
xínɡ shì lǜ shī
  • Criminal lawyer;Crown lawyer
  1. 刑事律师协会主席弗朗西斯·菲茨吉本在BBC的采访中表示,这起案件很不寻常。

    Francis FitzGibbon , the chair of the Criminal Bar Association , told the BBC 's Today programme the case was " unusual . "

  2. 刑事律师称,Jha连续数周殴打其女儿,最终造成致命一击。

    Crown lawyers alleged that Jha beat her daughter over many weeks , culminating in a final fatal attack .

  3. 他因是一名精明的刑事律师而闻名。

    He is famous for being a very shrewd criminal lawyer .

  4. 她的父母反对她当刑事律师。

    Her parents were against her becoming a criminal lawyer .

  5. 也许我该做个刑事律师。

    Perhaps I get to be a criminal lawyer .

  6. 南希有一个她钟爱的孩子和一个英国刑事律师们称为犯有前科的丈夫。

    Nancy has a child whom she adores and a husband who has what English criminal lawyers call form .

  7. 因此,我决定去法国的一所法学院,成为一名刑事律师并为死刑案件辩护。

    So I decided to go to law school in France and become a criminal lawyer and defend death penalty cases .

  8. 他说:这和我们的官方工作无关,是私人的事情,所以我认为他会自己请个刑事律师。

    This is not related to our official work , it 's a private thing , so I understand he has his own lawyer for a criminal case .

  9. 李庄,50岁,是来自北京的一名刑事律师,周四在重庆出庭接受审判。他被指控煽动一位客户作伪证。

    Li Zhuang , 50 , a criminal lawyer from Beijing , went on trial Tuesday in the city of Chongqing , accused of inciting a client to falsify evidence .

  10. 照片的拍摄地点是南乔治亚岛,45岁的摄影师Sjoerd来自荷兰马斯特里赫特市,是位刑事辩护律师。他表示:“我感觉企鹅妈妈好像是在担心自己的孩子,因为正值企鹅的换羽时节,但小企鹅明显发育比较迟缓。”

    The picture was taken in South Georgia by Sjoerd van Berge Henegouwen , 45 , a criminal defence lawyer from Maastricht in The Netherlands said : ' I kind of got the feeling that the parent penguin was worried about the chick being so late in the season with its moulting process .

  11. 刑事辩护律师取证权刍议

    Comment on the Criminal Defense Counsel 's Right to Collect Evidence

  12. 律师的拒绝作证权探索论刑事辩护律师的证言拒绝权

    On the Right of refusing to Testify of criminal Counsel for the Defense

  13. 论我国刑事辩护律师执业权利

    On criminal defendant lawyer 's practicing right in China

  14. 刑事辩护律师与正义的实现

    Counsels for Criminal Defence and the Realization of Justice

  15. 她是重量级的刑事辩护律师。

    She is a heavyweight criminal lawyer from uptown .

  16. 我父亲是刑事辩护律师。

    My father was a criminal defense attorney .

  17. 城中最好的刑事辩护律师也不过如此

    Well , so much for the best criminal defense attorney in the city .

  18. 我国刑事辩护律师执业权利的保障等若干问题加以论述。

    Discuss our country 's lawyer profession guarantee .

  19. 浅析刑事辩护律师的独立性关注刑事辩护律师的权益保障

    Paying close attention to protecting the rights and interests of the criminal defense attorneys

  20. 刑事辩护律师的责任应当是维护当事人的合法权益。

    The responsibility of criminal counsels should be to safeguard the legal rights of their clients .

  21. 美国前联邦检察官、刑事辩护律师杰伊·费伊解释了相关的法律。

    Jay Fahy , a former federal prosecutor and criminal defense attorney , explains relevant laws .

  22. 博尔德的刑事辩护律师事务所表示所里只有那两名律师符合案件的要求。

    The boulder public defender 's office says two of its attorneys are the only ones on the case .

  23. 程序制度与证据制度等方面的不完备也是刑事辩护律师非正常职业风险的原因。

    The imperfections in the procedural system and the system of proof are also responsible for the abnormal occupational hazards .

  24. 刑事辩护律师应忠实地维护犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的合法权益,承担服务于法律和正义事业的责任。

    Counsels for criminal defence should defend the criminal ′ s legal rights faithfully , being responsible for justice and laws .

  25. 刑事辩护律师雷内·桑德勒表示她就曾代表过游玩暴力射击游戏,每杀死人就获得点数的客户。

    Criminal defense attorney Rene Sandler says she has represented clients who played violent shooter games , gaining points with each kill .

  26. 包括台北刑事诉讼律师庄瑞雄在内,有不少人认同陈的申述。

    And some , including Chuang Rui-hsiung , a criminal procedure lawyer in Taipei , agree with the former leader 's argument .

  27. 论我国刑事辩护律师权利保障之出路

    Talk about the Outlet Where the Criminal Counsel 's Right of Our Country Ensures The Discussion of the Independence of a Criminal Defender

  28. 但是在实现正义的过程中,刑事辩护律师只能维护部分正义,这体现了程序正当与实体真实的矛盾。

    In fact , counsels for criminal defence can only defend a partial justice during this course ′ which indicates the contradiction between proceeding justice and material truth .

  29. 里克.弗里曼是设在迈阿密的佛罗里达刑事辩护律师协会的负责人。他说,削减预算可能导致州政府最后不得不花费更多的钱。

    Rick Freedman , head of the Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers in Miami , says budget cuts could also wind up costing the state more money .

  30. 长期以来,在我国的司法实践中,刑事辩护律师的权利保障一直处于令人担忧的境地。

    For a long time , during the judicial practice of our country , ensured and been in the troubling condition all the time in the criminal counsel 's right .