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  1. 至正二十八年(1368),大明军北伐,元顺帝北走上都,元朝在中原的统治宣告结束。

    In1368 , the troops of Dynasty Ming attacked the North and emperor Yuan Shun fled northwards .

  2. 曲线曲面的有限元光顺方法

    A finite element method to fair curves and surfaces

  3. 测得白藜芦醇苷和苷元及其顺式异构体的甲醇水溶液的最大紫外吸收波长分别为305/285nm和319/291nm。

    The maximum UV absorption wavelengths of methanol solution of RES , piceid and each cis-isomer were 305 / 285 nm and 319 / 291nm , respectively .

  4. 最后,根据感应电动势的原理,通过增加感应线圈元的数量进一步得到了n个有限长多层螺线圈元串联顺接电感的计算公式。

    Finally , based on the principles of the induced electromotive force , increase the number of induction coil element in order to get n finite-length multi-layer solenoid coil inductance element in series , linking and reverse the formula .