
  • 网络autonomous province;Ministry of Home Affairs
  1. 他们自豪地宣布成为新自治省的一部分。

    They proudly declared themselves part of a new autonomous province .

  2. 蒂罗尔地图集是一个跨国区域间计划,由蒂罗尔州和南蒂罗尔的波岑自治省共同提供资金支持。

    The Tirol Atlas is a transnational Interreg-project , co-financed by the Land Tirol and the Autonomous Province of Bozen , South Tyrol .

  3. 南斯拉夫组成部分塞尔维亚共和国自治省;

    Autonomous Province of the Yugoslav constituent Republic of serbia ;

  4. 塔吉克斯坦一大部分,即大部分戈尔诺巴达赫尚,其自治省;

    A large part of Tajikistan , namely most of its autonomous province of Gorno-Badakhshan ;

  5. 分裂主义者呼吁从印度尼西亚独立出来已有数十年历史,而该省也被授予特别自治省,西巴布亚至今仍然是一个敏感的问题。

    Separatists have called for independence from Indonesia for decades and while the province has been granted special autonomy , West Papua remains a sensitive issue .

  6. 玛丽克回到父母身边,他们住的地方离诺维萨德很近。当时的诺维萨德位于匈牙利帝国,是塞尔维亚的文化中心,而如今的诺维萨德则隶属于塞尔维亚伏伊伏丁那自治省。

    Maric returned to her parent 's home near Novi Sad , a Serb cultural center then located in the Kingdom of Hungary but today part of Serbia 's rural Vojvodina region .

  7. 英联邦(由联合王国及原所辖的自治省和属地组成的联邦).长沙《大公报》视域下的湖南联省自治思潮

    The Commonwealth . ; the association consisting of the UK and various independent States ( previously subject to Britain ) and dependencies The Ideas of Self-government between Joint Provinces in Hunan under the Horizon of Changsha " Ta Kung Pao "

  8. 20世纪90年代以来,村民自治在四川省得到全面推广。

    Since 1990s , the villager self-governance in Sichuan has got comprehensive promotion .

  9. 20世纪70年代末,黑龙江、内蒙古自治区两省对鄂温克族民间文学的广泛深入调查,结束了鄂温克族神话无从谈起的历史。

    In the late 1970s , Heilongjiang province and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region conducted a wide-ranging and deep-going investigation into myth and literature of Ewenki .

  10. 研究对象主要是宁夏回族自治区与山东省卫生系统和非卫生系统的相关负责人、管理者、农村居民。

    Research object are the relevant person of the health system and non-health systems , including the managers and rural residents .

  11. 这些项目包括一条从宁夏回族自治区到广东省广州,以及香港的天然气管道工程;

    They include a gas pipeline from the Ningxia Hui autonomous region to Guangzhou , Guangdong province , and Hong Kong ;

  12. 在西班牙的巴斯克自治区,比斯开省政府协助在毕尔巴鄂外建设了一座大型工业园区。

    In the Basque country of Spain , the provincial government of Biscay helped set up a large industrial park outside Bilbao .

  13. 恩施土家族苗族自治州位于湖北省西南部,是湖北省唯一的少数民族所在地。

    Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture is located in the southwest of Hubei province , and the only minority settlements in Hubei .

  14. 阿坝自治州位于四川省马尔康地区,正处于2008年汶川地震所在区域。

    Aba is an autonomous prefecture in Sichuan , whose capital is Barkam town . Aba is the site of the epicenter of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake .

  15. 而青海省、甘肃省、新疆自治区、云南省、贵州省等欠发达地区村镇银行设立相对不足。

    However , village banks in Qinghai province , Xinjiang Autonomous Region , Gansu province , Yunnan province and Guizhou province and other underdeveloped areas remain in short relatively .

  16. 临夏回族自治州是甘肃省主要的少数民族地区之一,目前其人口、耕地、粮食问题已成为制约经济进一步发展的主要因素。

    Linxia hui autonomous prefecture is a main minority region of Gansu province , its problems of population , cultivated land and grains having serious effect on its economic development .

  17. 永靖与临夏回族自治州、青海省临近,特有的地理位置为永靖傩文化和其他宗教文化的交流提供了便利。

    Yongjing located next to Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture and Qinghai Province , its unique location provides convenience for the communications between Yongjing Nuo culture and the other religious cultures .

  18. 1997&2001年在内蒙古自治区和甘肃省马铃薯主产区采集马铃薯晚疫病菌并进行了交配型和药剂敏感性测定。

    The isolates of Phytophthora infestans were collected from Inner Mongolia and Gansu province from 1997 to 2001 . The mating type and chemical response of these isolates were then determined .

  19. 少数民族也要实行计划生育,具体要求和做法由各自治区或所在省决定。

    The national minorities are also required to practise family planning , and concrete demands and approaches to the policy are decided by each autonomous region or the province in which the national minorities live .

  20. 目的了解驻宁夏回族自治区和青海省部队营区自备水源水的毒理学和一般化学指标特征,为科学改水提供依据。

    Objective To investigate the toxicological and general chemical indexes of self-provided water sources in the army stationed in Ning Xia and Qing Hai , so as to provide scientific basis for improving water quality .

  21. 城步苗族自治县位于湖南省西南边陲。一直以来,学术界对城步方言语音缺乏全面深入的研究,相关的资料很少。

    Miao Autonomous County of Chengbu located in southwest border of Hunan province , all the time , and academic world lack further comprehensive study on phonetic of Chengbu dialect , there has been very few documents on the study of the dialect .