首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 我们以及卢旺达人有必要要求各国领导人:绝不要重蹈覆辙。

    We and Rwandans need to demand of leaders everywhere : Never Again .

  2. 诚然,有些非洲人在交易中没有那麽强硬:一向专横跋扈的卢旺达人竟任由中国的投资客们恣意妄为。

    Some , admittedly , have not been strong in their dealings : a usually bossy Rwanda lets Chinese investors run riot .

  3. 今年夏天,在赞比亚南卢旺瓜国家公园上演的一场不同寻常的“伏击战”中,一条尼罗河鳄鱼紧紧咬住大象的鼻子不放。

    There was a life-or-death struggle for a pair of African elephants when they were ambushed by a hungry Nile crocodile in Zambia 's South Luangwa National Park this summer .