
  • 网络International Financial Reporting Standards
  1. 英国公司在2005年采用了国际财务报告标准,目前仍在适应这一体系。

    UK companies adopted international financial reporting standards in 2005 and are still getting used to the system .

  2. 20已经支持创立统一的报告标准,而人们认为g20的支持对更广泛规则的推行至关重要。

    The G20 already backs the creation of a single set of reporting standards , and G20 support for broader rules is considered crucial to their introduction .

  3. 参照国际临床试验报告标准小组和Downs制订的临床试验报告质量评价量表,确定调查内容,形成调查表。

    The questionaire formed was based on the Standards of Reporting Group and Downs ' checklists for the assessment of the methodological quality of clinical controlled trials .

  4. 这些类别是XBRL形成语义透明性的机制,可以引用行业和全球财务报告标准,包括由XII本身维护的标准&GlobalLedgerFramework。

    These taxonomies are the mechanism for semantic transparency in XBRL , referencing industry and global financial reporting standards , including one maintained by XII itself & Global Ledger Framework .

  5. 国际会计和报告标准专家组

    Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting

  6. 要求建立联邦报告标准的国会提案也只关注于个人信息。

    Proposals in Congress to establish federal reporting standards also focus on personal information .

  7. 国际会计和报告标准特设政府间专家工作组

    Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting

  8. 审计报告标准改变的经济后果&来自资本市场的经验证据

    Economic Consequence of the Revision on Audit Report Standard : Empirical Evidence from Capital Market

  9. 她希望其他类型的学校也能以商学院为榜样,实行更加严格的报告标准。

    She expects other types of programs will likely follow suit and double down on reporting standards .

  10. 确立非财务报告标准将是向提高资本市场透明度迈出的重要一步。

    Adopting non-financial reporting standards will be an important step forward for transparency in our capital markets .

  11. 闽中有机食品当时称这些指控过于轻率,并表示公司遵守了新加坡的报告标准。

    Minzhong called the allegations ' reckless ' and said it was compliant with Singapore reporting standards .

  12. 交易所可以根据市场风险状况,制定并调整持仓报告标准。

    The exchange may formulate and adjust the position reporting standards based on the market risk status .

  13. 威尔伯称,关于就业报告标准,商学院在许多方面都走在前列。

    In many ways , B-Schools have led the charge in employment reporting standards , Wilbur says .

  14. 适合一家跨国石油公司的报告标准,可能并不适合于一家零售商或IT公司。

    What might be appropriate for a multinational oil company would be inappropriate for a retailer or IT firm .

  15. 按照WHO肿瘤近期疗效报告标准评定近期疗效;按照3年内生存率进行生存分析评价远期疗效。

    The short-term effects were evaluated in accordance with WHO solid tumor evaluation standard and long-term effects by three-year survival rate .

  16. 目的完善以乙型肝炎(乙肝)为主的肝炎报告标准,建立报告管理模式。方法确立有乙肝病例资源、地域相对独立的地区为示范区;

    Objective To establish the focus management mode and the report criteria more perfectly for the virus hepatitis eases , espoeially for the hepatitis B.

  17. 签署国同时还需要对已取得的进展进行评估,评估结果的编纂需要基于相同的报告标准,以便进行比较。

    These must be accompanied by an assessment of current progress , compiled according to a common reporting standard that permits comparisons to be drawn .

  18. 一些离岸中心称,鉴于特拉华州及其它美国许多州的报告标准颇为宽松,美国正是应该批评的对象。

    The US was a fine one to criticise , some offshore centres said , given the lax reporting standards in Delaware and many other US states .

  19. 通过分析金融衍生工具的国际会计报告标准,结合跨国公司在本土和海外融资与金融投资活动案例,剖析现代金融衍生工具业务活动的会计核算实务技巧与方法;

    We analyze the accounting entries skills and methods on modern financial instrument 's transaction based on home and abroad finance and investment cases and international accounting report standard .

  20. 早期的迅速透明报告标准得到坚持,信息、诊断支持服务、监测包和病毒的分享极为慷慨,令人赞叹。

    The early standard of rapid and transparent reporting was upheld , and the sharing of information , diagnostic support , test kits , and viruses has been commendably generous .

  21. 在鉴定程序方面:规范鉴定权的启动和鉴定的受理、判定技术和报告标准;规范重新鉴定等。

    In the identification procedures : to start the right of identification ; to provide standards of the admissibility of identification requirements , determinant technical and reporting format ; to Standardized re-identification .

  22. 修订后的《企业会计准则&基本准则》与原有的会计准则相比发生了重大变化,体现了与国际财务报告标准的趋同,更能适用我国的会计发展现状和未来的发展趋势。

    There are great changes in the revised Enterprise Accounting Norms & Basic Norms compared with the original accounting norms , which reflects the similarities with international financial report standard and adapts to our present accounting development and the future development trend .

  23. 介绍Internet上的免费数据库,在线科技期刊以及专利、科技报告、标准等电子资源。

    This article introduces the free database , on-line academic periodicals , patents , technology reports , standards in Internet .

  24. 口服抗凝剂治疗的患者仅INR能使PT的报告方式标准化。

    For patients on oral anticoagulant therapy , only INR standardized the PT results .

  25. 从而为XBRL财务报告分类标准的改进和完善提供理论和数据支持。

    Thereby the theory and data sustain is offered to improve the financial reporting taxonomy . 4 .

  26. XBRL是值得关注的,因为许多政府和国家都强制要求和/或采用它作为财务报告的标准格式。

    XBRL is relevant because it is mandated and / or adopted by various governments and countries as the standard format for providing financial reports .

  27. 污水处理厂可行性研究报告评审标准的探讨

    Discussion on Evaluation Standards for Feasibility Study Report of Wastewater Treatment Plant

  28. 研究报告评价标准的界定与联想

    Establishment of Evaluation Criterions of Research Reports and Association

  29. 对审计职业来说,审计报告的标准化可减少审计成本和避免审计法律诉讼,还可约束恣意和为理性选择提供合理保障;

    Standardization of the audit report can reduce auditing costs and avoid auditing lawsuits to auditing profession .

  30. 关于不实报告认定标准,不实报告应存在虚假、误导或者遗漏且同时满足重大性这两个实质要件。

    False reporting standards , the false report , there should be false , misleading or missing and at the same time meet the materiality of these two substantial elements .