
  • 网络Past medical history;past history;anamnesis
  1. 通过问卷调查,收集受访者基本信息、既往病史、家族史及个人的饮食和生活习惯等相关信息。

    All participants were asked to complete a questionnaire consists information on general data , past medical history , family history and personal eating and living habits .

  2. 两组患者年龄、停经天数、距上次剖宫产时间、既往病史、包块大小、血HCG值大小及中医证型情况比较,差异无统计学意义(P0.05)具有可比性。

    Two groups were age , menopause days from the last time cesarean section , past medical history , including fast size , size and value of the blood HCG TCM was no significant difference between cases ( P 0.05 ) were . 2 .

  3. 方法:对30例言语发育迟缓患儿,进行了解咨询其家属有关与患儿生活环境客观因素及既往病史,并行听觉脑干诱发电位(ABR)听阈测试。

    Methods : Their home environment and the past history on 30 children with speechlessness were investigated , auditory brainstem response text was examined .

  4. 既往病史在高血压病史、糖尿病前期及糖尿病病史、心绞痛史、陈旧心肌梗死史方面,组间比较无统计学差异(P0.05)。

    Past history In past history of hypertension 、 Pre-diabetes and diabetes mellitus 、 angina pectoris and obsolete myocardial infarction , no significant difference were showed between the two groups ( P0.05 ) . 4 .

  5. 方法:15例心电图和既往病史证实持续性心房纤颤老年患者分别通过使用超声心动图检查了解左心房的大小,并同时测定血浆CRP的浓度,并与阵发房颤和对照组比较。

    Method : Left atrium inner diameters were measured by echocardiographic measurements , meanwhile C reaction protein ( CRP ) in blood plasma was assayed , compared with those indexes of paroxysm atrial fibrillation patients and controls .

  6. 两组患者既往病史无显著性差异,CRP增高组患者的发生冠状动脉病变的数量多于CRP正常组,有显著性差异(P<0.05)。

    The past disease histories showed no significant differences between the two groups , but there were much more patients with coronary arteriopathy in the increased CRP group than in the normal CRP group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  7. 材料与方法:应用平扫及Gd-DTPA增强扫描,对55例脑转移瘤进行回顾性分析,并根据其既往病史、临床表现、病变部位及MR特征进行分类。

    Using the methods of MRI without and with Gd-DTPA enhancement . 55 cases of brain metastases were analysed retrospectively , and the classification was made in accordance with the location and MR characterization of the lesion , the anamnesis of tumor and the clinical manifestation .

  8. 脑出血预后受入院时GCS评分,并发症,24小时内血压下降程度、出血量、出血部位、既往病史,出院后是否长期服用降压药,是否行康复治疗等多因素影响。

    Cerebral hemorrhage prognosis by admission GCS score , complications , decreased blood pressure levels within 24 hours , blood loss , bleeding site , past medical history , the long-term post-discharge blood pressure medication , whether the line rehabilitation therapy and other factors .

  9. 结论:在临床检查中,应注意考虑到既往病史及上述各项综合因素,并结合UBM及其它辅助检查结果,有助于作出正确临床诊断。

    Conclusion : To make a correct diagnosis , we should consider the previous history and above mentioned comprehensive factors , combining with the results of UBM scan and the other auxiliary examinations . Then we can make correct clinical diagnosis .

  10. 我这里有他的既往病史。

    I have his previous history here .

  11. 通过对既往病史的确认及影像学资料的分析将入选病例分为初发脑梗死组和再发脑梗死组。

    The cases were divided into two groups : primary cerebral infarction ( PCI ) group and recurrent cerebral infarction ( RCI ) group .

  12. 调查内容包括:①问卷调查:一般情况、既往病史、家族史、吸烟及饮酒情况,体力活动情况等。

    The investigation content included : ① Questionnaire survey : general condition , medical history , smoking and drinking status and physical work condition .

  13. 结果(1)两组患者基线资料在年龄、性别、既往病史方面比例相似,具有可比性。

    Results : ( 1 ) baseline data in the two groups were age , gender , past medical history aspect ratio similar to comparable .

  14. 病人的年龄非常重要;如果可以,病人的月经史和既往病史。

    It is very important to know the age of the woman and , if known , any information on her menstruation and previous history .

  15. 《平价医保法》让那些被漫天要价的保险费吓退的有既往病史的人们第一次有机会获得平价医疗保险。

    The Affordable Care Act gives people who 've been stuck with sky-high premiums because of preexisting conditions the chance to get affordable insurance for the first time .

  16. 保险公司也不能因为你的既往病史而拒绝为你投保,他们现在必须提供诸如体检,透视检查之类的预防性免费保障项目。

    Insurance companies can no longer deny you coverage just because you have a preexisting condition , and they now have to cover free preventive care like checkups and mammograms .

