the tools / machines for any malfunction before proceeding with the work .

  30. 对不起,没有可用的拼写检查工具。请执行安装程序,重新安装。

    Sorry , there is no valid speller . You should run Setup and reinstall .