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  • 网络Segment length;segment;section length
  1. 首先,对TCP的吞吐量效率进行了理论分析,并根据广域网流量分布的特点,选取几个典型的TCP报文段长,得到了TCP吞吐量效率与误信元率的关系。

    The throughput efficiency formula is induced and the throughput efficiency CER relationship is demonstrated for several TCP segment length according to the characteristics of wide area networks traffic distribution .

  2. 根据泄漏电流不同频率段的组分选取不同的段长,确定不同的压缩比。

    According to the different frequency bands of leakage current , select different segment length .

  3. 当代舞蹈经过一段长时期销声匿迹以后现在又回到了艺术舞台。

    Contemporary dance is coming onto the arts scene again after a long fallow period .

  4. 非凸段长分布隐含Markov模型的搜索算法

    Hidden Markov model search algorithm for non-convex duration distributions

  5. 结果椎动脉第3段长216(153~319)mm。

    Results The third segment of the vertebral artery ( VA ) was 21.6 ( 15 3-31 9 ) mm .

  6. 基于段长分布的HMM语音识别模型

    Duration Distribution Based HMM Speech Recognition Models

  7. 结果:筛前动脉眶内段长(5.16±1.24)mm,管径为(0.56±0.17)mm;

    Result : The length of intraorbital segment of anterior ethmoidal artery was 5.16 ± 1.24 mm , and its diameter was 0.56 ± 0.17 mm ;

  8. 采用PCR技术人工合成了一段长约175bp的人表皮生长因子(hEGF)的基因片段。

    A gene coding for human epidermal growth factor ( hEGF ) was synthesized by PCR technology .

  9. 数据输入字段旁没有标签,但有一段长描述,因此应当为此表单设置title属性。

    There is no label beside the data entry field , but it has a long description , so the title attribute should be set for this form .

  10. v.编纂编一本百科全书,不仅要花一段长时间,还要有许多专家一起工作才行。

    compile It takes a long time as well as many experts working together to compile an encyclopedia .

  11. 24例中有3例患者狭窄段长10cm,置入2个支架;

    In 3 patients with superior vena cava stenosis of 10 cm in length , two stents were used .

  12. 基于段长分布的隐含Markov模型(DDBHMM)可解决经典隐含Markov模型(HMM)的状态段长指数分布的问题,实现了基于凸性假设的搜索。

    A duration distribution-based hidden Markov model ( DDBHMM ) was developed to replace the exponential duration distribution limitations of classical hidden Markov model ( HMM ) for non-convex signals .

  13. 美联储主席本伯南克(benbernanke)昨日告诉国会,美国利率在“一段长时间内”将保持在极低水平,尽管美国经济“初步”复苏。

    US interest rates would remain at exceptionally low levels for an " extended period " in spite of the " nascent " economic recovery , Ben Bernanke , Federal Reserve Chairman , told Congress yesterday .

  14. 某水利工程混凝土方涵分段浇筑施工过程中,每段长15m的涵体两端部向内5m左右部位,规律地出现了表面可见的细微竖向贯通裂缝。

    One water conservancy project , in the bulk concrete construction of underground quadrate culvert , hair like cracks appearance regularly about in 5m from both ends of every 15m long section .

  15. 在7月29日,HyperloopOne公司的工程师在一段长500米的真空管道中,将一列实验列车加速到192英里每小时,这一速度是之前五月份短距离测试时的三倍。

    On July 29 , Hyperloop One engineers successfully propelled a pod built for passengers or freight along a 500-meter stretch of vacuum-sealed , above-ground tubing at 192 mph , about triple the speed of its shorter test back in May .

  16. 最近调查发现,厦门岛东南海岸剖面出露了三段长总计约15m、厚度0.4m的古贝壳层。

    It was found in once investigation that there is a shell bed with the total length of 15m and thickness of 0.4m on the southeast beach of Xiamen Island .

  17. 结果实验组所有动物爆炸后4周在尿道球部狭窄形成稳定狭窄模型(狭窄段长5~10mm,尿道腔缩窄50%以上)。

    Results All animals in study group developed a significant bulbar stricture ( the length of stricture 5-10 mm , reducing the limen by more than 50 % ) 4 weeks after the bombing .

  18. 耿马地震地表断裂活动的明显证据包括一系列北北西走向的地裂缝带和一段长约5km的地震断层陡坎。

    Clear evidence of new surface faulting caused by the Gengma earthquake includes a series of relatively continuous north - northwest - trending linear ground crack zones and a 5 km long section of fault scarps .

  19. 经CBL测井结果表明,水泥浆从井底返至井深2293m,封固段长2261m,全井封固优质段累计达1693m,优质率达74.9%。固井效果良好。

    The CBL log showed that the cement slurry arrived at 2293 m , the sealed length is 2261 m and the excellent sealed length totals up to 1693 m , the high quality ratio is 74 . 9 % after cementing operation .

  20. 系统采用基于段长分布的隐含马尔可夫模型(DDBHMM)的识别算法,使用多服务器、多客户端的系统架构,采用负载平衡的方式分配识别资源,能够达到稳定高效的性能。

    This DSR system uses the speech recognition algorithm based on DDBHMM ( Duration Distribution Based Hidden Markov Model ) . The system uses multi-server and multi-client architecture and a load balance method to assign recognition tasks to different servers , and this makes the system have an excellent performance .

  21. 拟建厦门东通道海底隧道工程位于厦门岛东北端的湖里区五通村与对岸同安区西滨村之间,方向北东NE50°,隧道全长约5.9km,其中海域段长约4.2km。

    Quasi-constructed Xiamen East Passage Submarine Tunnel Construction , NE50 ° in direction and about 5.9 kilometers in the whole length with about 4.2 kilometers ' sea area include , locates between the Wutong Village in Huli Region of northeast end of Xiamen Island and Xibin Village in Tong'an Region .

  22. 在一段长时间的训练后,她停下来休息了一会。

    After a long training , she stopped to take breath .

  23. 经过一段长时间的寻找,那本遗失的书被找到了。

    The lost book came to light after a long search .

  24. 从纽约到波士顿有一段长车程。

    It is a long drive from New York to boston .

  25. 说明了段长参数的估计方法。

    The approach on estimating the duration parameter is discussed .

  26. 基于自然语言处理的语音识别后文本处理段长在汉语识别系统后处理阶段的应用

    Using duration model in the post-processing stage of mandrin speech recognition system

  27. 于是,我便有些疯狂地走了一段长路。

    In the end , I walked a long distance like crazy .

  28. 一段长时间没有下雨,接著旱灾就来了。

    The drought follows after a long period without rain .

  29. 同时她还会亲吻15个男人,并经历2段长时间恋情。

    She will also kiss 15 men and enjoy two long-term relationships .

  30. 稳定段长径比对喷嘴雾化性能的影响

    Effects of length / diameter ratio of steady segment on atomization characteristics