
kònɡ ɡǔ quán
  • controlling interest
  1. 购买足够股份从而控股权的办法来接管一家公司。

    The act of taking control of a company by buying up enough of its stock t gain a controlling interest .

  2. 凯雷去年以8.9亿美元的价格将台湾宽频通讯出售给麦格理银行,而今年又以大约10亿美元获得东森媒体科技(EasternMultimedia)控股权,从而重新进入有线电视市场。

    Carlyle last year sold Taiwan Broadband to Macquarie for $ 890m and this year re-entered the market by acquiring a controlling stake in Eastern Multimedia for about $ 1bn .

  3. 不过,还有另外一条路可走,即Uber可以把控股权卖给沃伦o巴菲特,从而永远不用上市。

    But there is another way . Uber could remain private indefinitely by selling a control stake to Warren Buffett .

  4. 双方两年前达成协议,秋明BP将把控股权出售给Gazprom,但交易迄今未完成,原因同样是由于价格分歧。

    The two sides reached agreement two years ago that TNK-BP would sell control to the Russian gas group but the deal is yet to be completed , also because of disagreement over price .

  5. 如今,李泽楷旗下控股公司的少数股东又投票否决相关计划,拒绝将电讯盈科23%控股权出售给李泽楷之父、亿万富翁李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)参与的一个财团。

    Now minority shareholders at Mr Li 's holding company have voted down a proposal to sell the controlling 23 per cent stake in PCCW to a consortium that included his father , billionaire Li Ka-shing .

  6. 预计该公司还将以3.45亿美元向Batelco出售在摩纳哥电信(MonacoTelecom)所持剩余控股权。Batelco对这笔交易拥有1年期权。

    The company is also expected to sell off the remaining controlling stake in Monaco Telecom for an additional $ 345m to Batelco , which has a one-year option on the deal .

  7. 最终价格将取决于华为是否同意让出控股权。

    The final price will depend on whether Huawei cedes majority control .

  8. 大公司已把小公司的全部股份收买了,从而取得了控股权。

    The bigger company has bought out all the shareholder of the smaller one .

  9. 绩效、控股权与战略投资者:转型经济银行改革的经验

    Performance , Controlling Stake and Strategic Investors : Experience from Banking Reform in Transitional Economy

  10. 上市公司控股权性质与审计质量关系研究

    A Positive Research on the Relationship of Listed Companies ' Holding Power Nature and Audit Quality

  11. 易卜拉欣辩称,家族持有企业控股权有利有弊。

    Mr Ebrahim argues that there are positive and negative effects of families holding controlling stakes .

  12. 一旦我们获得了控股权,我们就会忘记自己是不良债务投资者,转而变成了所有者,他补充称。

    Once we gain control , we forget we were distressed investors and become owners , he adds .

  13. 控股权转让是典型的以上市公司为目标方的并购行为。

    Corporate control transfer is a typical M & A in which state-owned listed firms are as the target sides .

  14. 在2009年时,中国有色金属矿业集团有限公司在收购澳洲莱纳斯公司稀土矿控股权时,受挫。

    In2009 , China Nonferrous Metals Mining Group Co Ltd was blocked from buying a controlling stake in rare earths miner Lynas Corp.

  15. 但通用汽车近期曾青睐一家私人股本竞购方,这本可以让通用在未来购回控股权成为可能。

    But GM had recently favoured a private equity bidder which might have made it possible for GM to buy back control later .

  16. 我国上市公司控股权更迭动因、形式及二级市场反映实证研究

    A Positive Study of Alteration and its Forms of the Shares-Holding Authority of Public Companies in Our Country and the Reflection in the Second Market

  17. 论文还对控股权与股权结构的安排、改革中的风险防范等问题进行了深入的探讨。

    In addition , the arrangement of stock controlling right and equity structure as well as the risk-warding issues in the reform are also explored .

  18. 本文认为,对于一家现代银行,控股权仍然是基本的控制性要素;另外通过占有某些非资本的控制性要素也能在一定程度取得相对的控制权。

    This article believes that control right is the basic factor for a modern bank , and we can get relative control right through control non-capital factor .

  19. 大多数此类交易的投资额都低于1亿美元,因为中国企业所有者很少让出控股权,而且规模超过1亿美元的交易需要获得中国中央政府的批准。

    Most deals are below $ 100 million because Chinese business owners rarely give up control and deals bigger than $ 100 million require central government approval .

  20. 这一消息的披露将使一些人感到意外,这些人认为,由于梁伯韬获得电讯盈科控股权的方式独特,麦格理不会有兴趣继续收购电讯盈科了。

    The revelation will surprise those who believed the Australian investment bank would not pursue its interest in PCCW because of the manner in which Mr Leung gained control of it .

  21. 报告指出,除了定价差异外,对于将控股权交给非中资企业,外国公司还面临严厉的监管障碍及高度的国内敏感。

    Compounding that pricing differential was the fact that foreign companies faced tough regulatory hurdles as well as domestic sensitivities about ceding control to a non-Chinese company , the report said .

  22. 理论分析表明,公司资本结构选择与代理成本、融资次序、控股权争夺、行业特征及公司的市场策略等密切相关。

    Theory analysis suggests that corporate capital structure selection is closely correlated with agency cost , finance order , equity holding contest , industrial character , and company 's market strategy .

  23. 他曾在上周向《华尔街日报》透露,“我既然花了五百万美元买下控股权,就不会没有经营权。”目前这笔交易的确出现了转机,尽管在几周之前似乎还无人问津。

    Last week he told the Wall Street Journal quote " Now the odds of this meeting even taking place would have seemed " " just a couple of weeks ago .

  24. 总之,股改一定程度上分散了控股权,股权结构由过度集中向适度集中转变,趋于合理,这正是股权分置改革的一大目的。

    In short , the reform disperses the controlling rights . The share structure changes from excessive concentration to appropriate concentration and becomes more reasonable , which is a major purpose of reform .

  25. 以近年来发生控股权转移的上市公司为研究样本,实证研究了控股权转移、公司绩效与主要高管变更之间的关系。

    The paper takes the listed companies whose largest stock holder have changed in recent years as research samples , and carried out an empirical study on the relation between the transfer of controlling holder 、 firm performance and turnover of managers .

  26. 本文对1999~2000年中国A股上市公司发生控股权转移的收购活动的经验研究得出以下主要结论:因此本文认为:短期内管理层收购没有改善我国上市公司的经营绩效。

    We conducted empirical studies on the Chinese listed companies which had their controlling shares transferred between year 1999 and year 2000 , then drew the following conclusions : First , performance of target companies improved in the year when they were acquired .

  27. 知情人士称,6月23日到期的首轮非约束性投标,预计对该项业务的估值为30亿美元,不过最终价格将取决于华为是否同意让出控股权。

    The initial non-binding bids , due by June 23 , are expected to value the division at $ 3bn , according to people familiar with the matter , although the final price will depend on whether Huawei agrees to cede majority control .

  28. 多数银行家认为,在这种情况下,中信金控感到有必要向外界展示,辜氏家族愿意放弃控股权。

    Most bankers believe that , as a result of the situation , the group feels compelled to demonstrate that the Koo family is willing to cede control .