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  • criminal law
刑律 [xíng lǜ]
  • [criminal law] 刑法

  • 触犯刑律

刑律[xíng lǜ]
  1. 第二章:大清刑律草案签注内容解读。

    Chapter two : criminal law draft endorse with content understand .

  2. 清末刑律改革研究

    Research on the Criminal Law Reform from 1901 to 1911

  3. 刑法谦抑理念下的刑事和解法律规制触犯刑律的,依法追究刑事责任。

    Legal Regulation of Victim-Offender-Reconciliation in the Conception of the Austerity of Criminal Law ;

  4. 只追究用心不良、触犯刑律的带头的人。

    Only those leaders who had ulterior motives and violated the law will be prosecuted .

  5. 对触犯刑律的人员,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。

    The judicial organs shall investigate the criminal responsibilities of those who violate the criminal law .

  6. 严重触犯刑律的党员必须开除党籍。

    Party members who have seriously violated the criminal law shall be expelled from the Party .

  7. 对搞资产阶级自由化并且触犯了刑律的人,不严肃处理是不行的。

    Those exponents of bourgeois liberalization who have violated state law must be dealt with severely .

  8. 前几年,我们不是对那几个搞自由化并且触犯了刑律的人依法处理了吗?

    A few years ago we punished according to law some exponents of liberalization who broke the law .

  9. 不少案例说明,父母离异容易造成青少年不良行为和触犯刑律的行为发生。

    A number of cases show that parents'divorce is likely to lead to teenagers'bad conduct and illegal act .

  10. 如果破坏社会秩序,触犯了刑律,就必须坚决处理。

    If any of them disrupt public order or violate the law , they must be dealt with unhesitatingly .

  11. 《大清新刑律》是清末法律改革的产物,从体系到内容都移植了西方刑法。

    New Criminal Code of Qing Dynasty is the product of legal reform at the end of Qing dynasty .

  12. 我国的婚约习俗传承千年,古代社会的早期型婚约具有较强的法律效力,甚至由刑律保障婚约的履行。

    Early-stage engagement in ancient society has strong force of law . The implementation of engagement was even ensured by criminal law .

  13. 其背后的思想预设为对文明国制度同一性的认同,《新刑律草案》即是这一进程的产物。

    The idea behind is unity of the civilized state system and the New Draft Criminal is a product of this process .

  14. 法律移植与中国刑法的近代化&以《大清新刑律》为中心

    Adoption of Foreign Laws and the Modernization of Chinese Criminal law : A Research centered on New Criminal Code of Qing Dynasty

  15. 其三,晚清法制变革的时代背景及法制演进的历史进程对《钦定大清刑律》的制定产生了怎样的影响。

    Third , what affects the social background and legislation evolution have made on the legislation " Criminal Law of Qing Dynasty " .

  16. 第一部分简单介绍《大清新刑律》产生的历史背景及其主要内容,其中着重介绍《大清新刑律》总、分则中的改革内容。

    In its first part , the author brief the historical background and the content of the New Criminal Law of Qing Dynasty .

  17. 北洋政府时期《暂行新刑律》及其修正案评析

    A Critical Analysis of " The New Provisional Criminal Law " with Its Amendments in the Period of the Northern Warlords Dominated Government

  18. 本文主要对《大清新刑律》中职务犯罪立法的具体条文规定进行研究。

    This papers mainly research the clauses about the crime by taking advantage of duty of the New Criminal Code of Qing Dynasty .

  19. 美国对各类性犯罪的刑律日趋严厉,司法实践重新使用一些已停止使用的残酷刑罚。

    Punishment for sex offenders in the United States has become more and more severe . Many phased-out cruel punishments have been reinstated .

  20. 《大清新刑律》对共同犯罪人的分类,是中国刑法史上开天辟地的选择。

    The classification of accomplices in the New Criminal Code of the Qing Dynasty is an unprecedented choice in the history of Chinese criminal law .

  21. 本章从政治、经济、外交、立法等方面阐述了制定《大清新刑律》的原因。

    It expatiates the reasons of making the New Criminal Code of Qing Dynasty in the aspects of politics , economy , diplomatism and legislation .

  22. 他不光是一位书画大家,而且还是音韵学家、历史学家、地理学家、刑律学家、佛学家、翻译家呢。

    He was not only a great calligrapher , but also a phonology expert , historian , geographer , criminologist , Buddhist scholar and translator .

  23. 如果你存在税务问题,或者在税务上有触犯刑律的可能,务必向税务专家或者是税务律师联系。

    If you have any questions about your taxes , or the possibility of a criminal tax matter , consult a tax specialist or tax attorney .

  24. 女大学生的违法行为,是指违反现行法律规定的行为。犯罪行为则指危害社会、触犯刑律、应受刑罚处罚的行为。

    Female criminality in university refers to crimes committed by university female students , which endangers the society and violate the criminal law and subject to punishment .

  25. 法律语言有着悠久的历史,中国在公元前夏代就有了比较完善的刑律,西方最早是在公元前5世纪古希腊形成其法律体系。

    Legal language has a long history in China as well as in the West , and legal translation has existed from the ancient time to the present .

  26. 事情不追根究底便罢,一追究到根底儿上,往往就都露了馅了。只追究用心不良、触犯刑律的带头的人。

    If you searched something long enough , it always turned to dirt . Only those leaders who had ulterior motives and violated the law will be prosecuted .

  27. 从秦、汉律到唐律的变化看齐儒学对中国刑律的影响

    A Study on the Impact of Confucianism of Qi on Penal Laws of China which Focuses on the Change of Law Codes from Qin and Han until Tang Dynasties

  28. 作为超法规违法阻却事由的习惯法&刑法视域下习惯法违法性判断机能之开辟触犯刑律的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。

    Customary Law as Extra-statute Reason to Hinder the Illegality the judicial organ shall investigate , according to law , his criminal responsibility , if the violates the criminal law .

  29. 在司法实践中,精神病患者由于精神障碍引发触犯刑律的反社会行为渐呈上升之势,尤以暴力案件居多。

    In jurisdiction practice , the metal patient 's anti-society behavior owning to mental obstacle leading to violating the law presents the rising situation , especially the cases of violence .

  30. 沈家本主持制定的《大清新刑律》将一般没收改为保安没收,这一变革为民国时期刑法所继承。

    New Criminal Code of Qing dynasty drafted by Shen Jia-ben replaced General Forfeiture by Special Confiscation , and this change was remained by Criminal Code in Republic of China .