
  • 网络depot siding
  1. 利用PLC多个脉冲串PTO(多段管线)输出指令,可以很方便地控制步进电机实现对叠层仓库的定位控制。

    The components of this controller are PLC produces of SIEMENS S7 - 200 . Make use of PLCs multiple trains of pulses operation ( PTO ) output instruction can expediently control step motor realize to layers warehouse fixed position .

  2. 综合性测量技术在香港珠江口段海底管线检测中的应用

    Application of surveying technical in pipeline inspection project in the section of Pearl River Month in Hongkong

  3. 如果工艺气体回流入二段空气管线,能发生另外的很少发生的问题。

    Another problem can occur rarely if backflow of process gas is permitted into the secondary air feed line .

  4. 重点阐述了过汾河段中压煤气管线水平定向钻进穿越敷设方案的设计。

    For engineering example the design of horizontal directional drilling cross-laying plan for gas pipeline pass through Fen River section is mainly elaborated .

  5. 就中开线春亭段输气管线在检修维护中发现的内层管道截面非正常变形问题进行了分析研究。

    An analysis of abnormal deformation , which was found in the inner pipeline cross-section during the maintenance , was made on the Zhong-Kai gas transportation pipeline .

  6. 介绍了为二氧化碳压缩机创造性地增加段间回流管线和配置低压缸防喘振系统的技术改造方案,对改造后取得的效果进行了评价。

    A technical renovation plan is presented for the carbon dioxide compressor , including a creative increase in return lines between stages and provision of an anti-surge system for the low-pressure cylinder , and an evaluation is carried out of the results after the modification .

  7. 针对海滩淤泥段地基持力差、腐蚀性强的特点,青岛棘洪滩水库-黄岛引水工程海滩淤泥段引水管线采用DN1200玻璃钢管材。

    In view of the little underpinning and strong corrosiveness of the seaside silt , DN1200 GPRMP was used in the seaside part of Qingdao Jihongtan Reservoir Huangdao Water Supply Project .