
dài wèi quán
  • right of subrogation
  1. 我国债权人代位权行使方式仅限于裁判方式,存在缺陷;

    Way of exertion on subrogation is confined to by judgment .

  2. 世界各国普遍确立了保险代位权制度。

    Many countries in the world have universally established insurance subrogation .

  3. 债权人代位权的行使。

    The fourth part , exertion of creditors ' subrogate right .

  4. 代位权行使范围及效果归属比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Enforcement Scope and Effectiveness Attributing of Subrogation

  5. 债务人在代位权诉讼中为无独立请求权的第三人;

    The debtor is the third party without independent request right ;

  6. 第一部分:保险代位权的理论基础。

    Part I : The rationale of the right of subrogation .

  7. 作者从三个方面作了阐述,认为:首先,保险代位权是商法基本价的集中体现。

    First , subrogation embodies the fundamental value of commercial law .

  8. 对债权人代位权效率的经济学分析

    An Economic Analysis about the Efficiency of Subrogation Right of Creditor

  9. 我国《合同法》规定了代位权制度。

    The system of subrogation is clearly prescribed in Contract Law .

  10. 我国债权人代位权制度存在诸多问题。

    There are many problems in the subrogation-right system of creditors .

  11. 完善我国债权人代位权制度的几点构想

    Probing into the Perfection of System of Subrogation by the Creditor

  12. 论代位权诉讼的当事人问题

    On the Litigant in Action of Subrogation On Right of Subrogation

  13. 关于税收代位权制度问题的探讨

    Probe into the Problem about the Taxation Subrogation Right System

  14. 试论税务机关代位权的实现

    On the Recognition of the Right of Subrogation of the Tax Authorities

  15. 第三部分是关于债权代位权的实行效果。

    The third part discusses the effete of exercising subrogation .

  16. 第三章保险代位权的运行。

    The third part : The movement of insurance subrogation .

  17. 保险人须按特定法律要件行使保险代位权的相应内容。

    The insurant should perform right of subrogation according to certain laws .

  18. 相关法规规定了代位权的构成要件。

    Relevant law stipulates the important conditions of the subrogation .

  19. 论债权人的代位权和相关法律制度的完善

    Studying on creditor 's subrogation and the perfection of the relevant law

  20. 论债权人行使代位权的几个问题

    On Problems of the Creditor 's Exercise of the Right of Subrogation

  21. 作者从不真正连带债务角度出发,对保险代位权的行使条件做了分析。

    The author analyzed it from the nonstandard joint and several obligation .

  22. 我国合同法代位权制度若干问题研究

    Study on Several Issues of Subrogation in PRC Contract Law

  23. 本部分回顾了代位权制度的历史演变。

    In this part we recall the historical evolution of subrogation system .

  24. 债权人代位权制度若干问题探讨

    Discussion of Several Issues of Creditor 's Subrogation Right System

  25. 保险人的追偿权与代位权之比较研究

    The Comparative Studies on Insurer ′ s Rights of Recovery and Subrogation

  26. 略论代位权诉讼权利滥用的法理思考

    Reflection of law theory on the abuse of right

  27. 代位权制度具有保全债权的功能。第二章债权人代位权法律关系。

    Subrogation with preservation of function . Chapter ⅱ, Legal relations of Subrogation .

  28. 浅探税收代位权对民法代位权的移植

    A Probe into the Transplant of Subrogation from Civil Law to Tax Law

  29. 论代位权行使过程中必要费用的承担

    The Necessary Expense in the Exercise of Subrogation Right

  30. 代位权诉讼与代位申请执行之探微

    Executive Force Probing into Lawsuit of Subrogation and Application for Execution in Subrogation