
zì zhì zhǔ yì
  • autonomy theory of bankruptcy
  1. 论文化扩张主义与文化自治主义

    On the Relation of the Cultural Expansionism and the Cultural Autonomism

  2. 印度总理还将恐怖主义、原教旨主义和地方自治主义称作是对印度统一的最大挑战。

    The prime minister also called terrorism , fundamentalism and communalism the biggest challenges to Indian unity .

  3. 自治主义希望把审美价值从道德价值那里孤立出来,而道德主义看到这两种价值是密切联系在一起的。

    Autonomism wants aesthetic value to be isolated from ethical value , whereas Moralism sees them as more intimately related .

  4. 生态自治主义事实上是很多环境流派观点的集合:价值观上是生态中心主义的,社会变革上有着浓烈的乌托邦色彩。

    In fact , eco-communalism is the collection of many environment genre points of view , which is eco-centrism in the value level , but has intense utopian color in the level of social change .

  5. 俄国新自由主义与传统的地方自治自由主义有着千丝万缕的联系,这在俄国的社会思想史上是一个极为特殊的现象。

    Russian new liberalism had countless ties with traditional regional atom liberalism , this was a specially phenomenon in Russian social thought history .

  6. 程序参加者的意思自治是当事人主义的重要支撑。

    A participant 's consciousness autonomy is the important support of litigantism .

  7. 民族区域自治是马克思主义民族理论中国化的最重要成果。

    The autonomy of the race district is the most important result that the Marxist race theories that make China turn .

  8. 村民自治与马克思主义自治理论、社会主义自治实践之间有着传承与创新关系。

    Villagers ' self-government and between autonomous theory of marxism , socialistic autonomy practice has the relationship between inheritance and innovation .

  9. 本文就认证活动中起主要作用的三种价值观:学术自由与学校自治、个人主义和实用主义展开了讨论。

    This paper analyzes the " institutional culture ", which include the key values of academic freedom and institute autonomy , pragmatism and individualism .

  10. 意思主义体现了私法自治原则,表示主义则体现了信赖保护原则。

    Principle of will embodies the principle of private autonomy , but indication theory reflects the principle of reliance protection .

  11. 新桂系通过地方自治,践行民权主义,使广西政治走向现代化的进程。

    Through the local autonomy , the New Guangxi Warlord Clique practise the thoughts of civil right , impelling the modernized process of Guangxi politics .