
  • 网络mobile toilet;portable toilet
  1. 此次的大规模演习耗费3500万英镑,包括20万个临时座位和1万个移动厕所的安装工作,重型吊装设备的时间安排必须非常完美。

    The 35m overlay exercise , involving the installation of 200,000 temporary seats and 10,000 portable toilets , must combine perfect timing with heavy lifting .

  2. 帐篷篷房内部配套:地板、地台、地毯、布幔、灯具、空调、舞台、音响、桌子、椅子、移动厕所等设备。

    Inside the tent camps : floor , platform , carpet , cloth curtain , lamps and lanterns , air conditioning , stage , sound , tables , chairs , mobile toilets , etc.

  3. 所以我开始寻找移动厕所,

    So I start looking around for moving boxes ,

  4. 盘算他们刚搬进来,但我没有看到任何移动厕所。

    figuring they just moved in , but I don 't see any .

  5. 移动厕所设计中的普适性问题研究

    A Study of Universality in Mobile Toilet Design

  6. 所以我开始寻找移动厕所,想着他们可能刚搬进来,但我没有看到任何移动厕所。

    So I start looking around for moving boxes , figuring they just moved in , but I don 't see any .

  7. 菲尔·唐恩的一流移动厕所,每辆价值6万美元,无论你走到哪里它都会跟到哪里,而且设计研究。

    Phil Dunne 's top shelf mobile rest rooms cost $ 60,000 each , but they go where you go & and in high style .

  8. 研究小组建议东京的市民随身带着卫生纸和塑料袋以便应急厕所的使用并且督促公司在公司附近建立可移动的厕所。(不知这样翻译对否?)

    The group is advising Tokyo residents always to carry pocket-sized tissue papers or plastic bags for emergency toilet use and urged companies to have portable toilets on standby .

  9. 无排放移动式生化厕所在机车上的应用

    Application of mobile no-pollutants biochemical toilet to locomotive