
  • 网络Paper Towel;hand towel
  1. 阳离子PAE在擦手纸中的应用

    Application of PAE in Hand-cleaning Tissue

  2. 废纸浆生产擦手纸的研究

    Study on Hand Tissue Manufacture from 100 % Recycled Pulp

  3. 主营产品或服务:各种规格的擦手纸架;

    Betoken the camp product or serve : Various specification wiping toilet paper puts up ;

  4. 我想这都没有问题,但是千万别老占着位置让别人没法洗手或是抽取擦手纸。

    Just don 't hog up the space so others can 't wash their hands or get to the paper towel dispenser .