
  • 网络newspaper and magazine;Newspapers & Magazines;Magazine&Newspaper
  1. 建筑工人对艾滋病防治知识的需求类型主要是预防知识、疾病症状和国家政策等;艾滋病知识需求途径依次为电视、报纸杂志、宣传栏/板报和宣传品。

    The demand of AIDS knowledge by the workers can be categorized into prevention knowledge , disease symptom and national policy ; the means of obtaining AIDS knowledge are television , newspaper and magazine , bulletin and publicity materials .

  2. 结果大学生AIDS知识来源主要是医教人员、报纸杂志、电视台广播电台等。

    ( Results The college ) students ' AIDS knowledge primarily came from doctors and teachers 、 newspapers and magazines and television and broadcast .

  3. 在足球圈你不能100%相信那些报纸杂志。

    In football you cannot be100 % categoric about some issues .

  4. 商人和金融家从来得不到报纸杂志的特别好评。

    Businessmen and financiers have never got a particularly good press .

  5. 图书馆有一个专供阅读报纸杂志的地方。

    The library has a separate section for reading magazines and newspapers .

  6. 别把报纸杂志到处乱扔。

    Don 't throw the news paper and magazine everywhere .

  7. 您想过在报纸杂志比如(商人)上刊登广告吗?

    Have you thought about advertising in newspapers and magazines such as Businessman ?

  8. 现在大家都订报纸杂志啦!

    Now people subscribe to newspapers and magazines .

  9. 九十年代以来报纸杂志化倾向研究

    The Research of the Tendency of Newspapers in Magazine 's Layout Since 1990 's

  10. 空勤人员获得营养知识的主要途径是报纸杂志和网络。

    The main sources of the aircrew obtaining the nutrition knowledge were newspapers and internet .

  11. 伊丽莎白能够从报纸杂志上找到他父亲的踪迹。

    Elizabeth was able to keep track of her father in the newspapers and magazines .

  12. 中国的报纸杂志对她予以大量报道,电视对她录像访谈。

    National magazines dote on her , and china 's television crews are taping away .

  13. 书籍报纸杂志中的愉悦对你会是无效的。

    The pleasure found in books , newspapers , and magazines would not be available to you .

  14. 报纸杂志化倾向有形式上的表现、内容上的表现,还有办报取向上的表现。

    This tendency displays in the form performance , the content performance and also in the orientation performance .

  15. 许教授那时候还是个学生,就已经为报纸杂志写诗写小说了。

    Professor Xu , at that time a student , wrote poems and stories for newspapers and magazines .

  16. 手机被称为继报纸杂志、广播、电视、网络之后的第五媒体。

    Mobile phones are regarded as " the fifth medium " after newspapers , radios , TVs and the internet .

  17. 报纸杂志是历史忠实的记录者,是反映时代社会面貌的镜子。

    Newspapers and magazines is a faithful recorder of history is a mirror reflecting the social outlook of the times .

  18. 获得避孕节育知识的途径以广播电视媒体和报纸杂志为主(84.9%);

    The main ways of obtaining contraceptive knowledge were broadcast , TV programs , newspapers and magazines ( 84.9 % ) .

  19. 收教妇女主要从报纸杂志、电视、公共场所宣传栏、医疗机构、网络获取艾滋病相关知识。

    Female detainees received AIDS-related knowledge mainly from newspapers , magazines , television , public boards , medical institutions and internet .

  20. 报纸杂志出版商、投资者、运动员、体育迷、科学家、律师、学生和家长等均以不同方式成为体育的参与者。

    It engages magazine and newspaper publishers , investors , athletes , fans , scientists , lawyers , students and parents .

  21. 报纸杂志化倾向对报业发展有着非常重要的促进作用和一定的积极意义。

    The tendency of the newspaper in magazine 's layout also has certain positive sense to promote the development of the newspaper industry .

  22. 动态、可更新、有交互的新媒体正在挑战以书籍、报纸杂志为代表的传统平面媒体的地位。

    Multimedia , renewable and interactive new media is challenging the status of traditional print media represented by books , newspapers and magazines .

  23. 消费行为方面:信息主要来源与报纸杂志、电视和家人、朋友、同事的介绍;

    Realistic consumer behaviors : the consumers mainly derive information from the introduction of newspaper , magazine , television , families and their colleagues ;

  24. 这种情况对报纸杂志来说无疑十分痛苦,然而它们在互联网广告收入方面面临的压力正带来更大的损失。

    Painful as this is to newspapers and magazines , the pressures on their ad revenue from the Internet is causing even greater damage .

  25. 特别声明本博所有所标明的文章都摘抄自当地报纸杂志,版权归作者所有。

    Please noted that all the noted articles are excerpted from the local newspapers and magazines , all copyrights are held by their respective owners .

  26. 现年35岁的沙利文每晚将多份报纸杂志下载到智能手机上,全部拿到火车上去读。

    Mr. Sullivan , 35 , downloads several newspapers and magazines onto his smartphone each night to get all his reading done on the train .

  27. 这使得厄普代克从小就受到文学艺术的熏陶,中学就开始创作并给当地的报纸杂志投稿。

    So that John Updike was affected by literary and artistic influence who began to create and to the local newspaper magazines at high school .

  28. 随着电视、互联网、报纸杂志等媒介形式在农村的大力普及,对农村社会产生强烈的社会效应。

    The vigorous popularity of media forms as TVs , internet , newspapers , magazines and so on produces a strong social effect on rural society .

  29. 它可以选择在报纸杂志上登广告,提出简要的工作情况介绍并征集应聘者的自荐信。

    It may opt to put an advertisement in a newspaper or magazine which gives a short description on the job and invites introductory letters from applicants .

  30. 联合国新闻委员会在1998年年会上,将互联网正式称为在报纸杂志、广播电视基础上新兴发展起来的第四大媒体。

    The United Nations Committee officially called the Internet as the fourth media following the newspapers , magazines , television and broadcasting in the 1998 annual meeting .