
zì dònɡ bō fànɡ
  • autoplay
  1. 有关使播放机成为所有媒体文件和自动播放的默认程序的信息,请参阅更改windows默认使用的程序。

    For information about making the player the default program for all media files and autoplay , see change which programs windows uses by default .

  2. 可以统计一下,现在每个人要在Facebook上看多少次培根、鸡蛋和芝士面包的自动播放的视频?

    How many autoplay videos of bacon , egg , and cheese breadboats can one person watch ?

  3. 采用VISUALBASIC语言的平台,把Timer控件作为事件的触发器,定时检测数据库中的节目表,自动播放指定节目。

    Visual Basic was adopted with Timer as trigger of affair , and the program appointed was auto played .

  4. 比如Facebook的自动播放,这并不是小事,而是一次非常重大的调整。

    Things like autoplay inside Facebook . That 's not trivial . That 's a pretty massive adjustment .

  5. 如何实现Powerpoint演示文件的光盘自动播放

    How to Realize Powerpoint Demo File Direct Play of Compact Disc

  6. 异步显示屏控制器具有存储及自动播放的能力,待发布的文字及图片信息通过网络接口传入LED屏,由LED屏脱机自动播放,降低了主控电脑的负荷,实现多屏联网。

    The asynchronous display controller has memory and auto-play capability . The text and picture messages which to be published are transferred to the LED screen via the network interface .

  7. 基于DTMF方式的身份识别及语音自动播放系统

    Identity recognition and automatic playback system based on DTMF mode

  8. 人们扫描该产品包装盒上的QR码后,程序将自动播放据说是华盛顿州的黎明景象。

    When scanned , these took cereal-munchers to a video of dawn in , say , Washington state .

  9. 在打开dv摄像机时显示的“自动播放”对话框中,单击“导入视频”。

    In the autoplay dialog box that displays when you turn on the DV camera , click Import video .

  10. 与此同时,MySpace依然坚持俗艳的设计,只要点击打开主页,音乐便会自动播放。

    MySpace , meantime , insisted on sticking with a garish design and music that autostarted when a profile was opened .

  11. 阐述该信息系统的设计原理及实现的关键技术,详细叙述了如何实现信息的模糊查询、显示图片时的多样化切换、企业文字及图片形式广告的自动播放等功能并给出简单的Delphi实现代码。

    The paper interprets simply the designing of this system and then explains in details about the implement methods of fuzzy search , multi-ways of the switch of images and the automatically playing of enterprises ' advertisements using Delphi .

  12. 用Delphi语言实现对语音卡的控制,使之按用户的电话按键而实现自动播放从数据库中提取的相应数字语音,达到和用户交互的目的。

    The article introduces the technology of controlling the audio card in Delphi language , the technology can auto-play the digit audio queried from database in according to the telephone keys pressed by user so that the user 's operation can be responded .

  13. inf文件,本文通过三种不同的方法:关闭移动硬盘的自动播放功能、给移动硬盘加上软件写保护、利用磁盘配额的功能等来介绍如何预防移动硬盘感染病毒。

    Inf documents , Through three different methods : Mobile hard disk capacity to shut down automatically , Mobile with software written to the hard disk protection , use functions such as disk quotas Mobile Disk on how to prevent Virus infection .

  14. “启用时在媒体浏览栏自动播放媒体文件”

    " Auto-Play Media files in the Media bar when enabled "

  15. 启动游戏时自动播放的动画?

    Should the animation be played automatically when starting the game ?

  16. “禁用媒体浏览器栏和自动播放功能”

    " Disable the Media Explorer Bar and auto-play feature "

  17. 自动播放系统中的多路录像机控制器的设计

    Design of Multi-route Video Recorders Controller in an Auto-play System

  18. “停用媒体栏和媒体栏自动播放”

    " Disable the media bar and media bar autoplay "

  19. 没有准备的进行演出。按指定顺序自动播放所有演示文稿

    Perform without preparation . Play all presentations automatically in the specified order

  20. 创建或编辑新的播放列表或自动播放列表

    Create or edit a new playlist or auto playlist

  21. 按指定顺序自动播放所有演示文稿

    Play all presentations automatically in the specified order

  22. 甚至还有一种基于《圣经》的投币式自动播放点唱机,可以演唱你最喜欢的圣经段落。

    There is even a Bible-based juke box that plays your favourite biblical passages .

  23. 固定的错误加速汽车自动播放。

    Fixed bug with player car accelerating automatically .

  24. 其应用程序主要包括自助上传、自动播放、软件管理员审核管理三大模块。

    Their applications include self-upload , automatically playing , management audited by the software administrator .

  25. 请按这里观看自动播放,观看图片时也请开启你的喇叭,听听相簿的配乐!

    Click here to view as a Slideshow , and turn on your speakers to listen to the music !

  26. 婉清舞剑(双击画面自动播放)。

    Wanqing performs sword dancing in front of our house . ( Double click on the image to play . )

  27. 其中一项就是能够按照预先定制的节目顺序自动播放节目的自动播放系统。

    One of them is auto-play system which can play the programs based on the sequence which has been decided before .

  28. 实现系统自动播放、文件上传、软件管理员审核管理三大模块的应用程序。

    Three modules of the application are realized including self-upload , automatically displaying , management audited by the software administrator . 5 .

  29. 英国,日本和另外5个国家的脸书用户将很快就能看到这些15秒自动播放的广告画面穿插在朋友和亲人的帖子中间了。

    Users in Britain , Japan and five other countries will soon find these 15-second auto-play ads among posts from friends and family .

  30. 建好账户之后,你就可以从海量的短视频中翻阅你浏览到的那些自动播放的短视频了。

    After that 's set up , you 're free to scroll through tons of short videos that autoplay as you pass by them .