
  • 网络High risk sexual behavior;wtxj
  1. 对男男性接触者AIDS高危性行为健康干预研究

    Study on interventions targeted to AIDS high risk sex behaviors among MSM

  2. 目的了解我国中部农村地区艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者高危性行为特征。

    Objective To study characteristics of high-risk sexual behaviors among HIV-positive people in rural central China .

  3. 目的评估高危性行为人群中乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)及丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)的感染情况及某些高危性行为与HBV、HCV感染的关系。

    Purpose To evaluate HBV and HCV infection among high risk sexual behavior group and the relationship between them .

  4. 不同方法招募的男男性接触者高危性行为及HIV和梅毒感染的比较

    Comparison of high risk sex behavior , the prevalence of HIV and syphilis among men who have sex with men enrolled through different recruitment methods

  5. 在无高危性行为的女性中,细菌性阴道炎(BV)与HIV感染间的相关性很强。

    The association between bacterial vaginosis ( BV ) and HIV was stronger for women without high-risk sexual behavior .

  6. 男男性接触者焦虑、抑郁与艾滋病高危性行为的关系

    Anxiety , Depression and High-risk Behaviors among Men Who Have Sex with Men

  7. 我国中部农村地区艾滋病病毒感染者高危性行为特征研究

    Study on characteristics of high-risk sexual behaviors among HIV-positive adults among rural region in central China

  8. 高危性行为;

    High risk sexual behavior ;

  9. 目的了解煤矿企业职工酒精依赖状况以及其与高危性行为间的关系。

    Objective To explore the association of alcohol dependence and high risk sexual behavior among coal miners .

  10. 目的了解男性性病患者的感染来源及高危性行为安全套的使用情况。

    Objective To investigate the infection sources and the rate of condoms use in insecure sexual behaviors .

  11. 控制性传播感染对于预防艾滋病毒感染也很重要,特别是在具有高危性行为的人群中。

    Controlling STIs is important for preventing HIV infection , particularly in people with high-risk sexual behaviours .

  12. 亚文化特征对男男性接触者高危性行为的影响

    The impacts of subculture character on the high-risk sexual behaviors among men who have sexual behavior with men

  13. 方法于2005年7月至11月在北京市对男男性接触者进行问卷调查,调查内容包括社会人口学和高危性行为特征。

    Methods During July-November 2005 , MSM were investigated to collect information on socio-demographic and high risk sexual behaviors .

  14. 北京市农村流动人口的HIV/STD高危性行为和知识分析

    An analysis of HIV / STD high risk sexual behaviors and HIV / STD knowledge in mobile population in Beijing

  15. 低档涉性场所艾滋病高危性行为影响因素研究

    Analysis for Influencing Factors of High Risk Sexual Behavior Concerned with HIV / AIDS in Underdrive Sites with Sex Service

  16. 目的了解男同/双性爱者的高危性行为状况,为行为干预提供理论依据。

    Objective To investigate the situation of homosexual / bisexual men 's high risk behavior and provide relevant interventions for AIDS control and prevention .

  17. 高危性行为时,受教育组避孕套的使用率为88.2%,未受教育组为74.0%。

    The use rate of condom during risk sex behavior was 88 2 % in educated group , and non educated group was 74 0 % .

  18. 结论改善煤矿职工酒精依赖状况,减少煤矿职工高危性行为的发生,以防止性传播疾病传播。

    Conclusion Improving alcohol dependence status may be an effective way to prevent high risk sexual behavior for prevention of sexually transmitted disease among coal miners .

  19. 结论生殖支原体与非淋菌性尿道炎高度相关,男性高危性行为人群中生殖支原体的感染率较普通人群高。

    Conclusions M. genitalium is strongly associated with NGU and the prevalence rate is significantly higher in groups with high risk sexual behaviors than that in general population .

  20. 本研究旨在探讨从农村到城市的流动人口的流动模式和高危性行为状况,分析流动模式与他们高危性行为的关系。

    This study explored the mobility model and high risk behaviors of rural-to-urban migrants in China , and analyzed the relationship between the mobility model and high risk behaviors .

  21. 有些患者携带艾滋病毒后,本人并不知晓,在高危性行为下,病毒又不幸传给了第二个人,甚至还生下艾滋宝宝。

    Some patients with HIV , I do not know , in high-risk sexual behavior , the virus also , unfortunately , to a second person , and even gave birth to baby HIV .

  22. 评估了他们的流动性包括流动时间、流动城市和与性病/艾滋病(STD/HIV)有关的高危性行为包括发生性行为的时间、多个性伙伴和参与商业性行为状况、使用安全套状况。

    We evaluated their mobility model including time , cities , and their high risk behaviors related to STD / HIV including the time of having sex , sexual partners , commercial sexual behavior , and condom using .

  23. 流动人口存在一定比例的高危性行为,男性和未婚的高危性行为显著多于女性和已婚的,尤其是安全套使用率低;

    The rural-to-urban migrants had a considerable size of high risk behaviors with males and the unmarried having more high risk behaviors than females and the married , especially in terms of the low rate of condom using ;

  24. 该人群有关艾滋病性病知识回答正确率较低,只达75.10%,在高危性行为时每次都用安全套率只为11.18%。

    The rate of correct answers to questions on STI / HIV / AIDS knowledge was low ( 75 . 10 % ) in this group , and only 11 . 18 % used condoms in all high-risk sexual contacts .

  25. 结论性病患者是HIV感染的重要高危人群,危险性行为是其感染HIV和其它性病的主要原因,应该加强性病患者的HIV监测。

    Conclusion Patients with STD were important HIV high-risk population , and unsafe sexual behaviors were the major factor for contracting HIV / STD. Therefore , it is important to strengthen HIV surveillance among STD patients .

  26. 女性高危人群在商业性行为时每次使用安全套的比例较高,但与固定性伴发生性行为时每次使用安全套的比例较低。

    High-risk sexual behavior of women in business each time a higher proportion of condom use , but with regular sexual partners to use condoms when having sex with a lower proportion of each .