
  • 网络Code generator;code builder
  1. 在构建关系模型和Web模型的代码生成器时,应用该体系结构实现关系模型和Web模型的映射。

    Applying this architectural structure to realize relation model mapping and Web 's model mapping when building the code generator .

  2. 基于MDA的代码生成器设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Code Generator Based on MDA

  3. 其中重点论述了图形化的过程定义工具、封装成WEBService的工作流引擎组件、基于模板技术的代码生成器等核心模块的设计和实现。

    The core modules include workflow engine encapsulated as Web Service , graphical tool for process definition and code generate engine based on template .

  4. 但是,我们生活在一个到处都是XML编辑器、文件和代码生成器以及Web服务的世界中。

    However , we live in a world where XML editors , file and code generators , and Web services abound .

  5. 本文介绍IBMPc/XT机的代码生成器的设计。

    The design of the generation of code for IBM pc / XT is introduced .

  6. LAMP环境下php自动代码生成器的设计与实现

    LAMP Environment Php Automatic Code Generation Design and Implementation

  7. 这样我们就可以为Scheme语言在代码生成器传统应用的地方简单地添加一些领域特有的扩展了。

    This allows you to simply and easily add domain-specific extensions to the Scheme language in the place that code generators have traditionally held .

  8. 代码生成器对用Java代码(JPA)定义的实体作变换。

    The code generator is transforming entity definition in JPA-based Java code .

  9. 接着讨论了代码生成器所需要的关键技术和架构,包括Access数据库存储与提取信息以及代码文档对象模型等。

    Then the thesis describes key technology and architect such as getting the information from Access database , code document object model for the code generator .

  10. 其中,XML在代码生成器中用于从高层模型到底层代码映射的内部表示语言;

    Among them , XML is use in internal representation language which is mapping from higher level 's model to indeed layer code .

  11. Rails所提供的工具主要是一组代码生成器。

    The tools that Rails provides are basically a set of code generators .

  12. DataStudio对带注释的方法风格的工具支持包括一个代码生成器,它可以创建用户编写的带注释的方法的实现。

    Optim Development Studio tooling support for pureQuery data access objects includes a code generator which creates implementations of annotated methods written by the user .

  13. 代码生成器正确地创建了Java枚举,但是不确保至少选择其中一个值。

    The code generator correctly created a Java enumeration , but doesn 't make sure at least one of the values is chosen .

  14. JIT是一个代码生成器,它将Java字节码转换成宿主平台的本地代码。

    A JIT is a code generator that converts Java byte-code into native machine code of the host platform .

  15. 使用XML和JSP的这些句法方面的优点是很明显的,尤其是当代码生成器需要大量属性的时候。

    All these syntactical advantages of using XML and JSP become obvious , especially when the code generator needs lots of attributes .

  16. XDoclet就是其中的一种代码生成器,在J2EE开发中得到了大量的使用。

    XDoclet is one such code generator that 's used heavily for J2EE development .

  17. 再者,VisualStudio配备丰富模板集和代码生成器,开发人员期望一流的语言都有类似的体验。

    In addition , given the rich set of templates and code-generators that ship with Visual Studio , developers expect that first-level languages each have a similar experience .

  18. 我们为VLIWDSP定制它的机器规格说明和机器描述,并利用IMPACT的模板构造它的代码生成器。

    We customized a machine specification and a machine description for the VLIW DSP , and constructed the code generator using the template provided by IMPACT .

  19. 根据项目业务逻辑层设计模式,用Java和C构建了一个代码生成器来产生业务逻辑层的C代码文件。

    According to the design schema of the project 's business logic layer , a code-generator is built to automatically generate C # code files of business logic layer with Java and C # .

  20. 然后,优化后的RTL被提供给代码生成器,后者产生目标代码。

    The optimized RTL is then fed to the code generator , which produces target code .

  21. 这些工具包括有一个测试套件、MVC架构、代码生成器、基于gem的插件、环境场景,以及轻便的应用程序配置。

    Such tools include a test suite , MVC architecture , code generators , gem based plugins , environment stages , and easy application configuration .

  22. KD-SNFS原型系统在Linux中实现,它的实现使用了FiST文件系统代码生成器;

    The prototype of KD-SNFS was implemented in Linux , its implementation used the FiST file system code generator .

  23. 这种eBay模式的核心点在于使用Eclipse代码生成器以进行这些繁琐的转换。

    The central theme that runs through the eBay approach is using Eclipse code generators to take the grunt work out of doing this conversion .

  24. InfoQ:在过去,代码生成器在融入软件构建过程中遇到了一些困难,目前有何改变呢?

    InfoQ : Code generation has had some difficulties in the past to enter the software construction process , what has changed ?

  25. 虽然这在过去可能是真的,但现代的代码生成器特别是那些全面可定制的可以生成执行得像手写的C++或Java那样好的代码。

    Although this might have been true in the past , modern code generators particularly those that are fully customizable can produce code that performs just as well as handwritten C + + or Java .

  26. JLINQ仅是IBM为Eclispe制作的新的ORM风格的代码生成器。

    This is merely a new ORM style code generator for Eclipse that IBM has made .

  27. TECHPRO编译器中的全知代码生成器对程序中任何指针下哪个寄存器可用哪个寄存器不可用非常了解。

    The omniscient code generator in HI-TECH 's PRO compiler has perfect knowledge about which registers are available and which registers are not available at any point in the program .

  28. 如果json属性为true,那么这个代码生成器将会用eval(request.responseText)添加一行JavaScript代码来评估Ajax响应。

    If the json attribute is true , the code generator adds a JavaScript line that evaluates the Ajax response , using eval ( request . responseText ) .

  29. 最后设计实现了基于Velocity模板的代码生成器以完成从平台相关模型生成代码,详细阐述了应用框架模板库中用户界面模板的设计。

    Lastly , in order to generate the code from platform specific model , we design a code generator based on velocity template , in which we illustrate the design of the user interface template bank included in application frame .

  30. Q:代码生成器是比手工写Java代码容易和方便,但是他们总是需要特定的运行环境,这使得它难以达到用本地服务器提供的安全性、可测量性和可靠性。

    Q : Code generators may be easier and quicker than hand-coding in Java , but they always require a special runtime which makes it hard to achieve the security , scalability and reliability offered by native servers .