
  • 网络holding company
  1. 意大利政府最终就落得如此境地,不得不将银行资产整合为国家控股企业IRI,由这家企业在随后60年里管理着意大利的多数经济部门。

    The Italian government ended up in this position and needed to consolidate the banks ' assets into a state holding company , IRI , that for six decades ran most of the Italian economy .

  2. 昨日,迪拜某国家控股企业的一位官员提出了此种机构之间合作的可能性。他表示,两国正在讨论资产置换等相互投资问题。

    The possibility of tie-ups between such agencies was mooted yesterday by an official of a Dubai state holding company , who said the two countries were discussing mutual investments , such as asset swaps .

  3. 拥有电讯盈科20%股权的中国国家控股企业中国网通(ChinaNetcom)宣布,反对将资产售予任何外国买家。

    State-controlled China Netcom , which owns 20 per cent of PCCW , declared its opposition to any sale to foreign buyers .

  4. 股市规模相对于GDP一般较小,上市的国有控股企业总是将社会和政治考量置于外部股东利益之上。

    The equity market is generally relatively small relative to GDP , while listed state-controlled companies will always place social and political considerations above the interests of external shareholders .

  5. 随着台湾肥料(taiwanfertilizer)的海外股东要求派代表加入董事会并争取派发现金,台湾政府即将面临外国投资者发起的首次重大挑战,要求其提高政府控股企业的回报率。

    Taiwan is on the verge of its first major challenge to the government by foreign investors to improve returns at a state-controlled company as overseas shareholders of Taiwan Fertilizer push for board representation and cash pay-outs .

  6. 对国有控股企业应进一步强化经济责任审计。

    Further strengthen audit of economic responsibility to the state-controlled enterprises .

  7. 论创建学习型的国有控股企业

    On Setting Up State Share Controlling Enterprises of Study Type

  8. 沈阳装备制造业企业以国有或国有控股企业为主。

    Mostly enterprises of Shenyang equipment manufacturing industry are owned by nation .

  9. 控股企业货币资金委托集中管理探索

    Research of Centralized Management for Holding Enterprises ' Monetary Fund by Authorization

  10. 他曾发表法学论文多篇,是多家大型国有控股企业的常年法律顾问。

    He is the perennial counselor-at-law of quite a few major state-owned enterprises .

  11. 在目标企业方面,跨国公司多选择各行业龙头企业、国有企业或国有控股企业作为并购对象。

    MNCs tended to select leading enterprises and state-owned enterprises as target firms .

  12. 董事会会议效率方面民营企业要好于国有控股企业。

    The Board Meeting is more efficient than that is in State-Owned Enterprises ;

  13. 国有及国有控股企业的绩效评价指标体系设计

    Performance Evaluation Index System Design of State-owned Enterprises

  14. 在这个过程中,发挥国有控股企业工会组织的推动作用显得尤为重要。

    It is more important to give play to trade union in state-holding enterprise .

  15. 国有控股企业审计研究

    The Audit Research of State Holding Enterprises

  16. 公司在国内外建有5家全资企业,3家控股企业和6家参股企业。

    GME has5 subsidiaries at home and broad , 3 holding companies and6 share companies .

  17. 民营控股企业比国有控股企业的融资效率要高。

    The financing efficiency of the private holding companies is higher than the state-controlled companies .

  18. 国有及国有控股企业内部控制特殊问题研究

    A Study on the Special Problem of Internal Control in State-owned and State holding Corporations

  19. 中国还有两家银行、一家保险公司以及中国移动入围,这些全都是国家控股企业。

    China also has two banks , an insurer and China Mobile , all state controlled .

  20. 按照现行格式,国际会计准则第24号将所有国家控股企业均视为关联方。

    In its current form , IAS 24 deems all state-controlled enterprises to be related parties .

  21. 外资企业、民营企业比国有或国有控股企业员工参与程度高。

    The level of participation was higher in foreign-funded and private enterprises than in state-owned enterprises .

  22. 此外,居中的股权结构既不能抑制非国有控股企业过度投资,又不能促进企业有效投资。

    In addition , centered ownership structure neither constrains overinvestment nor promotes the effective investment in non-state-holding enterprises .

  23. 国有及国有控股企业经济责任审计的风险及控制国有控股企业集团资金管理探讨

    Risk and Control of Auditing the Economic Obligation of Leadership in State Enterprise or in state Holding Enterprise

  24. 与被称为银行控股企业的金融集团内部的非银行附属机构相比,银行的融资成本往往较低。

    Funding costs are typically lower for banks than nonbank affiliates inside financial groups known as bank holding companies .

  25. 广义的民营企业是对除国有和国有控股企业以外的多种所有制经济的统称,包括个体工商户、私营企业、集体企业、港澳台投资企业和外商投资企业。

    In broad sense , Civilian Enterprise includes individual merchant , private enterprise , collectivity enterprise and foreign investment enterprises .

  26. 现有全资企业3家、控股企业12家,从业人员近2万人。

    Now , Yunnan Copper Group Company own three wholly-owned and two holding companies , employing nearly 2 million people .

  27. 而国家控股企业作为我国企业主体,更是表现出较高的投资增长率,也出现了非效率投资现象,主要表现为过度投资。

    As the subject of Chinese enterprises , stated-controlled listed companies also showed high investment growth and mainly for excessive investment .

  28. 另外,国有控股企业与非国有控股企业在财务工具选择方面表现出几乎完全不同的特点。

    In addition , the state-controlled enterprises and non-state-owned enterprises in the selection of financial instruments showed almost completely different characteristics .

  29. 浅谈国有及国有控股企业领导人任期经济责任审计的评价

    Talking about the Evaluation of the Service Term Economic Responsibility Audit for the Leaders of State-owned Enterprises and State-owned Holding Corporations

  30. 主要包括全社会、集体、个体、私营、联营、非国有控股企业。

    It includes the enterprises that are held by society , collectivity , individual , private sectors , pool and non-state-owned power .