
  • 网络Luddite;Ludditism
  1. 也许我们是近代的卢德派分子,卢梭或梭罗派的追随者。

    Perhaps we were latter day Luddites or devotees of Rousseau or Thoreau .

  2. 这些当代的卢德派也错了。

    These latter-day Luddites are also wrong .

  3. 如果技术可能带来的前景因为“新卢德派分子”的反弹而被殃及,那将是一场悲剧。

    It would be a tragedy if the promise of technology was sideswiped by a neo-Luddite backlash .

  4. 如果新卢德派是对的,那么我们面前的挑战就是去适应它。

    If the neo-Luddites are right , then the challenge in front of us is simply to adapt .

  5. 卢德派认为,如果技术使得这些东西能够以更高的效率生产出来,那么需要人们做的工作就会减少。

    If technology permits those things to be produced more efficiently , Luddites argue , there will be less work to do .

  6. 第三种观点可以被称为新卢德派观点:技术可能不会在总量上消除工作岗位,但技术造成的技能需求变化将是真实存在且令人不安的。

    The third perspective is what we might call the neo-Luddite view : that technology may not destroy jobs in aggregate but rather changes the demand for skills in ways that are real and troubling .

  7. 这位浪漫派诗人在英国上议院(HouseofLords)只发表过一次演讲,就是为内德•卢德(NedLudd)的追随者辩护。十九世纪初,卢德派分子在英国各地打砸纺织机,因为他们担心机器会让工人失业。

    The Romantic poet 's only speech in the House of Lords defended the followers of Ned Ludd , who were smashing the mechanical looms in England during the early 1800s because they feared the machines would put people out of work .