
  • 网络mobile advertising;Mobile Advertisement;iad
  1. 新功能还包括一个移动广告平台,允许iPhone的应用程序运行第三方制作的广告。

    A mobile advertising platform is to be launched to allow the device to run ads on applications made by third parties .

  2. 但Facebook最新的季度业绩表明,该公司正在努力实现这一转变,移动广告在总广告收入中的占比已经超过一半。

    But its latest quarterly results illustrated the company is managing that transition as mobile advertising now makes up more than half of its total advertising revenue .

  3. 进入PC时代,许多公司依靠网页广告获得成功,千禧传媒也采用了类似模式,只不过它运营的是一个移动广告网络。

    Millennial operates a mobile ad network modeled after those that have thrived on the desktop web .

  4. 2012年初,Facebook移动广告收入几乎为零。

    At the beginning of 2012 , Facebook 's mobile ad revenues were literally non-existent .

  5. 通过推出广告竞价系统和上周开始测试的移动广告网络等一系列举措,Facebook可以在市场上分到更大的蛋糕。

    But efforts like Facebook exchange and the mobile ad network the company began testing last week could give Facebook a bigger piece of the pie .

  6. 移动广告公司ChitikaInc.说,该公司6月份分析的数据表明,平板电脑上84.3%的网络流量来自iPad。

    Mobile-advertising firm Chitika Inc. says 84.3 % of the website traffic from tablets that it analyzed in June came from iPads .

  7. 千禧传媒(MillennialMedia)是一家正在快速增长的移动广告公司,它的首席执行官保罗•帕美瑞对公司的前景有话要说。

    Paul Palmieri , chief executive of millennial media , had a point to make about the future of his fast growing mobile advertising company .

  8. 2010年,谷歌出价7.5亿美元,击败了苹果公司(Apple),成功收购移动广告公司AdMob。

    The company beat out apple in a deal to acquire AdMob in 2010 for $ 750 million .

  9. Facebook第二财季的利润增长超过一倍,快速增长的移动广告业务正在给这家社交媒体巨头带来持续的回报。

    Facebook more than doubled its profits in the second quarter as the social media giant continued to reap the rewards of a fast growing mobile ad business .

  10. JiWire现在正将Groupon提供的团购交易信息加入这些基于位置的移动广告。

    The company is adding Groupon deals to its location-based mobile ads.

  11. 苹果(apple)今日将为iphone手机推出新型移动广告,这将促进业已快速增长的移动广告市场,但也会引起许多该设备应用软件开发商的担忧。

    A new type of mobile advertising for the iPhone will be launched today by apple , spurring an already fast-growing market but raising worries for many developers of applications for the device .

  12. 由苹果公司和各大安卓(Android)厂商推出的各种智能手机和平板电脑成了移动广告市场发展的催化剂。

    Smartphones , from both apple and its Google-powered ( GOOG ) rivals , served as a catalyst for the mobile ad market as did the debut of tablet computers .

  13. 此外,虽然现在移动广告收入已经超过Android的研发和维护支出,但Android为谷歌带来的收益还是远远比不上苹果的吸金利器iOS。

    And while mobile ads are covering the costs of developing and maintaining Android , the mobile OS is far from the profit machine that IOS is for apple .

  14. 或许更令人鼓舞的消息是,移动广告的点击率正在持续攀升,杰富瑞公司(Jefferies)分析师布莱恩•皮兹如是写道。

    Perhaps more encouraging , clickthrough rates on mobile ads are rising , Jeffries analyst Brian pitz wrote .

  15. 旧金山&雅虎(Yahoo)通报的一季度财务业绩显示,移动广告等新领域有所增长,但成本增加得更快。这表明,投资者期待的好转依然难以实现。

    Yahoo reported first-quarter financial results that showed growth in newer areas like mobile advertising , but costs rose even faster , showing that the turnaround investors are hoping for continues to be elusive .

  16. 由于苹果的移动广告业务并不火爆,该公司最近聘用了Adobe公司的前高管托德•泰雷西来对iAd进行改组。

    While the mobile advertising business has had muted results so far , the company recently hired former Adobe ( ADBE ) executive Todd teresi in an effort to revamp it .

  17. 根据研究公司eMarketer的数据,移动广告在美国的广告支出中占了约11%。

    It accounts for about 11 percent of ad spending in the United States , according to the research firm eMarketer .

