首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 辩证法与相对主义既相对立又相联系。

    Dialectics is antagonistic to Relativism and interrelated to it as well .

  2. 军队既可以拥立皇帝,也随意将皇帝废黜。

    The army can support emperor , and can dethrone the emperor at random too .

  3. 它具有熔敷金属扩散氢含量小于50ml/100g、焊缝低温冲击韧性和抗裂性优良、施焊时电弧稳定、操作工艺性能符合要求、既能进行立向下行焊接、又能作全位置施焊等特点。

    It has good impact flexibility and crack resistance at low temperature and arc stability in operation . Its operational performances meet the requirements in both vertical down and all - position welding .