  17. 调查内容包括一般资料、既往病史、性行为和生育史、避孕史及吸烟史、生活习惯等方面。

    The survey includes general information on past history , sexual and reproductive history , the history of contraception and smoking history , living habits , and so on . 2 .

  18. 结论:卒中严重程度和卒中并发症是影响生存质量的最主要因素,其次为性别、付费方式、婚姻状况、受教育程度,年龄、既往病史、卒中类型可作为影响生存质量较弱的预测因素。

    Conclusion : Severity and complication of stroke are the most highly influencing factors on the QOL for stroke survivors . Next are sex , pay mode , marriage statue and education .

  19. 调查量表中还包括患者的既往病史、烟酒嗜好、服药史、体重、身高、腰围、体重指数及中医四诊信息。

    The form includes the past history , tobacco and alcohol habits , medication history , weight , height , waist circumference , body mass index and Traditional Chinese Medical Four Diagnostic Information .

  20. 既往病史:高血压、糖尿病、冠心病、脑卒中、血脂异常、吸烟史、药物干预情况(抗血小板聚集、胰岛素、降糖药、降压药使用)。

    Anamnesis information : hypertension , diabetes , hyperlipidemia , coronary heart disease , stroke history , dyslipidemia , smoking history , intervention of drugs ( antihypertensive agents , antiplatelet drugs , insulin , hypoglycemic drugs ) . 5 .

  21. 情志因素、经期卫生情况、胎产史和不孕史、既往病史、个人史、家族史等与子宫内膜异位症关系在本研究中尚未揭示,仍有待进一步研究。

    The relationship between endometriosis and emotional factors , menstrual hygiene , history of pregnancy and birth , history of infertility , previous history , personal history , family history had not yet revealed in this study . We need further study .

  22. 采用统一编制的胃镜受检者问卷调查表收集受检者相关信息,包括:受检者人口学特征、既往病史、生活饮食习惯、用药种类剂量疗程等。

    Using the unified formulation " gastroscopy investigation questionnaire " to collect subjects related information , including : the subjects of demographic characteristics , past medical history , eating habits of life , kind of medicine dosage regimens , psychological factor evaluation using the Hamilton anxiety scale .

  23. 其发生率与年龄、既往心脏病史、手术操作、疼痛有关。

    It is related to age , original heart disease history , operation and pain .

  24. 乙肝病毒携带、个体免疫状态、既往肝病史等均是影响药物性肝炎的主要因素。

    Carrying Hepatits B virus , the condition of immunity and history of HIV are the main factors to affect pharmacology liver .

  25. 对资料的分析还提示,与淋病患者合并衣原体感染发病率显著相关的危险因素是性伴数和既往性病史。

    The results also indicated that the predisposing factors for chlamydial coinfection in patients with gonorrhea were multiple sexual partners and previous STD evidence .

  26. 女性直肠癌模型选入因素有蔬菜水果摄入量低,精神因素,既往肠道病史。

    The significant factors of the female rectal neoplasm models included low intake of vegetables and fruits , psychological factors and previous intestinal sickness history .

  27. 在多因素分析中,既往肝炎病史、糖尿病史、乙肝病毒标志物阳性、年龄60岁以上、酒精依赖等因素有显著性意义。

    For multi-factors , hepatitis history , diabetic , HBV marker positive , alcoholic dependence or age above 60 years , was significantly statistical difference .

  28. 结论既往肝炎病史、糖尿病史、乙肝病毒标志物阳性、年龄60岁以上、酒精依赖等是抗结核药致肝损害危险因素。

    Conclusion Hepatitis history , diabetic , HBV positive marker , alcoholic dependence or age above 60 years is risk factors of hepatic toxicity of antituberculosis agents .

  29. 结果与结论:检索到青霉素诱发癫痫的患者18例,既往癫痫病史、肾功能不全、老年、婴幼儿、剂量过大是诱发癫痫的主要危险因素。

    RESULTS & CONCLUSION : Among the 18 cases of epileptiform seizure induced by penicillin , epilepsy history , renal inadequacy , old age , infants , excessive dosage were main risk factors .

  30. 建议对有既往疾病史和家族遗传史的高危人群应重点加强一级预防;正确引导公众合理选择膳食,改进烹调方法,改变不良饮食习惯,增强体育锻炼等可以有效预防癌症的发生。

    We suggest for those high-risk groups who had disese history and family history should focus on primary prevention ; to guide the public choose a reasonable diet correctly , improve cooking methods , change the bad eating habits , enhance physical activity , et al .