  18. 他还表示,在移动广告业务上最为成功的公司,往往是那些对用户非常了解的公司,这就解释了为何谷歌(Google)和Facebook会如此强大,它们对我们的网上活动有着几近完美的洞察。

    He added that the most successful companies with mobile ads tended to be those that knew a lot about their customers - that explains why Google and Facebook , which have close to perfect insight into what we do online , are such powerhouses .

  19. 三月份,市场调查公司eMarketer的研究人员曾表示,去年,在价值180亿美元的美国移动广告市场,Facebook成功将份额从2012年的5.4%扩大到17.5%。

    Researcher eMarketer said in March that Facebook managed to increase its share of the $ 18 billion U.S. mobile ad industry to 17.5 % last year from just 5.4 % in 2012 .

  20. 其次为MillennialMedia,这家位于巴尔的摩的移动广告平台服务商在3月28日夜间筹集了1.33亿美元,发行1020万股,每股定价13美元(该股3月30日开盘价为25.58美元)。

    It was followed by millennial media ( mm ) , a baltimore-based mobile advertising platform that on Wednesday night raised $ 133 million by pricing 10.2 million shares at $ 13 per share ( it opened today at $ 25.58 ) .

  21. 如果BBM能吸引足够多的iOS和安卓用户,其将成为公司非常可靠的广告平台&帮助黑莓进军移动广告市场。

    If BBM attracts enough iOS and Android users it could eventually become a sweet advertising portal for the company & launching Blackberry as a player in the mobile advertising market .

  22. 如果BBM能吸引足够多的iOS和安卓用户,其将成为公司非常可靠的广告平台——帮助黑莓进军移动广告市场。

    If BBM attracts enough iOS and Android users it could eventually become a sweet advertising portal for the company -- launching Blackberry as a player in the mobile advertising market .

  23. 去年,在线搜索巨头谷歌几乎占领了美国移动广告市场的半壁江山,但eMarketer预计,谷歌今年的市场份额将会缩水。

    The online search giant held about half of the mobile ad market in the U.S. last year , but eMarketer expects that stake to shrink this year .

  24. 目前,除了谷歌(Google)和Facebook——据eMarketer的统计,这两家公司控制着价值426亿美元的世界移动广告市场的55%——只有少数几家公司能很好地掌控这种从台式电脑到手机的转变。

    At the moment , except for Google and Facebook - which together control more than 55 percent of the $ 42.6 billion worldwide mobile ad market , according to eMarketer - few companies have managed to navigate the transition from desktop computers to phones .

  25. 智能手机和平板电脑吸引了越来越多公众的眼球,这时像是谷歌在2010年花了7.5亿收购的移动广告(AdMob)就很受欢迎。

    As smartphones and tablets capture ever more eyeballs , digital-ad firms such as AdMob , for which Google paid $ 750m in 2010 , are hot .

  26. 公司上一财季的收入中,约有27亿美元来自广告业务,其中62%来自移动广告。该比例同比增长明显,去年第二财季,移动广告销售占Facebook广告总收入的41%。

    Nearly $ 2.7 billion of the company 's revenue this past quarter came from advertising , with roughly 62 % of that total coming from mobile ads. That percentage is up from last year 's second quarter , when mobile ad sales made up 41 % of Facebook 's advertising revenue .

  27. 对那些没有自家专卖店的品牌(很多品牌确实没有),JiWire的移动广告也能提供附近经销商的位置信息。

    For national brands that do not have their own stores , and many do not , can also pop up nearby retail locations that sell their products .

  28. 研究机构eMarketer指出,今年美国企业界预计将在移动广告上投入72亿美元,比2012年上涨77%。

    This year , marketers are expected to spend $ 7.2 billion on mobile advertising in the United States , a 77 % increase from 2012 , according to emarketer , a research firm .

  29. 互联网市场研究集团eMarketer表示,预计2016年全球移动广告市场规模将超过1000亿美元,其中移动业务的比例将超过50%。

    According to eMarketer , the internet market research group , the global mobile advertising market is projected to surpass $ 100bn in 2016 , of which mobile will account for more than 50 per cent .

  30. 雅虎周二没有披露其移动广告收入,根据eMarketer,预计今年移动广告市场规模将达到177.3亿美元,较去年飙升83%。

    Yahoo did not report its mobile ad revenue on Tuesday , even though the market for mobile advertising is expected to reach $ 17.73 billion this year , an 83 percent jump from last year , according to eMarketer .